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Comparison of 4 commercial kits for the extraction of circulating DNA from plasma


The utility of circulating DNA as a source of clinical biomarkers in blood is limited by its low concentration and small fragment size. Effective purification methods can maximize circulating DNA yield and contribute to the success of downstream protocols. We describe the evaluation of 4 commercial DNA purification kits-QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acids kit, QIAamp DNA Blood Mini kit, QIAamp Ultrasens Virus kit and the QIASymphony DSP Virus kit-for the extraction of high and low molecular weight DNA from blood plasma. Using qPCR to quantitate endogenous Alu sequences, as well as spiked exogenous high and low molecular weight zebrafish DNA, we found that the Circulating Nucleic Acids kit and the DSP kit were both efficient at purifying DNA from plasma regardless of fragment size, whereas the DNA Blood Mini kit was only able to effectively extract high molecular weight DNA. The Ultrasens Virus Kit produced the lowest yields for both large and small fragments. The use of carrier RNA with the Circulating Nucleic Acids and the DSP kits improved yields. Appropriate choice of kit can be an important factor in determining experiment outcome.

Type Journal
ISBN 2210-7762 (Print)
Authors Warton, K.; Graham, L. J.; Yuwono, N.; Samimi, G.
Responsible Garvan Author (missing name)
Publisher Name Cancer Genetics
Published Date 2018-12-31
Published Volume 228-229
Published Pages 143-150
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1016/j.cancergen.2018.02.004