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Immune complex relay by subcapsular sinus macrophages and noncognate B cells drives antibody affinity maturation


Subcapsular sinus (SCS) macrophages capture antigens from lymph and present them intact for B cell encounter and follicular delivery. However, the properties of SCS macrophages are poorly defined. Here we show SCS macrophage development depended on lymphotoxin-alpha1beta2, and the cells had low lysosomal enzyme expression and retained opsonized antigens on their surface. Intravital imaging revealed immune complexes moving along macrophage processes into the follicle. Moreover, noncognate B cells relayed antigen opsonized by newly produced antibodies from the subcapsular region to the germinal center, and affinity maturation was impaired when this transport process was disrupted. Thus, we characterize SCS macrophages as specialized antigen-presenting cells functioning at the apex of an antigen transport chain that promotes humoral immunity.

Type Journal
ISBN 1529-2916 (Electronic)
Authors Phan, T. G.; Green, J. A.; Gray, E. E.; Xu, Y.; Cyster, J. G.;
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Tri Phan
Published Date 2009-01-01
Published Volume 10
Published Issue 7
Published Pages 786-793
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version