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Dual ablation of Grb10 and Grb14 in mice reveals their combined role in regulation of insulin signaling and glucose homeostasis


Growth factor receptor bound (Grb)10 and Grb14 are closely-related adaptor proteins that bind directly to the insulin receptor (IR) and regulate insulin-induced IR tyrosine phosphorylation and signaling to IRS-1 and Akt. Grb10- and Grb14-deficient mice both exhibit improved whole-body glucose homeostasis as a consequence of enhanced insulin signaling and, in the case of the former, altered body composition. However, the combined physiological role of these adaptors has remained undefined. In this study we utilize compound gene knockout mice to demonstrate that while deficiency in one adaptor can enhance insulin-induced IRS-1 phosphorylation and Akt activation, insulin signaling is not increased further upon dual ablation of Grb10 and Grb14, and appears to be limited by the marked IR hypophosphorylation that occurs in the double knockouts. In addition, the compound knockouts exhibit an increase in lean mass comparable to Grb10-deficient mice, indicating that this reflects a regulatory function specific to Grb10. However, despite the absence of additive effects on insulin signaling and body composition, the double knockout mice are protected from the impaired glucose tolerance that results from high-fat feeding, while protection is not observed with animals deficient for individual adaptors. These results indicate that in addition to their described effects on IRS-1/Akt, Grb10 and Grb14 may regulate whole-body glucose homeostasis by additional mechanisms, and highlight these adaptors as potential therapeutic targets for amelioration of the insulin resistance associated with Type 2 Diabetes.

Type Journal
ISBN 1944-9917 (Electronic)
Authors Holt, L.J.; Lyons, R.J.; Ryan, A.S.; Beale, S.M.; Ward, A.; Cooney, G.J.; Daly, R.J.
Responsible Garvan Author Dr Lowenna Holt
Published Date 2009-06-18
Published Volume 23
Published Pages 1406-1414
Status Published in-print
DOI me.2008-0386 [pii] 10.1210/me.2008-0386
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version