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HIV, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease


Individuals treated for HIV infection are at increased risk for accelerated cardiovascular disease. Treatment of HIV infection confers the signifi cant benefi ts of improved clinical outcomes, quality of life, and survival. However, a number of metabolic complications have emerged as a consequence of treatment, including often severe, mixed hyperlipidemia, body fat partitioning disorders, and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Treatment-induced insulin resistance underlies and contributes to these metabolic complications. This review examines the contribution of insulin resistance to increased cardiovascular disease rates in healthy and HIV-infected populations, mechanisms by which treatment of HIV infection exacerbates insulin resistance, and the effect of insulin resistance?modulating interventions on cardiovascular risk factors.

Type Journal
Authors Samaras, K.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Katherine Samaras
Publisher Name Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports
Published Date 2009-01-01
Published Volume 3
Published Issue 1
Published Pages 59-64
Status Published in-print
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version