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6429 items matching your search terms.
B cells: we need them now more than ever.
Deenick, E.K
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 98 (6) :437-438, 2020
A mutation affecting laminin alpha 5 polymerisation gives rise to a syndromic developmental disorder
Jones, L. K.; Lam, R.; McKee, K. K.; Aleksandrova, M.; Dowling, J.; Alexander, S. I.; Mallawaarachchi, A.; Cottle, D. L.; Short, K. M.; Pais, L.; Miner, J. H.; Mallett, A. J.; Simons, C.; McCarthy, H.; Yurchenco, P. D.; Smyth, I. M.
DEVELOPMENT 147 (21) 2020 10.1242/dev.189183
Elevated levels of tumour apolipoprotein D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients
Jankovic-Karasoulos, T.; Bianco-Miotto, T.; Butler, M. S.; Butler, L. M.; McNeil, C. M.; O'Toole, S. A.; Millar, E. K. A.; Sakko, A. J.; Ruiz, A. I.; Birrell, S. N.; Sutherland, R. L.; Hickey, T. E.; Tilley, W. D.; Ricciardelli, C.
HISTOPATHOLOGY 76 (7) :976-987, 2020 10.1111/his.14081
Distribution of prostate cancer recurrences on gallium-68 prostate-specific membrane antigen ((68) Ga-PSMA) positron-emission/computed tomography after radical prostatectomy with pathological node-positive extended lymph node dissection
Huits, T. H.; Luiting, H. B.; van der Poel, H. G.; Nandurkar, R.; Donswijk, M.; Schaake, E.; Vogel, W.; Roobol, M. J.; Wit, E.; Stricker, P.; Emmett, L.; van Leeuwen, P. J.
BJU International 125 (6) :876-883, 2020 10.1111/bju.15052
3-Year Freedom from Progression After (68)Ga-PSMA PET/CT-Triaged Management in Men with Biochemical Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy: Results of a Prospective Multicenter Trial
Emmett, L.; Tang, R.; Nandurkar, R.; Hruby, G.; Roach, P.; Watts, J. A.; Cusick, T.; Kneebone, A.; Ho, B.; Chan, L.; van Leeuwen, P. J.; Scheltema, M. J.; Nguyen, A.; Yin, C.; Scott, A.; Tang, C.; McCarthy, M.; Fullard, K.; Roberts, M.; Francis, R.; Stricker, P.
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 61 (6) :866-872, 2020 10.2967/jnumed.119.235028
OpenAccess publication Proteogenomic analysis of Inhibitor of Differentiation 4 (ID4) in basal-like breast cancer
Baker, L. A.; Holliday, H.; Roden, D.; Krisp, C.; Wu, S. Z.; Junankar, S.; Serandour, A. A.; Mohammed, H.; Nair, R.; Sankaranarayanan, G.; Law, A. M. K.; McFarland, A.; Simpson, P. T.; Lakhani, S.; Dodson, E.; Selinger, C.; Anderson, L.; Samimi, G.; Hacker, N. F.; Lim, E.; Ormandy, C. J.; Naylor, M. J.; Simpson, K.; Nikolic, I.; O'Toole, S.; Kaplan, W.; Cowley, M. J.; Carroll, J. S.; Molloy, M.; Swarbrick, A.
BREAST CANCER RES 22 (1) :63, 2020 10.1186/s13058-020-01306-6
Single-cell RNA counting at allele and isoform resolution using Smart-seq3
Hagemann-Jensen, M.; Ziegenhain, C.; Chen, P.; Ramskold, D.; Hendriks, G. J.; Larsson, A. J. M.; Faridani, O. R.; Sandberg, R.
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 38 (6) :708-714, 2020 10.1038/s41587-020-0497-0
OpenAccess publication Analysis of pulsed cisplatin signalling dynamics identifies effectors of resistance in lung adenocarcinoma
Hastings, J. F.; Gonzalez Rajal, A.; Latham, S. L.; Han, J. Z.; McCloy, R. A.; O'Donnell, Y. E.; Phimmachanh, M.; Murphy, A. D.; Nagrial, A.; Daneshvar, D.; Chin, V.; Watkins, D. N.; Burgess, A.; Croucher, D. R.
eLife 9 :e53367, 2020 10.7554/eLife.53367
High Risk Foot Service reduces number of Emergency Department presentations and length of stay
Lasschuit, J.W.J.; Greenfield, J.R.; Tonks, K.T.
