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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Position statement of the Australian Diabetes Society: individualisation of glycated haemoglobin targets for adults with diabetes mellitus
Cheung, N. W.; Conn, J. J.; d'Emden, M. C.; Gunton, J. E.; Jenkins, A. J.; Ross, G. P.; Sinha, A. K.; Andrikopoulos, S.; Colagiuri, S.; Twigg, S. M.;
MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA 191 (6) :339-44, 2009
OpenAccess publication Peak bone mineral density in Vietnamese women
Nguyen, H. T.; von Schoultz, B.; Pham, D. M.; Nguyen, D. B.; Le, Q. H.; Nguyen, D. V.; Hirschberg, A. L.; Nguyen, T. V.;
Archives of Osteoporosis 4 (1-2) :9-15, 2009
OpenAccess publication The transcriptional repressor Bcl-6 directs T follicular helper cell lineage commitment
Yu, D.; Rao, S.; Tsai, L. M.; Lee, S. K.; He, Y.; Sutcliffe, E. L.; Srivastava, M.; Linterman, M.; Zheng, L.; Simpson, N.; Ellyard, J. I.; Parish, I. A.; Ma, C. S.; Li, Q. J.; Parish, C. R.; Mackay, C. R.; Vinuesa, C. G.;
IMMUNITY 31 (3) :457-68, 2009
OpenAccess publication HIV, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease
Samaras, K.
Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 3 (1) :59-64, 2009
OpenAccess publication Toll-like receptor 5- and lymphotoxin beta receptor-dependent epithelial Ccl20 expression involves the same NF-kappaB binding site but distinct NF-kappaB pathways and dynamics
Sirard, J. C.; Didierlaurent, A.; Cayet, D.; Sierro, F.; Rumbo, M.;
BBA-MOL BASIS DIS 1789 (5) :386-94, 2009
OpenAccess publication New insights into the differentiation and function of T follicular helper cells
King, C.;
NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 9 (11) :757-66, 2009
OpenAccess publication Common variants in the region around Osterix are associated with bone mineral density and growth in childhood
Timpson, N. J.; Tobias, J. H.; Richards, J. B.; Soranzo, N.; Duncan, E. L.; Sims, A. M.; Whittaker, P.; Kumanduri, V.; Zhai, G.; Glaser, B.; Eisman, J.; Jones, G.; Nicholson, G.; Prince, R.; Seeman, E.; Spector, T. D.; Brown, M. A.; Peltonen, L.; Smith, G. D.; Deloukas, P.; Evans, D. M.;
HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 18 (8) :1510-7, 2009
OpenAccess publication Cyclin D1b protein expression in breast cancer is independent of cyclin D1a and associated with poor disease outcome
Millar, E. K.; Dean, J. L.; McNeil, C. M.; O'Toole, S. A.; Henshall, S. M.; Tran, T.; Lin, J.; Quong, A.; Comstock, C. E.; Witkiewicz, A.; Musgrove, E. A.; Rui, H.; Lemarchand, L.; Setiawan, V. W.; Haiman, C. A.; Knudsen, K. E.; Sutherland, R. L.; Knudsen, E. S.;
ONCOGENE 28 (15) :1812-20, 2009
OpenAccess publication AMP-activated protein kinase and muscle insulin resistance
Kraegen, E. W.; Bruce, C.; Hegarty, B. D.; Ye, J. M.; Turner, N.; Cooney, G.;
Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark 14 :4658-72, 2009
OpenAccess publication Functional heterogeneity at dopamine release sites
Daniel, J. A.; Galbraith, S.; Iacovitti, L.; Abdipranoto, A.; Vissel, B.;
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 29 (46) :14670-80, 2009
OpenAccess publication Proteomic profiling of growth hormone-responsive proteins in human peripheral blood leukocytes
Chung, L.; Nelson, A. E.; Ho, K. K.; Baxter, R. C.;
OpenAccess publication Cross-sectional analysis of testosterone therapies in hypopituitary men on stable pituitary hormone replacement
Siyambalapitiya, S.; Jonsson, P.; Koltowska-Haggstrom, M.; Gaillard, R.; Ho, K.; Ross, R. J.;
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 70 (6) :907-13, 2009
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D deficiency in critically ill patients
Lee, P.; Eisman, J. A.; Center, J. R.;
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 360 (18) :1912-4, 2009
OpenAccess publication Logic and extent of miRNA-mediated control of autoimmune gene expression
Vinuesa, C. G.; Rigby, R. J.; Yu, D.;
OpenAccess publication Mortality risk associated with low-trauma osteoporotic fracture and subsequent fracture in men and women
Bliuc, D.; Nguyen, N. D.; Milch, V. E.; Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.; Center, J. R.;
OpenAccess publication Correlates of environmental factors and human plague: an ecological study in Vietnam
Pham, H. V.; Dang, D. T.; Tran Minh, N. N.; Nguyen, N. D.; Nguyen, T. V.;