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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication p38 MAPK is a major regulator of MafA protein stability under oxidative stress
Kondo, T.; El Khattabi, I.; Nishimura, W.; Laybutt, D. R.; Geraldes, P.; Shah, S.; King, G.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Weir, G.; Sharma, A.;
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 23 (8) :1281-90, 2009
OpenAccess publication Regulation of the nuclear hormone receptor nur77 in muscle: Influence of exercise-activated pathways in vitro and obesity in vivo
Kanzleiter, T.; Wilks, D.; Preston, E.; Ye, J.; Frangioudakis, G.; Cooney, G. J.;
BBA-MOL BASIS DIS 1792 (8) :777-82, 2009
OpenAccess publication Pigment epithelium-derived factor contributes to insulin resistance in obesity
Crowe, S.; Wu, L. E.; Economou, C.; Turpin, S. M.; Matzaris, M.; Hoehn, K. L.; Hevener, A. L.; James, D. E.; Duh, E. J.; Watt, M. J.;
Cell Metabolism 10 (1) :40-7, 2009
OpenAccess publication The importance of brown adipose tissue
Lee, P.; Ho, K. K.; Fulham, M. J.;
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 361 (4) :418; author reply 419-20, 2009
OpenAccess publication Expression and prognostic significance of cyclin B1 and cyclin A in non-small cell lung cancer
Cooper, W. A.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R.; Zhuang, L.; McCaughan, B.; Kennedy, C.; Screaton, G.; Sutherland, R. L.; Lee, C. S.:
HISTOPATHOLOGY 55 (1) :28-36, 2009 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2009.03331.x
OpenAccess publication Managing bone complications after kidney transplantation
Mainra, R.; Elder, G.
NEPHROLOGY 14 (4) :437-42, 2009 NEP1156 [pii] 10.1111/j.1440-1797.2009.01156.x
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D compounds for people with chronic kidney disease not requiring dialysis
Palmer, S. C.; McGregor, D. O.; Craig, J. C.; Elder, G.; Macaskill, P.; Strippoli, G. F.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4) :CD008175, 2009 10.1002/14651858.CD008175
OpenAccess publication Lipid and insulin infusion-induced skeletal muscle insulin resistance is likely due to metabolic feedback and not changes in IRS-1, Akt, or AS160 phosphorylation
Hoy, A. J.; Brandon, A. E.; Turner, N.; Watt, M. J.; Bruce, C. R.; Cooney, G. J.; Kraegen, E. W.;
OpenAccess publication CD4+ CD25+ T cells control autoimmunity in the absence of B cells
Marino, E.; Villanueva, J.; Walters, S.; Liuwantara, D.; Mackay, F.; Grey, S. T.;
DIABETES 58 (7) :1568-77, 2009
OpenAccess publication Molecular determinants of Grb12-mediated inhibition of insulin signaling.
Goenaga, D.; Hampe, C.; Carre, N.; Cailliau, K.; Browaeys-Poly, E.; Perdereau, D.; Holt, L.J.; Daly, R.J.; Girard, J.; Broutin, I.; Issad, T.; Burnol, A-F.
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 23 (7) :1043-51, 2009 10.1210/me.2008-0360. 10.1210/me.2008-0360. 10.1210/me.2008-0360. Goenaga D, Hampe C, Carre N, Cailliau K, Browaeys-Poly E, Perdereau D, Holt LJ, Daly RJ, Girard J, Broutin I, Issad T and Burnol A-F (2009). Molecular determinants of Grb14-mediated inhi
OpenAccess publication The microanatomy of B cell activation.
Phan, T.G, Gray E.E.; Cyster; J.G.:
OpenAccess publication Growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 undergoes light-dependent intracellular translocation in rod photoreceptors: functional role in retinal insulin receptor activation
Rajala, A.; Daly, R.J.; Tanito, M.; Allen, D.T.; Holt, L.J.; Lobanova, E.S.; Arshavsky, V.Y.; Rajala, R.V.S.
BIOCHEMISTRY 48 (24) :5563-5572, 2009 10.1021/bi9000062
OpenAccess publication Dual ablation of Grb10 and Grb14 in mice reveals their combined role in regulation of insulin signaling and glucose homeostasis
Holt, L.J.; Lyons, R.J.; Ryan, A.S.; Beale, S.M.; Ward, A.; Cooney, G.J.; Daly, R.J.
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 23 :1406-1414, 2009 me.2008-0386 [pii] 10.1210/me.2008-0386
OpenAccess publication Margin clearance and outcome in resected pancreatic cancer.
Chang, D.K.; Johns, A.; Merrett, N.D.; Gill, A.J.; Colvin, E.K.; Scarlett, C.J.; Nguyen, N.Q.; Leong, R.W.L.; Cosman, P.H.; Kelly, M.I.; Sutherland, R.L.; Henshall, S.M.; Kench, J.G.; Biankin, A.V.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 27 (17) :2855-2862, 2009 10.1200/JCO.2008.20.5104
OpenAccess publication Activin A is essential for neurogenesis following neurodegeneration
Adipranoto-Cowley, A.; Park, J.S.; Croucher, D.; Daniel, J.; Henshall, S.M.; Galbraith, S.; Mervin, K.; Vissel, B.
STEM CELLS 27 (6) :1330-1346, 2009 10.1002/stem.80
OpenAccess publication Role of endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic cancer.
Chang, D.K.; Nguyen, N.Q.; Merrett, N.D.; Dixson, H.; Leong, R.W.L.; Biankin, A.V.
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 3 (3) :293-303, 2009 10.1586/egh.09.18