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ADAM17 selectively activates the IL-6 trans-signaling/ERK MAPK axis in KRAS-addicted lung cancer


Oncogenic KRAS mutations are major drivers of lung adenocarcinoma (LAC), yet the direct therapeutic targeting of KRAS has been problematic. Here, we reveal an obligate requirement by oncogenic KRAS for the ADAM17 protease in LAC In genetically engineered and xenograft (human cell line and patient-derived) Kras (G12D)-driven LAC models, the specific blockade of ADAM17, including with a non-toxic prodomain inhibitor, suppressed tumor burden by reducing cellular proliferation. The pro-tumorigenic activity of ADAM17 was dependent upon its threonine phosphorylation by p38 MAPK, along with the preferential shedding of the ADAM17 substrate, IL-6R, to release soluble IL-6R that drives IL-6 trans-signaling via the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway. The requirement for ADAM17 in Kras (G12D)-driven LAC was independent of bone marrow-derived immune cells. Furthermore, in KRAS mutant human LAC, there was a significant positive correlation between augmented phospho-ADAM17 levels, observed primarily in epithelial rather than immune cells, and activation of ERK and p38 MAPK pathways. Collectively, these findings identify ADAM17 as a druggable target for oncogenic KRAS-driven LAC and provide the rationale to employ ADAM17-based therapeutic strategies for targeting KRAS mutant cancers.

Type Journal
ISBN 1757-4684 (Electronic) 1757-4676 (Linking)
Authors Saad, M. I.; Alhayyani, S.; McLeod, L.; Yu, L.; Alanazi, M.; Deswaerte, V.; Tang, K.; Jarde, T.; Smith, J. A.; Prodanovic, Z.; Tate, M. D.; Balic, J. J.; Watkins, D. N.; Cain, J. E.; Bozinovski, S.; Algar, E.; Kohmoto, T.; Ebi, H.; Ferlin, W.; Garbers, C.; Ruwanpura, S.; Sagi, I.; Rose-John, S.; Jenkins, B. J.
Responsible Garvan Author (missing name)
Publisher Name EMBO Molecular Medicine
Published Date 2019-04-01
Published Volume 11
Published Issue 4
Published Pages e9976
Status Always Electronic
DOI 10.15252/emmm.201809976
URL link to publisher's version