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6429 items matching your search terms.
Professional regulation for Australasian genetic counselors
Hoskins, Cass; Gaff, Clara; McEwen, Alison; Macciocca, Ivan; Pearn, Amy; Shalhoub, Carolyn; Salvemini, Hayley; Berkman, Jennifer; Riley, Kate E.; Williams, Rachel; Milward, Michael; Young, Mary-Anne
Journal of Genetic Counseling 30 (2) :361-369, 2021
Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions
Gong, B.; Li, D.; Kusko, R.; Novoradovskaya, N.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, S.; Pabon-Pena, C.; Zhang, Z.; Lai, K.; Cai, W.; LoCoco, J. S.; Lader, E.; Richmond, T. A.; Mittal, V. K.; Liu, L. C.; Johann, D. J., Jr.; Willey, J. C.; Bushel, P. R.; Yu, Y.; Xu, C.; Chen, G.; Burgess, D.; Cawley, S.; Giorda, K.; Haseley, N.; Qiu, F.; Wilkins, K.; Arib, H.; Attwooll, C.; Babson, K.; Bao, L.; Bao, W.; Lucas, A. B.; Best, H.; Bhandari, A.; Bisgin, H.; Blackburn, J.; Blomquist, T. M.; Boardman, L.; Burgher, B.; Butler, D. J.; Chang, C. J.; Chaubey, A.; Chen, T.; Chierici, M.; Chin, C. R.; Close, D.; Conroy, J.; Coleman, J. C.; Craig, D. J.; Crawford, E.; Del Pozo, A.; Deveson, I. W.; Duncan, D.; Eterovic, A. K.; Fan, X.; Foox, J.; Furlanello, C.; Ghosal, A.; Glenn, S.; Guan, M.; Haag, C.; Hang, X.; Happe, S.; Hennigan, B.; Hipp, J.; Hong, H.; Horvath, K.; Hu, J.; Hung, L. Y.; Jarosz, M.; Kerkhof, J.; Kipp, B.; Kreil, D. P.; Labaj, P.; Lapunzina, P.; Li, P.; Li, Q. Z.; Li, W.; Li, Z.; Liang, Y.; Liu, S.; Liu, Z.; Ma, C.; Marella, N.; Martin-Arenas, R.; Megherbi, D. B.; Meng, Q.; Mieczkowski, P. A.; Morrison, T.; Muzny, D.; Ning, B.; Parsons, B. L.; Paweletz, C. P.; Pirooznia, M.; Qu, W.; Raymond, A.; Rindler, P.; Ringler, R.; Sadikovic, B.; Scherer, A.; Schulze, E.; Sebra, R.; Shaknovich, R.; Shi, Q.; Shi, T.; Silla-Castro, J. C.; Smith, M.; Lopez, M. S.; Song, P.; Stetson, D.; Strahl, M.; Stuart, A.; Supplee, J.; Szankasi, P.; Tan, H.; Tang, L. Y.; Tao, Y.; Thakkar, S.; Thierry-Mieg, D.; Thierry-Mieg, J.; Thodima, V. J.; Thomas, D.; Tichy, B.; Tom, N.; Garcia, E. V.; Verma, S.; Walker, K.; Wang, C.; Wang, J.; Wang, Y.; Wen, Z.; Wirta, V.; Wu, L.; Xiao, C.; Xiao, W.; Xu, S.; Yang, M.; Ying, J.; Yip, S. H.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, M.; Zheng, Y.; Zhou, X.; Mason, C. E.; Mercer, T.; Tong, W.; Shi, L.; Jones, W.; Xu, J.
GENOME BIOLOGY 22 (1) :109, 2021 10.1186/s13059-021-02315-0
Kruppel-like factor 1 is a core cardiomyogenic trigger in zebrafish
Ogawa, M.; Geng, F. S.; Humphreys, D. T.; Kristianto, E.; Sheng, D. Z.; Hui, S. P.; Zhang, Y.; Sugimoto, K.; Nakayama, M.; Zheng, D.; Hesselson, D.; Hodson, M. P.; Bogdanovic, O.; Kikuchi, K.
SCIENCE 372 (6538) :201-205, 2021 10.1126/science.abe2762
Approaches to Fracture Risk Assessment and Prevention
Baim, S.; Blank, R.
Current Osteoporosis Reports 19 (2) :158-165, 2021 10.1007/s11914-021-00659-x
Dual Nature of Type I Interferons in SARS-CoV-2-Induced Inflammation
King, C., Sprent, J.
