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6432 items matching your search terms.
Breast cancer
Sutherland, R. L.; Watts, C. K. W.; Lee, C. S. L.; Musgrove, E. A.; Masters, J. R. W.; Palsson, B.
Human Cell Culture 2 :79-106, 1999
A cyclin D-Cdk4 activity required for G2 phase cell cycle progression is inhibited in ultraviolet radiation-induced G2 phase delay
Gabrielli, B. G.;Sarcevic, B.;Sinnamon, J.;Walker, G.;Castellano, M.;Wang, X. Q.;Ellem, K. A. :
GPR56, a novel secretin-like human G-protein-coupled receptor gene
Liu, M.;Parker, R. M.;Darby, K.;Eyre, H. J.;Copeland, N. G.;Crawford, J.;Gilbert, D. J.;Sutherland, G. R.;Jenkins, N. A.;Herzog, H. :
GENOMICS 55 (3) :296-305, 1999
Chemoattractant receptors and immune responses
Mackay, C. R.;Lanzavecchia, A.;Sallusto, F. :
The Immunologist 7 :112-118, 1999
Free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance is associated with activation of protein kinase C theta and alterations in the insulin signaling cascade
Griffin, M. E.;Marcucci, M. J.;Cline, G. W.;Bell, K.;Barucci, N.;Lee, D.;Goodyear, L. J.;Kraegen, E. W.;White, M. F.;Shulman, G. I. :
DIABETES 48 (6) :1270-4, 1999
Dietary underreporting is prevalent in middle-aged British women and is not related to adiposity (percentage body fat)
Samaras, K.;Kelly, P. J.;Campbell, L. V. :
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 23 (8) :881-8, 1999
The diagnosis of adult growth hormone deficiency
Hoffman, D. M.; Ho, K. K. Y.; Bengtsson, B.-A.
Growth Hormone :109-126, 1999
Risk factors for low bone mass in men
Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.; Orwoll
Osteoporosis in men 17 :335-361, 1999
Initial characterization of the GH-IGF axis and nutritional status of the Ati Negritos of the Philippines
Clavano-Harding, A. B.;Ambler, G. R.;Cowell, C. T.;Garnett, S. P.;Al-Toumah, B.;Coakley, J. C.;Ho, K. K.;Baxter, R. C. :
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 51 (6) :741-7, 1999
The startle disease mutation Q266H, in the second transmembrane domain of the human glycine receptor, impairs channel gating
Moorhouse, A. J.;Jacques, P.;Barry, P. H.;Schofield, P. R. :
MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 55 (2) :386-95, 1999
Genetics of osteoporosis
Eisman, J. A. :
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 20 (6) :788-804, 1999
Alterations in expression of the neurotrophic factors glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, in the target-deprived olfactory neuroepithelium
Buckland, M. E.;Cunningham, A. M. :
NEUROSCIENCE 90 (1) :333-47, 1999
The role of free fatty acids in muscle insulin resistance
Kraegen, E. W.; Cooney, G. J.; Marshall, S. M.; Home, P. D.; Rizza, R. A.
The Diabetes Annual 12 :141-159, 1999
Conservation of expression of neuropeptide Y5 receptor between human and rat hypothalamus and limbic regions suggests an integral role in central neuroendocrine control
Nichol, K. A.;Morey, A.;Couzens, M. H.;Shine, J.;Herzog, H.;Cunningham, A. M. :
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 19 (23) :10295-304, 1999
Diagnosis, prediction, and natural course of HIV-1 protease-inhibitor-associated lipodystrophy, hyperlipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus: a cohort study
Carr, A.;Samaras, K.;Thorisdottir, A.;Kaufmann, G. R.;Chisholm, D. J.;Cooper, D. A. :
LANCET 353 (9170) :2093-9, 1999
Effects of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy on central abdominal fat, glycemic control, lipid metabolism, and vascular factors in type 2 diabetes: a prospective study
Samaras, K.;Hayward, C. S.;Sullivan, D.;Kelly, R. P.;Campbell, L. V. :
DIABETES CARE 22 (9) :1401-7, 1999