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Graphical user interface for simultaneous profiling of activity patterns in multiple neuronal subclasses


We provide notes on how to use a graphical user interface (GUI), implemented with MATLAB, for aligning imaging datasets of biological tissue. The original use was for matching two imaging data sets, where one set was taken of the living preparation and another was taken post-fixation and following immunohistochemical processing. This technique is described in detail in an accompanying paper (Parrish et al., [1], where we also include information about the experimental procedures, and examples of the usage of the GUI.

Type Journal
ISBN 2352-3409 (Print) 2352-3409
Authors Parrish, R. R.; Grady, J.; Codadu, N. K.; Racca, C.; Trevelyan, A. J.
Responsible Garvan Author Dr John Grady
Publisher Name Data in Brief
Published Date 2018-08-07
Published Volume 20
Published Pages 226-233
Status Always Electronic
DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2018.07.069