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6433 items matching your search terms.
The role of brain noradrenaline in the neural control of glucoregulation
Smythe, G. A.; Storlien, L. H.; Larkins, R.; Zimmet, P.; Chisholm, D.
Diabetes 88 :705-708, 1989
Unsatisfactory nutritional parameters in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Campbell, L. V.;Barth, R.;Gosper, J. :
MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA 151 (3) :146, 149-50, 1989
Hypothesis testing: an appropriate task for knowledge based systems
Feldman, B. Z.;Compton, P. J.;Smythe, G. A. :
Proc 4th Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems Workshop :10.1-10.20, 1989
2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced hyperglycemia: role for direct sympathetic nervous system activation of liver glucose output
Pascoe, W. S.;Smythe, G. A.;Storlien, L. H. :
BRAIN RESEARCH 505 (1) :23-8, 1989
Regulation of epidermal growth factor receptor by progestins and glucocorticoids in human breast cancer cell lines
Ewing, T. M.;Murphy, L. J.;Ng, M. L.;Pang, G. Y.;Lee, C. S.;Watts, C. K.;Sutherland, R. L. :
Quantification of urinary growth hormone (GH) excretion by centrifugal ultrafiltration and radioimmunoassay: appraisal of the relationship between 24 h urinary GH and mean 24 h serum GH levels in normal and abnormal states of GH secretion
Weissberger, A. J.;Ho, K. Y.;Stuart, M. C. :
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 30 (6) :687-98, 1989
Sambrook, P. N.;Eisman, J. A. :
Proc 8th Nat Con Dietitians Assoc Aust :28-32, 1989
Role of specific nutrients in determining hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity: effects of subtypes of fats and simple sugars
Storlien, L. H.; Jenkins, A. B.; Chisholm, D. J.; Kraegen, E. W.; Larkins, R.; Zimmet, P.; Chisholm, D.
Diabetes 88 :593-596, 1989
The knowledge dictionary: storing different knowledge representations
Jansen, R.;Compton, P. :
Proc 5th Aust Conference on Applications of Expert Systems :143-162, 1989
Muscle strength, physical fitness, and weight but not age predict femoral neck bone mass
Pocock, N.;Eisman, J.;Gwinn, T.;Sambrook, P.;Kelly, P.;Freund, J.;Yeates, M. :
A polyclonal antiserum against the rabbit progesterone receptor recognizes the human receptor: immunohistochemical localization in rabbit and human uterus
Zaino, R. J.;Feil, P. D.;Clarke, C. L.;Mortel, R.;Satyaswaroop, P. G. :
The glucose tolerance test
Chisholm, D. J. :
Australian Prescriber 12 :45-46, 1989
Monoaminergic activity at the level of the hypothalamus and striatum: relationship to anticipated feeding and pancreatic insulin responses
Holmes, L. J.;Smythe, G. A.;Storlien, L. H. :
BRAIN RESEARCH 496 (1-2) :204-10, 1989
Effect of d-fenfluramine on basal glucose turnover and fat-feeding-induced insulin resistance in rats
Storlien, L. H.;Thorburn, A. W.;Smythe, G. A.;Jenkins, A. B.;Chisholm, D. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
DIABETES 38 (4) :499-503, 1989
Interference with the laboratory assessment of thyroid function
Symons, R. G. :
Clin Biochem Revs 10 :44-49, 1989
Direct pituitary inhibition of prolactin secretion by dopamine and noradrenaline in sheep
Thomas, G. B.;Cummins, J. T.;Doughton, B. W.;Griffin, N.;Smythe, G. A.;Gleeson, R. M.;Clarke, I. J. :
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 123 (3) :393-402, 1989