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Effect of weight loss via severe vs moderate energy restriction on lean mass and body composition among postmenopausal women with obesity: The TEMPO diet randomized clinical trial.


Type Journal
Authors Seimon RV, Wild-Taylor AL, Keating SE, McClintock S, Harper C, Gibson AA, Johnson NA, Fernando HA, Markovic TP, Center JR, Franklin J, Liu PY, Grieve SM, Lagopoulos J, Caterson ID, Byrne NM, Sainsbury A
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Jacqueline Center
Publisher Name JAMA Network Open
Published Date 2019-10-02
Published Volume 2
Published Issue 10
Published Pages e1913733
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.13733
URL link to publisher's version