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Meeting report: Metastasis Research Society (MRS) 17th Biennial conference and associated Young Investigator Satellite Meeting (YISM) on cancer metastasis


The Metastasis Research Society (MRS) 17th Biennial conference on metastasis was held on the 1st to the 5th of August 2018 at Princeton University, NJ, USA. The meeting was held around themes addressing notable aspects of the understanding and treatment of metastasis and metastatic disease covering basic, translational, and clinical research. Importantly, the meeting was largely supported by our patient advocate partners including Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Theresa's Research Foundation and METAvivor. There were a total of 85 presentations from invited and selected speakers spread across the main congress and presentations from the preceding Young Investigator Satellite Meeting. Presentations are summarized in this report by session topic.

Type Journal
ISBN 0262-0898
Authors Beadnell, T.; Borriello, L.; Christenson, J.; Fornetti, J.; Guldner, I.; Hanna, A.; Kyjacova, L.; Marinak-Whately, K.; de Melo Martins, P. C.; Rotinen, M.; Te Boekhorst, V.; Cox, T. R.
Responsible Garvan Author Associate Professor Thomas Cox
Published Date 2019-04-01
Published Volume 36
Published Issue 2
Published Pages 119-137
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1007/s10585-018-09953-y
URL link to publisher's version