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6432 items matching your search terms.
Bone Densitometry
Sambrook, P. N. :
General Practice :16, 1993
Effects of intracerebroventricularly administered neostigmine on hypothalamic monoaminergic neuronal activities in awake rats
Gotoh, M.; Smythe, G. A.
BRAIN RESEARCH 586 (2) :340-3, 1992
Assessment of experts' approach to insulin therapy and development of a simulator for diabetes insulin adjustment
Hauser, T.;Kraegen, E. W.;Campbell, L. V.;Compton, P. J.;Sammut, C.;Chisholm, D. J. :
DIABETES CARE 15 (2) :221-31, 1992
The effect of progestins on prolactin receptor gene transcription in human breast cancer cells
Ormandy, C. J.;Graham, J.;Kelly, P. A.;Clarke, C. L.;Sutherland, R. L. :
DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY 11 (10) :721-6, 1992
Safety of post-menopausal hormone replacement
Wilcken, N. :
Aust N Z J Med 22 (5) :507; author reply 508-9, 1992
Molecular characterization of a human brain adenosine A2 receptor
Furlong, T. J.;Pierce, K. D.;Selbie, L. A.;Shine, J. :
Brain Res Mol Brain Res 15 (1-2) :62-6, 1992
Regulation of androgen receptor gene expression by steroids and retinoic acid in human breast-cancer cells
Hall, R. E.;Tilley, W. D.;McPhaul, M. J.;Sutherland, R. L. :
Vasoconstrictor-mediated release of lactate from the perfused rat hindlimb
Hettiarachchi, M.;Parsons, K. M.;Richards, S. M.;Dora, K. A.;Rattigan, S.;Colquhoun, E. Q.;Clark, M. G. :
Structural subtypes of the dopamine D2 receptor are functionally distinct: expression of the cloned D2A and D2B subtypes in a heterologous cell line
Hayes, G.;Biden, T. J.;Selbie, L. A.;Shine, J. :
Prevention of fracture of neck of the femur
Eisman, J. :
ANZ J Med 22 :85-86 (Letter), 1992
White coat hyperglycaemia: disparity between diabetes clinic and home blood glucose concentrations
Campbell, L. V.;Ashwell, S. M.;Borkman, M.;Chisholm, D. J. :
BRIT MED J 305 (6863) :1194-6, 1992
Purification and characterisation of recombinant human FSH
Smith, G. M.; Bishop, L. A.; DeKroon, R.; Wright, G.; Cerpa-Poljak, A.; Schofield, P. R.; Hurzicker-Dunn, N. S. a. M.
Regulation and actions of FSH" Serono Symposia Proceedings :335-338, 1992
Measurement of human phospholipase A2 in arthritis plasma using a newly developed sandwich ELISA
Smith, G. M.;Ward, R. L.;McGuigan, L.;Rajkovic, I. A.;Scott, K. F. :
Br J Rheumatol 31 (3) :175-8, 1992
Localization of preprogalanin mRNA in the monkey hippocampal formation
Evans, H. F.;Huntley, G. W.;Morrison, J. H.;Shine, J.;Paxinos, G. :
NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 146 (2) :171-5, 1992
Dopamine receptor diversity
Hayes, G.;Shine, J. :
Todays Life Sciences 4, #11 :16-22, 1992
The effects of sympathetic nervous system activation and psychological stress on glucose metabolism and blood pressure in subjects with type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus
Bruce, D. G.;Chisholm, D. J.;Storlien, L. H.;Kraegen, E. W.;Smythe, G. A. :
DIABETOLOGIA 35 (9) :835-43, 1992