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6432 items matching your search terms.
Insulin/insulin-like growth factor-I and estrogen cooperate to stimulate cyclin E-Cdk2 activation and cell Cycle progression in MCF-7 breast cancer cells through differential regulation of cyclin E and p21(WAF1/Cip1)
Lai, A.;Sarcevic, B.;Prall, O. W.;Sutherland, R. L. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 276 (28) :25823-33, 2001
The role of lipids in the pathogenesis of muscle insulin resistance and beta cell failure in type II diabetes and obesity
Kraegen, E. W.;Cooney, G. J.;Ye, J. M.;Thompson, A. L.;Furler, S. M. :
Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 109 Suppl 2 :S189-201, 2001
Place of pegvisomant in acromegaly
Ho, K. K. :
LANCET 358 (9295) :1743-4, 2001
Clinical role of quantitative ultrasound in the assessment of osteoporosis in individual patients
Nguyen, T. V.;Sambrook, P. N. :
ApaI polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor predict bone density of the lumbar spine and not racial difference in bone density in young men
Bell, N. H.;Morrison, N. A.;Nguyen, T. V.;Eisman, J.;Hollis, B. W. :
J LAB CLIN MED 137 (2) :133-40, 2001
Independent influences of central fat and skeletal muscle lipids on insulin sensitivity
Furler, S. M.;Poynten, A. M.;Kriketos, A. D.;Lowy, A. J.;Ellis, B. A.;Maclean, E. L.;Courtenay, B. G.;Kraegen, E. W.;Campbell, L. V.;Chisholm, D. J. :
OBES RES 9 (9) :535-43, 2001
Growth hormone action in man: physiology and pathology
Ho, K. K. Y.; O'Sullivan, A.; Hoffman, D.; Leung, K.-C.; Boulloin, R.
Targets for growth hormone and IGF-1 action 5 :1-11, 2001
Evidence for selective coupling of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors to phospholipase C-beta 1 in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes
Arthur, J. F.;Matkovich, S. J.;Mitchell, C. J.;Biden, T. J.;Woodcock, E. A. :
Mutations in the glycine receptor alpha1 subunit (GLRA1) gene in hereditary hyperekplexia pedigrees: evidence for non-penetrance of mutation Y279C
Kwok, J. B.;Raskin, S.;Morgan, G.;Antoniuk, S. A.;Bruk, I.;Schofield, P. R. :
Protein tyrosine phosphatase CD148-mediated inhibition of T-cell receptor signal transduction is associated with reduced LAT and phospholipase Cgamma1 phosphorylation
Baker, J. E.;Majeti, R.;Tangye, S. G.;Weiss, A. :
Investigation of the role of prolactin in the development and function of the lacrimal and harderian glands using genetically modified mice
McClellan, K. A.;Robertson, F. G.;Kindblom, J.;Wennbo, H.;Tornell, J.;Bouchard, B.;Kelly, P. A.;Ormandy, C. J. :
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42 (1) :23-30, 2001
Lycopene inhibition of cell cycle progression in breast and endometrial cancer cells is associated with reduction in cyclin D levels and retention of p27(Kip1) in the cyclin E-cdk2 complexes
Nahum, A.;Hirsch, K.;Danilenko, M.;Watts, C. K.;Prall, O. W.;Levy, J.;Sharoni, Y. :
ONCOGENE 20 (26) :3428-36, 2001
Altered expression of androgen receptor in the malignant epithelium and adjacent stroma is associated with early relapse in prostate cancer
Henshall, S. M.;Quinn, D. I.;Lee, C. S.;Head, D. R.;Golovsky, D.;Brenner, P. C.;Delprado, W.;Stricker, P. D.;Grygiel, J. J.;Sutherland, R. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 61 (2) :423-7, 2001
Central but not peripheral glucocorticoid infusion in adrenalectomized male rats increases basal and substrate-induced insulinemia through a parasympathetic pathway
Sainsbury, A.;Wilks, D.;Cooney, G. J. :
OBES RES 9 (4) :274-81, 2001
Genetics, an alternative way to discover, characterize and understand ion channels
Schofield, P. R. :
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 28 (1-2) :84-8, 2001
Frequent loss of estrogen receptor-beta expression in prostate cancer
Horvath, L. G.;Henshall, S. M.;Lee, C. S.;Head, D. R.;Quinn, D. I.;Makela, S.;Delprado, W.;Golovsky, D.;Brenner, P. C.;O'Neill, G.;Kooner, R.;Stricker, P. D.;Grygiel, J. J.;Gustafsson, J. A.;Sutherland, R. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 61 (14) :5331-5, 2001