Diabetes & Metabolism Journal 46 (3) :252-255, 2020 10.1016/j.diabet.2018.07.002
OpenAccess publication Comprehensive evaluation of targeted multiplex bisulphite PCR sequencing for validation of DNA methylation biomarker panels
Lam, D.; Luu, P. L.; Song, J. Z.; Qu, W.; Risbridger, G. P.; Lawrence, M. G.; Lu, J.; Trau, M.; Korbie, D.; Clark, S. J.; Pidsley, R.; Stirzaker, C.
Clinical Epigenetics 12 (1) :90, 2020 10.1186/s13148-020-00880-y
Three copies of four interferon receptor genes underlie mucocutaneous candidiasis and auto-immune thyroiditis in patients with Down Syndrome
XF Kong, L Worley, D Rinchai, V Bondet, D Duffy, P Veettil Jithesh, M Goulet, E Nonnotte, N Gurtler, L Liu, M Migaud, CS Ma, J Bustamante, L Abel, S Boisson-Dupuis, A Ravel, S Lyonnet, D Chaussabel, SG Tangye, JL Casanova, A Puel.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 40 :807-819, 2020 doi: 10.1007/s10875-020-00803-9.
A trans-eQTL network regulates osteoclast multinucleation and bone mass
Pereira, M.; Ko, J. H.; Logan, J.; Protheroe, H.; Kim, K. B.; Tan, A. L. M.; Croucher, P. I.; Park, K. S.; Rotival, M.; Petretto, E.; Bassett, J. D.; Williams, G. R.; Behmoaras, J.
eLife 9 2020 10.7554/eLife.55549
OpenAccess publication IQ driving QI: the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO): an innovative and collaborative initiative to improve osteoporosis care in the Asia Pacific
Chandran, M.; Bhadada, S. K.; Ebeling, P. R.; Gilchrist, N. L.; Khan, A. H.; Halbout, P.; Lekamwasam, S.; Lyubomirsky, G.; Mitchell, P. J.; Nguyen, T. V.; Tiu, K. L.; Asia Pacific Consortium on, Osteoporosis
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 31 (11) :2077-2081, 2020 10.1007/s00198-020-05495-w
Everolimus-Induced Remission of Classic Kaposi's Sarcoma Secondary to Cryptic Splicing Mediated CTLA4 Haploinsufficiency
Yap JY, Gloss B, Batten M, Hsu P, Berglund L, Cai F, Dai P, Parker A, Qiu M, Miley W, Roshan R, Marshall V, Whitby D, Wegman E, Garsia R, Wu KHC, Kirk E, Polizzotto M, Deenick EK, SG Tangye, Ma CS, CIRCA, Phan TG
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 40 (5) 2020 doi: 10.1007/s10875-020-00804-8
OpenAccess publication Common Variants Coregulate Expression of GBA and Modifier Genes to Delay Parkinson's Disease Onset
Schierding, W.; Farrow, S.; Fadason, T.; Graham, O. E. E.; Pitcher, T. L.; Qubisi, S.; Davidson, A. J.; Perry, J. K.; Anderson, T. J.; Kennedy, M. A.; Cooper, A.; O'Sullivan, J. M.
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 35 (8) :1346-1356, 2020 10.1002/mds.28144
Phase IA/IB study of single-agent tislelizumab, an investigational anti-PD-1 antibody, in solid tumors
Desai, J.; Deva, S.; Lee, J. S.; Lin, C. C.; Yen, C. J.; Chao, Y.; Keam, B.; Jameson, M.; Hou, M. M.; Kang, Y. K.; Markman, B.; Lu, C. H.; Rau, K. M.; Lee, K. H.; Horvath, L.; Friedlander, M.; Hill, A.; Sandhu, S.; Barlow, P.; Wu, C. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liang, L.; Wu, J.; Paton, V.; Millward, M.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 8 (1) 2020 10.1136/jitc-2019-000453