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6432 items matching your search terms.
AMP-activated protein kinase activation by AICAR increases both muscle fatty acid and glucose uptake in white muscle of insulin-resistant rats in vivo
Iglesias, M. A.;Furler, S. M.;Cooney, G. J.;Kraegen, E. W.;Ye, J. M. :
DIABETES 53 (7) :1649-54, 2004
A meta-analysis of previous fracture and subsequent fracture risk
Kanis, J. A.;Johnell, O.;De Laet, C.;Johansson, H.;Oden, A.;Delmas, P.;Eisman, J.;Fujiwara, S.;Garnero, P.;Kroger, H.;McCloskey, E. V.;Mellstrom, D.;Melton, L. J.;Pols, H.;Reeve, J.;Silman, A.;Tenenhouse, A. :
BONE 35 (2) :375-82, 2004
GLUT4 overexpression or deficiency in adipocytes of transgenic mice alters the composition of GLUT4 vesicles and the subcellular localization of GLUT4 and insulin-responsive aminopeptidase
Carvalho, E.;Schellhorn, S. E.;Zabolotny, J. M.;Martin, S.;Tozzo, E.;Peroni, O. D.;Houseknecht, K. L.;Mundt, A.;James, D. E.;Kahn, B. B. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 279 (20) :21598-605, 2004
Osteoporosis: underrated, underdiagnosed and undertreated
Nguyen, T. V.;Center, J. R.;Eisman, J. A. :
MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA 180 (5 Suppl) :S18-22, 2004
Cortactin signalling and dynamic actin networks
Daly, R. J. :
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 382 (Pt 1) :13-25, 2004
Mechanisms of channel gating of the ligand-gated ion channel superfamily inferred from protein structure
Absalom, N. L.;Lewis, T. M.;Schofield, P. R. :
EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY 89 (2) :145-53, 2004
TNF deficiency fails to protect BAFF transgenic mice against autoimmunity and reveals a predisposition to B cell lymphoma
Batten, M.;Fletcher, C.;Ng, L. G.;Groom, J.;Wheway, J.;Laabi, Y.;Xin, X.;Schneider, P.;Tschopp, J.;Mackay, C. R.;Mackay, F. :
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 172 (2) :812-22, 2004
Application of multiplex ligation-dependent probe analysis to define a small deletion encompassing PMP22 exons 4 and 5 in hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
Sutton, I. J.;Mocroft, A. P.;Lindley, V. H.;Barber, R. M.;Bryon, R. J.;Winer, J. B.;MacDonald, F. :
Neuromuscul Disord 14 (12) :804-9, 2004
Edd, the murine hyperplastic disc gene, is essential for yolk sac vascularization and chorioallantoic fusion
Saunders, D. N.;Hird, S. L.;Withington, S. L.;Dunwoodie, S. L.;Henderson, M. J.;Biben, C.;Sutherland, R. L.;Ormandy, C. J.;Watts, C. K. :
Estrogen regulation of growth hormone action
Leung, K. C.;Johannsson, G.;Leong, G. M.;Ho, K. K. :
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 25 (5) :693-721, 2004
T follicular helper cells express a distinctive transcriptional profile, reflecting their role as non-Th1/Th2 effector cells that provide help for B cells
Chtanova, T.;Tangye, S. G.;Newton, R.;Frank, N.;Hodge, M. R.;Rolph, M. S.;Mackay, C. R. :
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 173 (1) :68-78, 2004
Positional effects of presenilin-1 mutations on tau phosphorylation in cortical plaques
Shepherd, C. E.;Gregory, G. C.;Vickers, J. C.;Brooks, W. S.;Kwok, J. B.;Schofield, P. R.;Kril, J. J.;Halliday, G. M. :
NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 15 (1) :115-9, 2004
Exercise increases adiponectin levels and insulin sensitivity in humans
Kriketos, A. D.;Gan, S. K.;Poynten, A. M.;Furler, S. M.;Chisholm, D. J.;Campbell, L. V. :
DIABETES CARE 27 (2) :629-30, 2004
A meta-analysis of prior corticosteroid use and fracture risk
Kanis, J. A.;Johansson, H.;Oden, A.;Johnell, O.;de Laet, C.;Melton, I. L.;Tenenhouse, A.;Reeve, J.;Silman, A. J.;Pols, H. A.;Eisman, J. A.;McCloskey, E. V.;Mellstrom, D. :
Biochemical assessment and long-term monitoring in patients with acromegaly. Joint Consensus Workshop of GH Research and Pituitary Societies
Ho, K. K. Y. :
Frequency of tau mutations in familial and sporadic frontotemporal dementia and other tauopathies
Stanford, P. M.;Brooks, W. S.;Teber, E. T.;Hallupp, M.;McLean, C.;Halliday, G. M.;Martins, R. N.;Kwok, J. B.;Schofield, P. R. :
JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 251 (9) :1098-104, 2004