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6433 items matching your search terms.
Diabetes monitoring; use of glycated haemoglobin and glycated protein assays
Chisholm, D. J.;Lazarus, L. :
Aust Prescriber 14 :59-61, 1991
The investigation of calcium and bone disorders
Kelly, P. J.;Mason, R.;Eisman, J. :
Fellowship Affairs: Recent Adv Clin & Lab Endocr 10 :23-26, 1991
Heuristic versus a mathematical modelling approach in the development of a simulator for diabetes insulin adjustment
Hauser, T.; Furler, S. M.; Compton, P. J. L.; Kraegen, E. W.; Campbell, L. V.; Sammut, C.; Chisholm, D. J.; Quinlan, J. R.
In: Proc Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems (Satellite to Intern. Joint Conf Artificial Intelligence) :167-184, 1991
OsteoPPPorosis--prevention, prevention and prevention
Eisman, J. A. :
Aust N Z J Med 21 (2) :205-9, 1991
Dual defects in pulsatile growth hormone secretion and clearance subserve the hyposomatotropism of obesity in man
Veldhuis, J. D.;Iranmanesh, A.;Ho, K. K.;Waters, M. J.;Johnson, M. L.;Lizarralde, G. :
Diet and in vivo insulin action: of rats and man
Storlien, L. H.;Borkman, M.;Jenkins, A. B.;Campbell, L. V. :
Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolism 4 :227-240, 1991
Heterogeneity of response to exercise of rat muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
Denyer, G. S.;Cooney, G. J.;Storlien, L. H.;Jenkins, A. B.;Kraegen, E. W.;Kusunoki, M.;Caterson, I. D. :
Pflugers Arch 419 (2) :115-20, 1991
A strategy for obtaining active mammalian enzyme from a fusion protein expressed in bacteria using phospholipase A2 as a model
Tseng, A.;Buchta, R.;Goodman, A. E.;Loughnan, M.;Cairns, D.;Seilhamer, J.;Johnson, L.;Inglis, A. S.;Scott, K. F. :
Protein Expr Purif 2 (2-3) :127-35, 1991
Human galanin: molecular cloning reveals a unique structure
Evans, H. F.;Shine, J. :
ENDOCRINOLOGY 129 (3) :1682-4, 1991
A diabetes simulator expert system
Hauser, T.;Chisholm, D. J.;Campbell, L. V.;Compton, P. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Diab Nutr Metab 4 (Suppl) :127-130, 1991
A role for central postsynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors in glucoregulation
Smythe, G. A.;Edwards, S. R. :
BRAIN RESEARCH 562 (2) :225-9, 1991
E coli induced septic shock in the baboon: an animal model for the evaluation of neutralising monoclonal antibodies to phospholipase A2
Buchta, R.; Green, J. A.; Smith, G. M.; Gabelish, C.; Cairns, D.; Salom, C.; Conte, M.; Mackie, P.; Sublett, R.; Taylor, F. B.; Rajkovic, I. A.; Scott, K. F.; Faist, E.
Proc 2nd Int Cong on Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis (in press) 1991
Nonhypercalcemic 1,25-(OH)2D3 analogs potently induce the human osteocalcin gene promoter stably transfected into rat osteosarcoma cells (ROSCO-2)
Morrison, N. A.;Eisman, J. A. :
High density lipoproteins, genetic polymorphism for apo A-I and coronary artery disease
Simons, L. A.;Balasubramaniam, S.;Szanto, A.;Simons, J.;Friedlander, Y.;Hickie, J. B.;Shine, J. :
Aust N Z J Med 21 (3) :330-4, 1991
Genetic factors in bone turnover
Kelly, P. J.;Hopper, J. L.;Macaskill, G. T.;Pocock, N. A.;Sambrook, P. N.;Eisman, J. A. :
Influence of dietary fat composition on development of insulin resistance in rats. Relationship to muscle triglyceride and omega-3 fatty acids in muscle phospholipid
Storlien, L. H.;Jenkins, A. B.;Chisholm, D. J.;Pascoe, W. S.;Khouri, S.;Kraegen, E. W. :
DIABETES 40 (2) :280-9, 1991