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Generation of memory B cells and their reactivation


The successful establishment of humoral memory response depends on at least two layers of defense. Pre-existing protective antibodies secreted by long-lived plasma cells act as a first line of defense against reinfection ("constitutive humoral memory"). Previously, a second line of defense in which pathogen-experienced memory B cells are rapidly reactivated to produce antibodies ("reactive humoral memory"), was considered as simply a back-up system for the first line (particularly for re-infection with homologous viruses). However, in the case of re-infection with similar but different strains of viruses, or in response to viral escape mutants, the reactive humoral memory plays a crucial role. Here, we review recent progress in our understanding of how memory B cells are generated in the pre-GC stage and during the GC reaction, and how these memory B cells are robustly reactivated with the help of memory Tfh cells to generate the secondary antibody response. In addition, we discuss how these advances may be relevant to the quest for a vaccine that can induce broadly reactive antibodies against influenza and HIV.

Type Journal
ISBN 1600-065X (Electronic) 0105-2896 (Linking)
Authors Inoue, T.; Moran, I.; Shinnakasu, R.; Phan, T. G.; Kurosaki, T.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Tri Phan
Published Date 2018-04-17
Published Volume 283
Published Issue 1
Published Pages 138-149
Status Always Electronic
DOI 10.1111/imr.12640
URL link to publisher's version