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6432 items matching your search terms.
Growth hormone replacement therapy for adults: into the new millennium
Simpson, H.;Savine, R.;Sonksen, P.;Bengtsson, B. A.;Carlsson, L.;Christiansen, J. S.;Clemmons, D.;Cohen, P.;Hintz, R.;Ho, K.;Mullis, P.;Robinson, I.;Strasburger, C.;Tanaka, T.;Thorner, M. :
GROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH 12 (1) :1-33, 2002
Gut hormone PYY(3-36) physiologically inhibits food intake
Batterham, R. L.;Cowley, M. A.;Small, C. J.;Herzog, H.;Cohen, M. A.;Dakin, C. L.;Wren, A. M.;Brynes, A. E.;Low, M. J.;Ghatei, M. A.;Cone, R. D.;Bloom, S. R. :
NATURE 418 (6898) :650-4, 2002
Skeletal lead release during bone resorption: effect of bisphosphonate treatment in a pilot study
Gulson, B.;Mizon, K.;Smith, H.;Eisman, J.;Palmer, J.;Korsch, M.;Donnelly, J.;Waite, K. :
Environ Health Perspect 110 (10) :1017-23, 2002
Genetics Update - Meeting Report from the IOF World Congress on Osteoporosis
Rodan, G. A.;Seeman, E.;Eisman, J. A.;Javaid, K.;Cooper, C.;Miller, P. D.;Hosking, D. J.;Compston, J. E. :
IBMS BoneKEy July 2 10.1138/ibmske;2002051 2002
Gender differences in the genetic factors responsible for variation in bone density and ultrasound
Naganathan, V.;Macgregor, A.;Snieder, H.;Nguyen, T.;Spector, T.;Sambrook, P. :
Regulated transport of the glucose transporter GLUT4
Bryant, N. J.;Govers, R.;James, D. E. :
Constitutive overexpression of cyclin D1 but not cyclin E confers acute resistance to antiestrogens in T-47D breast cancer cells
Hui, R.;Finney, G. L.;Carroll, J. S.;Lee, C. S.;Musgrove, E. A.;Sutherland, R. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 62 (23) :6916-23, 2002
Validation study of the accuracy of a postoperative nomogram for recurrence after radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer
Graefen, M.;Karakiewicz, P. I.;Cagiannos, I.;Klein, E.;Kupelian, P. A.;Quinn, D. I.;Henshall, S. M.;Grygiel, J. J.;Sutherland, R. L.;Stricker, P. D.;de Kernion, J.;Cangiano, T.;Schroder, F. H.;Wildhagen, M. F.;Scardino, P. T.;Kattan, M. W. :
AICAR administration causes an apparent enhancement of muscle and liver insulin action in insulin-resistant high-fat-fed rats
Iglesias, M. A.;Ye, J. M.;Frangioudakis, G.;Saha, A. K.;Tomas, E.;Ruderman, N. B.;Cooney, G. J.;Kraegen, E. W. :
DIABETES 51 (10) :2886-94, 2002
A missense mutation in kynurenine aminotransferase-1 in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Kwok, J. B.;Kapoor, R.;Gotoda, T.;Iwamoto, Y.;Iizuka, Y.;Yamada, N.;Isaacs, K. E.;Kushwaha, V. V.;Church, W. B.;Schofield, P. R.;Kapoor, V. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 277 (39) :35779-82, 2002
Cardiac function in neuropeptide Y Y4 receptor-knockout mice
Smith-White, M. A.;Herzog, H.;Potter, E. K. :
Regul Pept 110 (1) :47-54, 2002
Y2 receptor deletion attenuates the type 2 diabetic syndrome of ob/ob mice
Sainsbury, A.;Schwarzer, C.;Couzens, M.;Herzog, H. :
DIABETES 51 (12) :3420-7, 2002
Hypopituitarism - pituitary disease and intrinsic hypothalamic disease
Ho, K. K. Y.; Gibney, J.; Besser, G. M.; Thorner, M. O.
Comprehensive Clinical Endocrinology Chapter 3 :35-46, 2002
Bovine myoclonus: a model of human hyperekplexia (startle disease) (Editor-solicited videotape)
Healy, P. J.;Pierce, K. D.;Dennis, J. A.;Windsor, P. A. W.;Schofield, P. R. :
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 17 :743-744, 2002
Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (Fahr's disease) without neurological, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms is not linked to the IBGC1 locus on chromosome 14q
Brodaty, H.;Mitchell, P.;Luscombe, G.;Kwok, J. J.;Badenhop, R. F.;McKenzie, R.;Schofield, P. R. :
HUMAN GENETICS 110 (1) :8-14, 2002
Vps45p stabilizes the syntaxin homologue Tlg2p and positively regulates SNARE complex formation
Bryant, N. J.;James, D. E. :
EMBO JOURNAL 20 (13) :3380-8, 2001