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 42 (4) :312-322, 2021 10.1016/
Long-term persistence of RBD(+) memory B cells encoding neutralizing antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Abayasingam, A.; Balachandran, H.; Agapiou, D.; Hammoud, M.; Rodrigo, C.; Keoshkerian, E.; Li, H.; Brasher, N. A.; Christ, D.; Rouet, R.; Burnet, D.; Grubor-Bauk, B.; Rawlinson, W.; Turville, S.; Aggarwal, A.; Stella, A. O.; Fichter, C.; Brilot, F.; Mina, M.; Post, J. J.; Hudson, B.; Gilroy, N.; Dwyer, D.; Sasson, S. C.; Tea, F.; Pilli, D.; Kelleher, A.; Tedla, N.; Lloyd, A. R.; Martinello, M.; Bull, R. A.; Cosin Study Group
Cell Reports 2 (4) :100228, 2021 10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100228
Evaluation of Diffuse Type 2 Dominant or Eosinophilic Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Corticosteroid Irrigation After Surgical Neosinus Cavity Formation
Li, W.; Ho, J.; Grayson, J. W.; Alvarado, R.; Rimmer, J.; Sewell, W. A.; Campbell, R.; Kalish, L.; Sacks, R.; Harvey, R. J.
JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 147 (4) :360-367, 2021 10.1001/jamaoto.2020.5286
Molecular requirements for human lymphopoiesis as defined by inborn errors of immunity
Della Mina, E., Guerin, A., Tangye, S. G.
STEM CELLS 39 (4) :389-402, 2021 10.1002/stem.3327
Clinically Applicable Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Attributes of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) for Use in Low-Cost Diagnostic Screening
Rashed-Al-Mahfuz, M.; Haque, A.; Azad, A.; Alyami, S. A.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Moni, M. A.
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine-JTEHM 9 :4900511, 2021 10.1109/JTEHM.2021.3073629
Response to Comment on Samara et al. Metformin Use Is Associated With Slowed Cognitive Decline and Reduced Incident Dementia in Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study. Diabetes Care 2020;43:2691-2701
Samaras, K.; Crawford, J. D.; Draper, B.; Trollor, J. N.; Brodaty, H.; Sachdev, P. S.
DIABETES CARE 44 (4) :e74, 2021 10.2337/dci20-0077
PD-1 blockade using pembrolizumab in adolescent and young adult patients with advanced bone and soft tissue sarcoma
Scheinberg, T.; Lomax, A.; Tattersall, M.; Thomas, D.; McCowage, G.; Sullivan, M.; Karim, R.; Luk, P. P.; Mahar, A.; Bonar, F.; Bhadri, V. A.
Cancer Reports 13 :e1327, 2021 10.1002/cnr2.1327
Plasma Cell-Free DNA Profiling of PTEN-PI3K-AKT Pathway Aberrations in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Kwan, E. M.; Dai, C.; Fettke, H.; Hauser, C.; Docanto, M. M.; Bukczynska, P.; Ng, N.; Foroughi, S.; Graham, L. K.; Mahon, K.; Tan, W.; Wang, X.; Zhao, Z.; Zheng, T.; Zhou, K.; Yu, J.; Du, P.; Horvath, L. G.; Jia, S.; Kohli, M.; Azad, A. A.
JCO Precision Oncology 5 :PO.20.00424, 2021 10.1200/PO.20.00424
Whole blood GRHL2 expression as a prognostic biomarker in metastatic hormone-sensitive and castration-resistant prostate cancer
Kwan, E. M.; Fettke, H.; Crumbaker, M.; Docanto, M. M.; To, S. Q.; Bukczynska, P.; Mant, A.; Ng, N.; Foroughi, S.; Graham, L. K.; Haynes, A. M.; Azer, S.; Lim, L. E.; Segelov, E.; Mahon, K.; Davis, I. D.; Parente, P.; Pezaro, C.; Todenhofer, T.; Sathianathen, N.; Hauser, C.; Horvath, L. G.; Joshua, A. M.; Azad, A. A.
Translational Andrology and Urology 10 (4) :1688-1699, 2021 10.21037/tau-20-1444
Two transcriptionally distinct pathways drive female development in a reptile with both genetic and temperature dependent sex determination
Whiteley, S. L.; Holleley, C. E.; Wagner, S.; Blackburn, J.; Deveson, I. W.; Marshall Graves, J. A.; Georges, A.
PLOS GENET 17 (4) :e1009465, 2021 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009465
Small noncoding RNA profiling across cellular and biofluid compartments and their implications for multiple sclerosis immunopathology
Zheleznyakova, G. Y.; Piket, E.; Needhamsen, M.; Hagemann-Jensen, M.; Ekman, D.; Han, Y.; James, T.; Khademi, M.; Al Nimer, F.; Scicluna, P.; Huang, J.; Kockum, I.; Faridani, O. R.; Olsson, T.; Piehl, F.; Jagodic, M.
Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells for spinal cord injury: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Chen, W. C.; Liu, W. F.; Bai, Y. Y.; Zhou, Y. Y.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, C. M.; Lin, S.; He, H. F.
Journal of Translational Medicine 19 (1) :178, 2021 10.1186/s12967-021-02843-0