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Reshaping the tumor stroma for treatment of pancreatic cancer


Pancreatic cancer is accompanied by a fibrotic reaction that alters interactions between tumor cells and the stroma to promote tumor progression. Consequently, strategies to target the tumor stroma might be used to treat patients with pancreatic cancer. We review recently developed approaches for reshaping the pancreatic tumor stroma and discuss how these might improve patient outcomes. We also describe relationships between the pancreatic tumor extracellular matrix, the vasculature, the immune system, and metabolism, and discuss the implications for the development of stromal compartment-specific therapies.

Type Journal
ISBN 1528-0012 (Electronic) 0016-5085 (Linking)
Authors Vennin, C.; Murphy, K. J.; Morton, J. P.; Cox, T. R.; Pajic, M.; Timpson, P.
Responsible Garvan Author Professor Paul Timpson
Published Date 2018-03-15
Published Volume 154
Published Issue 4
Published Pages 820-838
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1053/j.gastro.2017.11.280
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version