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6432 items matching your search terms.
A low abundance pool of nascent p21WAF1/Cip1 is targeted by estrogen to activate cyclin E*Cdk2
Prall, O. W.;Carroll, J. S.;Sutherland, R. L. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276 (48) :45433-42, 2001
Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in intact cells by paracetamol (actaminophen)
Graham, G. G.;Robins, S.-A.;Bryant, K. J.;Scott, K. F. :
Inflammopharmacology 9 :131-142, 2001
Protective effect of short-tem calcitriol or cyclical etidronate on bone loss after cardiac or lung transplantation
Henderson, K.;Eisman, J.;Keogh, A.;MacDonald, P.;Glanville, A.;Spratt, P.;Sambrook, P. :
Management of obesity in patients with Type 2 diabetes
Campbell, L.;Rossner, S. :
DIABETIC MEDICINE 18 (5) :345-54, 2001
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-alpha activation lowers muscle lipids and improves insulin sensitivity in high fat-fed rats: comparison with PPAR-gamma activation
Ye, J. M.;Doyle, P. J.;Iglesias, M. A.;Watson, D. G.;Cooney, G. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
DIABETES 50 (2) :411-7, 2001
Maturation of marginal zone and follicular B cells requires B cell activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor family and is independent of B cell maturation antigen
Schneider, P.;Takatsuka, H.;Wilson, A.;Mackay, F.;Tardivel, A.;Lens, S.;Cachero, T. G.;Finke, D.;Beermann, F.;Tschopp, J. :
Options for osteoporosis treatment in the elderly (commentary)
Eisman, J. A. :
BoneKey-Osteovision 1 :2001040, 2001
SOCS1 deficiency results in accelerated mammary gland development and rescues lactation in prolactin receptor-deficient mice
Lindeman, G. J.;Wittlin, S.;Lada, H.;Naylor, M. J.;Santamaria, M.;Zhang, J. G.;Starr, R.;Hilton, D. J.;Alexander, W. S.;Ormandy, C. J.;Visvader, J. :
Genes Dev 15 (13) :1631-6, 2001
Immunology. Memory T cells--local heroes in the struggle for immunity
Mackay, C. R.;von Andrian, U. H. :
SCIENCE 291 (5512) :2323-4, 2001
Novel mutations in the SDHD gene in pedigrees with familial carotid body paraganglioma and sensorineural hearing loss
Badenhop, R. F.;Cherian, S.;Lord, R. S.;Baysal, B. E.;Taschner, P. E.;Schofield, P. R. :
Genes Chromosomes Cancer 31 (3) :255-63, 2001
Anti-retroviral therapy, insulin resistance and lipodystrophy
Gan, S. K.;Samaras, K.;Carr, A.;Chisholm, D. :
Multiple Y receptors mediate pancreatic polypeptide responses in mouse colon mucosa
Cox, H. M.;Pollock, E. L.;Tough, I. R.;Herzog, H. :
PEPTIDES 22 (3) :445-52, 2001
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: basic pathological mechanisms, clinical features and management in the new millennium
Leong, G. M.; Center, J. R.; Henderson, N. K.; Eisman, J. A.; Marcus, R.; Feldman, D.; Kelsey, J.
Osteoporosis 2; Ch.44 :169-193, 2001
Progressive supranuclear palsy, frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 and familial tauopathies (Letter)
Stanford, P. M.;Halliday, G. M.;Brooks, W. S.;Kwok, J. B. J.;Schofield, P. R. :
BRAIN 124 :1668-1670, 2001
Up-regulation of p21(WAF1/CIP1) by histone deacetylase inhibitors reduces their cytotoxicity
Burgess, A. J.;Pavey, S.;Warrener, R.;Hunter, L. J.;Piva, T. J.;Musgrove, E. A.;Saunders, N.;Parsons, P. G.;Gabrielli, B. G. :
MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 60 (4) :828-37, 2001
Prognostic significance of pathologic features in localized prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy: implications for staging systems and predictive models
Quinn, D. I.;Henshall, S. M.;Haynes, A. M.;Brenner, P. C.;Kooner, R.;Golovsky, D.;Mathews, J.;O'Neill, G. F.;Turner, J. J.;Delprado, W.;Finlayson, J. F.;Sutherland, R. L.;Grygiel, J. J.;Stricker, P. D. :
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 19 (16) :3692-705, 2001