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Pharmacological Enhancement of Regeneration-Dependent Regulatory T Cell Recruitment in Zebrafish


Regenerative capacity varies greatly between species. Mammals are limited in their ability to regenerate damaged cells, tissues and organs compared to organisms with robust regenerative responses, such as zebrafish. The regeneration of zebrafish tissues including the heart, spinal cord and retina requires foxp3a+ zebrafish regulatory T cells (zTregs). However, it remains unclear whether the muted regenerative responses in mammals are due to impaired recruitment and/or function of homologous mammalian regulatory T cell (Treg) populations. Here, we explore the possibility of enhancing zTreg recruitment with pharmacological interventions using the well-characterized zebrafish tail amputation model to establish a high-throughput screening platform. Injury-infiltrating zTregs were transgenically labelled to enable rapid quantification in live animals. We screened the NIH Clinical Collection (727 small molecules) for modulators of zTreg recruitment to the regenerating tissue at three days post-injury. We discovered that the dopamine agonist pramipexole, a drug currently approved for treating Parkinson's Disease, specifically enhanced zTreg recruitment after injury. The dopamine antagonist SCH-23390 blocked pramipexole activity, suggesting that peripheral dopaminergic signaling may regulate zTreg recruitment. Similar pharmacological approaches for enhancing mammalian Treg recruitment may be an important step in developing novel strategies for tissue regeneration in humans.

Type Journal
ISBN 1422-0067 (Electronic) 1422-0067 (Linking)
Authors Zwi, S. F.; Choron, C.; Zheng, D.; Nguyen, D.; Zhang, Y.; Roshal, C.; Kikuchi, K.
Responsible Garvan Author (missing name)
Published Date 2019-10-19
Published Volume 20
Published Issue 20
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.3390/ijms20205189
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version