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6433 items matching your search terms.
Osteoporosis: the role of calcium intake and supplementation
Angus, R. M.;Eisman, J. A. :
MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA 148 (12) :630-3, 1988
Measurement of norepinephrine and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol in urine and plasma for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
Duncan, M. W.;Compton, P.;Lazarus, L.;Smythe, G. A. :
Are results and normal values interchangeable between laboratories and countries? An overview
Sambrook, P. N.; Dequeker, J.; Geusens, P.; Wahner, H.
Bone Mineral Measurement by Photon Absorptiometry :233-236, 1988
Knowledge in context: A strategy for expert system maintenance
Compton, P.;Jansen, R. :
Proc AI 88 :283-297, 1988
Computer assisted diagnosis
Compton, P. :
Disease and Society, Aust Acad Sci zzz :611-612, 1988
A late plasma growth hormone rise after insulin administration with maintenance of euglycemia: similarities to reported responses after oral glucose
Kraegen, E. W.;Lazarus, L. :
Diabetic Nutr Metab 3 :221-226, 1988
Closure of the loop by glucose sensing. Physiological and practical considerations
Kraegen, E. W.;Chisholm, D. J. :
Horm Metab Res Suppl 20 :1-4, 1988
Osteoporosis, aging and exercise
Sambrook, P. N.;Eisman, J. A. :
Proc Aust Sports Med Ann Conf 1988
Maintaining an expert system
Compton, P.;Horn, R.;Quinlan, R.;Lazarus, L. :
Proc 4th Aust Conf on applications of expert systems :110-129, 1988
The neuromodulation of feeding behaviour: Implications for the understanding of dexfenfluramine's actions
Holmes, L. J.;Storlien, L. H. :
Medicographia 10(3) :51-56, 1988
Heterophilic antibodies: a problem for all immunoassays
Boscato, L. M.;Stuart, M. C. :
CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 34 (1) :27-33, 1988
Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor levels by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in human breast cancer cells
Koga, M.;Eisman, J. A.;Sutherland, R. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 48 (10) :2734-9, 1988
Insulin and its administration: changes continue
Chisholm, D. J.;Pearce, G. :
Dose and frequency of SMS 201-995 administration on therapeutic efficacy in acromegaly
Ho, K. Y.; Weissberger, A. J.; Kelland, S.; Stuart, M. C.; Lazarus, L.; P U Heitz A M Landolt J Zapf, J. G. a. E. D. P.
Advances in Pituitary Adenoma Research 69 :231-232, 1988
Progestin-mediated changes in progesterone receptor forms in the normal human endometrium
Feil, P. D.;Clarke, C. L.;Satyaswaroop, P. G. :
ENDOCRINOLOGY 123 (5) :2506-13, 1988
A comparison of the dynamics of secretion of human growth hormone and LH pulses
McIntosh, R. P.;McIntosh, J. E.;Lazarus, L. :
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 118 (2) :339-45, 1988