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Properties of the vastus lateralis muscle in relation to age and physiological function in master cyclists aged 55-79 years


In this study, results are reported from the analyses of vastus lateralis muscle biopsy samples obtained from a subset (n = 90) of 125 previously phenotyped, highly active male and female cyclists aged 55-79 years in regard to age. We then subsequently attempted to uncover associations between the findings in muscle and in vivo physiological functions. Muscle fibre type and composition (ATPase histochemistry), size (morphometry), capillary density (immunohistochemistry) and mitochondrial protein content (Western blot) in relation to age were determined in the biopsy specimens. Aside from an age-related change in capillary density in males (r = -.299; p = .02), no other parameter measured in the muscle samples showed an association with age. However, in males type I fibres and capillarity (p < .05) were significantly associated with training volume, maximal oxygen uptake, oxygen uptake kinetics and ventilatory threshold. In females, the only association observed was between capillarity and training volume (p < .05). In males, both type II fibre proportion and area (p < .05) were associated with peak power during sprint cycling and with maximal rate of torque development during a maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Mitochondrial protein content was not associated with any cardiorespiratory parameter in either males or females (p > .05). We conclude in this highly active cohort, selected to mitigate most of the effects of inactivity, that there is little evidence of age-related changes in the properties of VL muscle across the age range studied. By contrast, some of these muscle characteristics were correlated with in vivo physiological indices.

Type Journal
ISBN 1474-9726 (Electronic) 1474-9718 (Linking)
Authors Pollock, R. D.; O'Brien, K. A.; Daniels, L. J.; Nielsen, K. B.; Rowlerson, A.; Duggal, N. A.; Lazarus, N. R.; Lord, J. M.; Philp, A.; Harridge, S. D. R.
Responsible Garvan Author Dr Andy Philp
Publisher Name AGING CELL
Published Date 2018-04-02
Published Volume 17
Published Issue 2
Published Pages e12735
Status Published in-print
DOI 10.1111/acel.12735
URL link to publisher's version
OpenAccess link to author's accepted manuscript version