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High Rates of Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis after Exhaustive Exercise When Carbohydrate Is Co-Ingested with Caffeine


We determined the effects of the co-ingestion of caffeine with carbohydrate on rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise in 7 trained subjects who completed 2 experimental trials in a randomized, double-blind crossover design. Prior to an experiment subjects performed exhaustive cycling and consumed a low-carbohydrate diet. The following morning subjects reported to the lab and rode until volitional fatigue. Upon completion of this ride subjects consumed either carbohydrate (CHO; 4 BM(-1)) or carbohydrate plus caffeine (CAFF, 8 BM(-1)) during 4 h of passive recovery. Muscle and blood samples were taken throughout recovery. Muscle glycogen levels were similar at exhaustion and increased by a similar amount after 1 h of recovery. After 4 h of recovery CAFF resulted in higher glycogen accumulation (313 +/- 69 vs. 234 +/- 50 mmol+/-kg- d.w, P<0.001). The overall rate of resynthesis for the 4 h recovery period was 66% higher in CAFF compared to CHO (57.7 +/- 18.5 vs. 38.0 +/- 7.7 mmol+/-kg-1 d.w.h-1, P < 0.05). Phosphorylation of CAMKThr286 was similar post-exercise and after 1 h of recovery but after 4 h CAMKThr286 phosphorylation was higher in CAFF than CHO (P<0.05). Phosphorylation of AMPKThr172 and AktSer473 was similar for both treatments at all time points. We provide the first evidence that in trained subjects, the coingestion of large amounts of caffeine with carbohydrate has an additive effect on rates on post-exercise muscle glycogen accumulation compared to when carbohydrate alone is consumed. Key words: Akt , AMPK, exhaustive exercise, CAMK.

Type Journal
ISBN 8750-7587 (Print)
Authors Pedersen, D. J.; Lessard, S. J.; Coffey, V. G.; Churchley, E. G.; Wootton, A. M.; Ng, T.; Watt, M. J.; Hawley, J. A.
Published Date 2008-07-01
Published Volume 105
Published Issue 1
Published Pages 7-13
Status Published in-print
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version