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6432 items matching your search terms.
Probing N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor desensitization with the substituted-cysteine accessibility method
Thomas, C. G.;Krupp, J. J.;Bagley, E. E.;Bauzon, R.;Heinemann, S. F.;Vissel, B.;Westbrook, G. L. :
MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY 69 (4) :1296-303, 2006
Serum cathepsin K concentrations reflect osteoclastic activity in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis and patients with Paget's disease
Meier, C.;Meinhardt, U.;Greenfield, J. R.;De Winter, J.;Nguyen, T. V.;Dunstan, C. R.;Seibel, M. J. :
Clinical Laboratory 52 (1-2) :1-10, 2006
Y2Y4 receptor double knockout protects against obesity due to a high-fat diet or Y1 receptor deficiency in mice
Sainsbury, A.;Bergen, H. T.;Boey, D.;Bamming, D.;Cooney, G. J.;Lin, S.;Couzens, M.;Stroth, N.;Lee, N. J.;Lindner, D.;Singewald, N.;Karl, T.;Duffy, L.;Enriquez, R.;Slack, K.;Sperk, G.;Herzog, H. :
DIABETES 55 (1) :19-26, 2006
Djinn Lite: a tool for customised gene transcript modelling, annotation-data enrichment and exploration
Teber, E. T.;Crawford, E.;Bolton, K. B.;Van Dyk, D.;Schofield, P. R.;Kapoor, V.;Church, W. B. :
OpenAccess publication Influence of demographic factors and sport type on growth hormone-responsive markers in elite athletes
Nelson, A. E.;Howe, C. J.;Nguyen, T. V.;Leung, K. C.;Trout, G. J.;Seibel, M. J.;Baxter, R. C.;Handelsman, D. J.;Kazlauskas, R.;Ho, K. K. :
OpenAccess publication Low serum PYY is linked to insulin resistance in first-degree relatives of subjects with type 2 diabetes
Boey, D.;Heilbronn, L.;Sainsbury, A.;Laybutt, R.;Kriketos, A.;Herzog, H.;Campbell, L. V. :
NEUROPEPTIDES 40 (5) :317-24, 2006
Looking beyond the microscope: New territory ahead for genetics and chromosomal disease
Duncan, C. :
Australian Medicine (June) :18, 2006
OpenAccess publication Cyclins: roles in mitogenic signaling and oncogenic transformation
Musgrove, E. A. :
GROWTH FACTORS 24 (1) :13-9, 2006
Neuropeptide Y regulates recurrent mossy fiber synaptic transmission less effectively in mice than in rats: Correlation with Y2 receptor plasticity
Tu, B.;Jiao, Y.;Herzog, H.;Nadler, J. V. :
NEUROSCIENCE 143 (4) :1085-94, 2006
OpenAccess publication Characterization of the metabolic phenotypes of Cushing's syndrome and growth hormone deficiency: a study of body composition and energy metabolism
Burt, M. G.;Gibney, J.;Ho, K. K. :
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 64 (4) :436-43, 2006
OpenAccess publication Immune cell transcriptome datasets reveal novel leukocyte subset-specific genes and genes associated with allergic processes
Liu, S. M.;Xavier, R.;Good, K. L.;Chtanova, T.;Newton, R.;Sisavanh, M.;Zimmer, S.;Deng, C.;Silva, D. G.;Frost, M. J.;Tangye, S. G.;Rolph, M. S.;Mackay, C. R. :
High-fat feeding reduces endothelium-dependent vasodilation in rats: differential mechanisms for saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
Song, G. Y.;Gao, Y.;Di, Y. W.;Pan, L. L.;Zhou, Y.;Ye, J. M. :
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 33 (8) :708-13, 2006
OpenAccess publication A distinct molecular profile associated with mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer
Heinzelmann-Schwarz, V. A.;Gardiner-Garden, M.;Henshall, S. M.;Scurry, J. P.;Scolyer, R. A.;Smith, A. N.;Bali, A.;Vanden Bergh, P.;Baron-Hay, S.;Scott, C.;Fink, D.;Hacker, N. F.;Sutherland, R. L.;O'Brien, P. M. :
British Journal of Cancer 94 (6) :904-13, 2006
Targeting the lymphotoxin-beta receptor with agonist antibodies as a potential cancer therapy
Lukashev, M.;LePage, D.;Wilson, C.;Bailly, V.;Garber, E.;Lukashin, A.;Ngam-ek, A.;Zeng, W.;Allaire, N.;Perrin, S.;Xu, X.;Szeliga, K.;Wortham, K.;Kelly, R.;Bottiglio, C.;Ding, J.;Griffith, L.;Heaney, G.;Silverio, E.;Yang, W.;Jarpe, M.;Fawell, S.;Reff, M.;Carmillo, A.;Miatkowski, K.;Amatucci, J.;Crowell, T.;Prentice, H.;Meier, W.;Violette, S. M.;Mackay, F.;Yang, D.;Hoffman, R.;Browning, J. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 66 (19) :9617-24, 2006
OpenAccess publication A randomized study of two different information-based interventions on the management of osteoporosis in minimal and moderate trauma fractures
Bliuc, D.;Eisman, J. A.;Center, J. R. :
OpenAccess publication Epigenetic remodeling in colorectal cancer results in coordinate gene suppression across an entire chromosome band
Frigola, J.;Song, J.;Stirzaker, C.;Hinshelwood, R. A.;Peinado, M. A.;Clark, S. J. :
NATURE GENETICS 38 (5) :540-9, 2006