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6433 items matching your search terms.
The diagnosis and management of acromegaly
Ho, K. Y. :
Mod Med 34 :93-102, 1991
Endocrine and amine responses to D,L-fenfluramine in normal subjects
Mitchell, P. B.;Smythe, G. A. :
Psychiatry Res 39 (2) :141-53, 1991
Contrasting effects of oral and transdermal routes of estrogen replacement therapy on 24-hour growth hormone (GH) secretion, insulin-like growth factor I, and GH-binding protein in postmenopausal women
Weissberger, A. J.;Ho, K. K.;Lazarus, L. :
Special medical considerations in sport: diabetes mellitus
Chisholm, D. J.; Bloomfield, F. a. F.
Sports Science and Sports Medicine :pp555-561, 1991
Inhibition of DNA binding and transcriptional activity of a nuclear receptor transcription factor by aurothiomalate and other metal ions
Handel, M. L.;deFazio, A.;Watts, C. K.;Day, R. O.;Sutherland, R. L. :
MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 40 (5) :613-8, 1991
The aetiology of non-insulin dependent diabetes
Chisholm, D. J.; Kraegen, E. W.; Storlien, L. H.; Alberti, K. G. M. M.; Krall, L.
Diabetes Annual/6 :48-61, 1991
Phospholipase A2:- a new target for monoclonal antibody therapy in sepsis
Scott, K. F.; Smith, G. M.; Green, J. A.; Salom, C.; Gabelish, C.; Cairns, D.; Tseng, A.; Packie, P.; Buchta, R.; Ho, K.; Lee, R.; Rajkovic, I. A.; Faist, E.
Proc 2nd Int Cong on Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock & Sepsis (in press) 1991
Development of muscle insulin resistance after liver insulin resistance in high-fat-fed rats
Kraegen, E. W.;Clark, P. W.;Jenkins, A. B.;Daley, E. A.;Chisholm, D. J.;Storlien, L. H. :
DIABETES 40 (11) :1397-403, 1991
Effects of exercise training and dietary manipulation on insulin-regulatable glucose-transporter mRNA in rat muscle
Wake, S. A.;Sowden, J. A.;Storlien, L. H.;James, D. E.;Clark, P. W.;Shine, J.;Chisholm, D. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
DIABETES 40 (2) :275-9, 1991
Glucoregulation during exercise in NIDDM
Jenkins, A. B.;Chisholm, D. J. :
DIABETES CARE 14 (4) :350, 1991
In vivo location of the rate-limiting step of hexose uptake in muscle and brain tissue of rats
Furler, S. M.;Jenkins, A. B.;Storlien, L. H.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Am J Physiol 261 (3 Pt 1) :E337-47, 1991
Direct transcriptional regulation of the progesterone receptor by retinoic acid diminishes progestin responsiveness in the breast cancer cell line T-47D
Clarke, C. L.;Graham, J.;Roman, S. D.;Sutherland, R. L. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 266 (28) :18969-75, 1991
Sleep apnea in acromegaly
Grunstein, R. R.;Ho, K. Y.;Sullivan, C. E. :
ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 115 (7) :527-32, 1991
Simplified knowledge acquisition for expert systems in medical applications
Compton, P.;Preston, P.;Kraegen, E. W. :
Diab Nutr Metab 4 (Suppl 1) :143-147, 1991
Steroids, growth factors, and cell cycle controls in breast cancer
Musgrove, E. A.;Sutherland, R. L. :
Cancer Treat Res 53 :305-31, 1991
The pathogenesis of Type II diabetes: the role of insulin resistance
Chisholm, D. J.; Kraegen, E. W.; Williams, J. P. a. G.
Textbook of Diabetes :192-197, 1991