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6425 items matching your search terms.
Plasma glucagon in experimental posthemorrhagic shock
Halmagyi, D. F.;Neering, I. R.;Lazarus, L.;Young, J. D.;Pullin, J. :
J TRAUMA 9 (4) :320-6, 1969
A new approach to diabetes mellitus.
Lazarus, L. :
Conquest May :Editorial, 1969
The hormonal response to physical exercise
Sutton, J. R.;Young, J. D.;Lazarus, L.;Hickie, J. B.;Maksvytis, J. :
Australas Ann Med 18 (2) :84-90, 1969
Radioimmunoassay of pancreozymin cholecystokinin in human serum
Young, J. D.;Lazarus, L.;Chisholm, D. J. :
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 10 (12) :743-5, 1969
Radioimmunoassay of secretin in human serum
Young, J. D.;Lazarus, L.;Chisholm, D. J.;Atkinson, F. F. :
Serum insulin and glucagon during the glucose tolerance test
Young, J. D.;Jenkinson, I. S. :
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 46 (6) :707-14, 1968
Secretin and pancreozymin-cholecystokinin after glucose
Young, J. D.;Lazarus, L.;Chisholm, D. J. :
LANCET 2 (7574) :914, 1968
Simultaneous assay of insulin and glucagon in serum
Young, J. D.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 46 (6) :697-705, 1968
Hormonal changes during exercise
Sutton, J.;Young, J. D.;Lazarus, L.;Hickie, J. B.;Maksvytis, J. :
LANCET 2 (7581) :1304-5, 1968