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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Molecular dissection of integrin signalling proteins in the control of mammary epithelial development and differentiation.
Akhtar, N.; Marlow, R.; Lambert, E.; Schatzmann, F.; Lowe, E.T.; Cheung, J.; Katz, E.; Li, W.; Wu, C.; Dedhar, S.; Naylor, M.J.; Streuli, C.H.
DEVELOPMENT 136 (6) :1019-1027, 2009 10.1242/dev.028423
OpenAccess publication Synoptic reporting improves histopathological assessment of pancreatic resection specimens
Gill, A.J.; ; Johns, A.L.; Eckstein, R.P.; Samra, J.; Kaufman, A.; Chang, D.K.; Merret, N.D.; Cosman, P.H.; Smith, R.C.; Biankin, A.V.; Kench, J.G.
PATHOLOGY 41 (2) :161-167, 2009 10.1080/00313020802337329
OpenAccess publication Population rates of bone densitometry use in Australia, 2001-2005, by sex and rural versus urban location
Ewald, DP.; ; Eisman, JA.; ; Ewald, BD.; ; Winzenberg, TM.; ; Seibel, MJ.; ; Ebeling, PR.; Flicker, LA.; Nash, PT.
OpenAccess publication Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies
Merrett, N. D.; Wilson, R. B.; Cosman, P.; Biankin, A. V.
OpenAccess publication Critical interplay between neuropeptide Y and sex steroid pathways in bone and adipose tissue homeostasis
Allison, S.; Baldock, P.; Enriquez, R.; Lin, E.; During, M.; Gardiner, E.; Eisman, J.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
OpenAccess publication The key hypoxia regulated gene CAIX is upregulated in basal-like breast tumours and is associated with resistance to chemotherapy
Tan, E.Y.; Yan, M.; Campo, L.; Han, C.; Takano, E.; Turley, H.; Candiloro, I.; Pezzella, F.; Gatter, K.C.; Millar, E.K.A.; O'Toole, S.A.; McNeil, C.M.; Crea, P.; Segara, D.; Sutherland, R.L.; Harris, A.L.; Fox, S.B.
British Journal of Cancer 100 (2) :405-411, 2009 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604844
OpenAccess publication Annexin A6 inhibits Ras signaling in breast cancer cells.
Vila de Muga, S. V.; Timpson, P.; Cubells, L.; Evans, R.; Hayes, T. E.; Rentero, C.; Hegemann, A.; Reverter, M.; Leschner, J.; Pol, A.; Tebar, F.; Daly, R. J.; Enrich, C.; Grewal, T.
ONCOGENE 28 (3) :363-77, 2009 10.1038/onc.2008.386
OpenAccess publication BAG-1 predicts patient outcome and tamoxifen responsiveness in ER positive invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.
Millar, EKA.,; Anderson, LR., ; McNeil, CM., ; O'Toole, SA.,; Pinese, M., ; Crea, P.,; Morey, A.,; Biankin, AV., ; Henshall, SM.,; Musgrove, EA.,; Sutherland, RL.; Butt, AJ.
British Journal of Cancer 100 (1) :123-133, 2009 10.1038/sj.bjc.6604809
OpenAccess publication Weight maintenance in hospitalized geriatric patients treated with beta-blockers
Lee, P.; Greenfield, J. R.; Day, R. O.; Ho, K. K.;
OpenAccess publication Bisphosphonates in chronic kidney disease; balancing potential benefits and adverse effects on bone and soft tissue
Toussaint, N. D.; Elder, G. J.; Kerr, P. G.
CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO 221-33 (1) :221-33, 2009
OpenAccess publication Overexpression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 in skeletal muscle is sufficient to enhance fatty acid oxidation and improve high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance
Bruce, C. R.; Hoy, A. J.; Turner, N.; Watt, M. J.; Allen, T. L.; Carpenter, K.; Cooney, G. J.; Febbraio, M. A.; Kraegen, E. W.;
DIABETES 58 (3) :550-8, 2009
OpenAccess publication NPY signalling pathway in bone homeostasis: Y1 receptor as a potential drug target
Sousa, D. M.; Herzog, H.; Lamghari, M.;
CURRENT DRUG TARGETS 10 (1) :9-19, 2009
OpenAccess publication Bad news for beta-cell apoptosis
Thomas, H. E.; Biden, T. J.;
DIABETES 58 (8) :1725-7, 2009
OpenAccess publication Aire-Deficient C57BL/6 Mice Mimicking the Common Human 13-Base Pair Deletion Mutation Present with Only a Mild Autoimmune Phenotype
Hubert, F. X.; Kinkel, S. A.; Crewther, P. E.; Cannon, P. Z. F.; Webster, K. E.; Link, M.; Uibo, R.; O'Bryan, M. K.; Meager, A.; Forehan, S. P.; Smyth, G. K.; Mittaz, L.; Antonarakis, S. E.; Peterson, P.; Heath, W. R.; Scott, H. S.;
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 182 (6) :3902-3918, 2009
Towards fully automated identification of vesicle-membrane fusion events in TIRF microscopy
Mele, K.; Vallotton, P.; Burchfield, J. G.; James, D. E.; Hughes, W. E.;
Int J Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 1 (4) :502-515, 2009
OpenAccess publication Insights into the role of STAT3 in human lymphocyte differentiation as revealed by the hyper-IgE syndrome
Tangye, S. G.; Cook, M. C.; Fulcher, D. A.;
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 182 (1) :21-8, 2009