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6432 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Human IgM+CD27+ B cells: memory B cells or ""memory"" B cells?
Tangye, S. G.;Good, K. L. :
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 179 (1) :13-9, 2007
OpenAccess publication Heterozygous neuregulin 1 mice are more sensitive to the behavioural effects of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol
Boucher, A. A.;Arnold, J. C.;Duffy, L.;Schofield, P. R.;Micheau, J.;Karl, T. :
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 192 (3) :325-36, 2007
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y in the recurrent mossy fiber pathway
Nadler, J. V.;Tu, B.;Timofeeva, O.;Jiao, Y.;Herzog, H. :
PEPTIDES 28 (2) :357-64, 2007
OpenAccess publication Invasion of the killer B's in type 1 diabetes
Silveira, P. A.;Serreze, D. V.;Grey, S. T. :
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 12 :2183-93, 2007
OpenAccess publication Excess lipid availability increases mitochondrial fatty acid oxidative capacity in muscle: evidence against a role for reduced fatty acid oxidation in lipid-induced insulin resistance in rodents
Turner, N.;Bruce, C. R.;Beale, S. M.;Hoehn, K. L.;So, T.;Rolph, M. S.;Cooney, G. J. :
DIABETES 56 (8) :2085-92, 2007
OpenAccess publication Novel role of Y1 receptors in the coordinated regulation of bone and energy homeostasis
Baldock, P. A.;Allison, S. J.;Lundberg, P.;Lee, N. J.;Slack, K.;Lin, E. J.;Enriquez, R. F.;McDonald, M. M.;Zhang, L.;During, M. J.;Little, D. G.;Eisman, J. A.;Gardiner, E. M.;Yulyaningsih, E.;Lin, S.;Sainsbury, A.;Herzog, H. :
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 282 (26) :19092-102, 2007
OpenAccess publication Synergistic cytotoxicity between tamoxifen and the plant toxin persin in human breast cancer cells is dependent on Bim expression and mediated by modulation of ceramide metabolism
Roberts, C. G.;Gurisik, E.;Biden, T. J.;Sutherland, R. L.;Butt, A. J. :
OpenAccess publication Metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus after initiation of antiretroviral therapy in HIV infection
Wand, H.;Calmy, A.;Carey, D. L.;Samaras, K.;Carr, A.;Law, M. G.;Cooper, D. A.;Emery, S. :
AIDS 21 (18) :2445-2453, 2007
OpenAccess publication The role of spontaneous activity in development of the endbulb of Held synapse
McKay, S. M.;Oleskevich, S. :
HEARING RESEARCH 230 (1-2) :53-63, 2007
OpenAccess publication Epigenetic inactivation of a cluster of genes flanking MLH1 in microsatellite-unstable colorectal cancer
Hitchins, M. P.;Lin, V. A.;Buckle, A.;Cheong, K.;Halani, N.;Ku, S.;Kwok, C. T.;Packham, D.;Suter, C. M.;Meagher, A.;Stirzaker, C.;Clark, S.;Hawkins, N. J.;Ward, R. L. :
CANCER RESEARCH 67 (19) :9107-16, 2007
OpenAccess publication Regulation of growth hormone signaling by selective estrogen receptor modulators occurs through suppression of protein tyrosine phosphatases
Leung, K. C.;Brce, J.;Doyle, N.;Lee, H. J.;Leong, G. M.;Sjogren, K.;Ho, K. K. :
ENDOCRINOLOGY 148 (5) :2417-23, 2007
OpenAccess publication Age-related changes in serum testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin in Australian men: longitudinal analyses of two geographically separate regional cohorts
Liu, P. Y.;Beilin, J.;Meier, C.;Nguyen, T. V.;Center, J. R.;Leedman, P. J.;Seibel, M. J.;Eisman, J. A.;Handelsman, D. J. :
OpenAccess publication Cellular expression requirements for inhibition of type 1 diabetes by a dominantly protective major histocompatibility complex haplotype
Chen, Y. G.;Silveira, P. A.;Osborne, M. A.;Chapman, H. D.;Serreze, D. V. :
DIABETES 56 (2) :424-30, 2007
OpenAccess publication The role of extranuclear signaling actions of progesterone receptor in mediating progesterone regulation of gene expression and the cell cycle
Boonyaratanakornkit, V.;McGowan, E.;Sherman, L.;Mancini, M. A.;Cheskis, B. J.;Edwards, D. P. :
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 21 (2) :359-75, 2007
OpenAccess publication The contribution of apolipoprotein E alleles on cognitive performance and dynamic neural activity over six decades
Alexander, D. M.;Williams, L. M.;Gatt, J. M.;Dobson-Stone, C.;Kuan, S. A.;Todd, E. G.;Schofield, P. R.;Cooper, N. J.;Gordon, E. :
BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY 75 (3) :229-38, 2007
OpenAccess publication No association of spastic paraparesis genes in PSEN1 Alzheimer's disease with spastic paraparesis
Karlstrom, H.;Kwok, J. B.;Gregory, G. C.;Hallupp, M.;Brooks, W. S.;Schofield, P. R. :
NEUROREPORT 18 (12) :1267-9, 2007