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6432 items matching your search terms.
Predictive value of BMD for hip and other fractures
Johnell, O.;Kanis, J. A.;Oden, A.;Johansson, H.;De Laet, C.;Delmas, P.;Eisman, J. A.;Fujiwara, S.;Kroger, H.;Mellstrom, D.;Meunier, P. J.;Melton, L. J., 3rd;O'Neill, T.;Pols, H.;Reeve, J.;Silman, A.;Tenenhouse, A. :
BAFF-R, the major B cell-activating factor receptor, is expressed on most mature B cells and B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders
Rodig, S. J.;Shahsafaei, A.;Li, B.;Mackay, C. R.;Dorfman, D. M. :
HUMAN PATHOLOGY 36 (10) :1113-9, 2005
Pathobiology of dynorphins in trauma and disease
Hauser, K. F.;Aldrich, J. V.;Anderson, K. J.;Bakalkin, G.;Christie, M. J.;Hall, E. D.;Knapp, P. E.;Scheff, S. W.;Singh, I. N.;Vissel, B.;Woods, A. S.;Yakovleva, T.;Shippenberg, T. S. :
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 10 :216-35, 2005
EphB4 expression and biological significance in prostate cancer
Xia, G.;Kumar, S. R.;Masood, R.;Zhu, S.;Reddy, R.;Krasnoperov, V.;Quinn, D. I.;Henshall, S. M.;Sutherland, R. L.;Pinski, J. K.;Daneshmand, S.;Buscarini, M.;Stein, J. P.;Zhong, C.;Broek, D.;Roy-Burman, P.;Gill, P. S. :
CANCER RESEARCH 65 (11) :4623-32, 2005
Gene profiling in atherosclerosis reveals a key role for small inducible cytokines: validation using a novel monocyte chemoattractant protein monoclonal antibody
Lutgens, E.;Faber, B.;Schapira, K.;Evelo, C. T.;van Haaften, R.;Heeneman, S.;Cleutjens, K. B.;Bijnens, A. P.;Beckers, L.;Porter, J. G.;Mackay, C. R.;Rennert, P.;Bailly, V.;Jarpe, M.;Dolinski, B.;Koteliansky, V.;de Fougerolles, T.;Daemen, M. J. :
CIRCULATION 111 (25) :3443-52, 2005
Pharmacological and functional characterization of galanin-like peptide fragments as potent galanin receptor agonists
Lang, R.;Berger, A.;Santic, R.;Geisberger, R.;Hermann, A.;Herzog, H.;Kofler, B. :
NEUROPEPTIDES 39 (3) :179-84, 2005
Identification of T cell-restricted genes, and signatures for different T cell responses, using a comprehensive collection of microarray datasets
Chtanova, T.;Newton, R.;Liu, S. M.;Weininger, L.;Young, T. R.;Silva, D. G.;Bertoni, F.;Rinaldi, A.;Chappaz, S.;Sallusto, F.;Rolph, M. S.;Mackay, C. R. :
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 175 (12) :7837-47, 2005
Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the osteoporosis knowledge and health belief questionnaires
Baheiraei, A.;Ritchie, J. E.;Eisman, J. A.;Nguyen, T. V. :
MATURITAS 50 (2) :134-9, 2005
Hormonal regulation of the Grb14 signal modulator and its role in cell cycle progression of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells
Kairouz, R.;Parmar, J.;Lyons, R. J.;Swarbrick, A.;Musgrove, E. A.;Daly, R. J. :
An expression-based site of origin diagnostic method designed for clinical application to cancer of unknown origin
Tothill, R. W.;Kowalczyk, A.;Rischin, D.;Bousioutas, A.;Haviv, I.;van Laar, R. K.;Waring, P. M.;Zalcberg, J.;Ward, R.;Biankin, A. V.;Sutherland, R. L.;Henshall, S. M.;Fong, K.;Pollack, J. R.;Bowtell, D. D.;Holloway, A. J. :
CANCER RESEARCH 65 (10) :4031-40, 2005
Is postprandial hypertriglyceridaemia in relatives of type 2 diabetic subjects a consequence of insulin resistance?
Kriketos, A.;Milner, K. L.;Denyer, G.;Campbell, L. :
Review: Zhu, T et al. Oncogenic transformation of human mammary epithelial cells by autocrine human growth hormone. Cancer Research, 2005. 65(1): p. 317-24
Ormandy, C. J. :
Breast Cancer Online (BCO) 2005
Gene symbol: hMSH2. Disease: hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
Otway, R.;Tetlow, N.;Hornby, J.;Doe, W. F.;Kohonen-Corish, M. R. :
HUMAN GENETICS 118 (3-4) :546, 2005
BAFF augments certain Th1-associated inflammatory responses
Sutherland, A. P.;Ng, L. G.;Fletcher, C. A.;Shum, B.;Newton, R. A.;Grey, S. T.;Rolph, M. S.;Mackay, F.;Mackay, C. R. :
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 174 (9) :5537-44, 2005
Follicular B helper T cells in antibody responses and autoimmunity
Vinuesa, C. G.;Tangye, S. G.;Moser, B.;Mackay, C. R. :
NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 5 (11) :853-65, 2005
A20 protects mice from lethal radical hepatectomy by promoting hepatocyte proliferation via a p21waf1-dependent mechanism
Longo, C. R.;Patel, V. I.;Shrikhande, G. V.;Scali, S. T.;Csizmadia, E.;Daniel, S.;Sun, D. W.;Grey, S. T.;Arvelo, M. B.;Ferran, C. :
HEPATOLOGY 42 (1) :156-64, 2005