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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Primary immune deficiencies affecting lymphocyte differentiation: lessons from the spectrum of resulting infections
Cook, M. C.; Tangye, S. G.;
INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY 21 (9) :1003-11, 2009
OpenAccess publication Identification of a distal GLUT4 trafficking event controlled by actin polymerization
Lopez, J. A.; Burchfield, J. G.; Blair, D. H.; Mele, K.; Ng, Y.; Vallotton, P.; James, D. E.; Hughes, W. E.;
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 20 (17) :3918-29, 2009
OpenAccess publication Estrogen regulation of cyclin E2 requires cyclin D1, but not c-Myc
Caldon, C.E.; Sergio, C.M.; Schutte, J.; Boersma, M.N.; Sutherland, R.L.; Carroll, J.S.; Musgrove, E.A.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 29 (17) :4623-4639, 2009 10.1128/MCB.00269-09
OpenAccess publication Effect of vegetarian diets on bone mineral density: a Bayesian meta-analysis
Ho-Pham, L.T.; Nguyen, N.D.; Nguyen, T.V.
OpenAccess publication The transition from fetal growth restriction to accelerated postnatal growth: a potential role for insulin signalling in skeletal muscle
Muhlhausler, B. S.; Duffield, J. A.; Ozanne, S. E.; Pilgrim, C.; Turner, N.; Morrison, J. L.; McMillen, I. C.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 587 (Pt 17) :4199-211, 2009 jphysiol.2009.173161 [pii] 10.1113/jphysiol.2009.173161
OpenAccess publication Guidance of B Cells by the Orphan GPCR EBI2 Shapes Humoral Immune Responses
Gatto, D.; Paus, D.; Basten, A.; Mackay, C.R.; Brink, R.
IMMUNITY 31 :259-269, 2009 S1074-7613(09)00313-6 [pii] 10.1016/j.immuni.2009.06.016
OpenAccess publication Aberrant de novo methylation of the p16INK4A CpG island is initiated post gene silencing in association with chromatin remodeling and mimics nucleosome positioning.
Hinshelwood, R.A.; Melki, J.R.; Huschtscha, L.I.; Paul, C.; Song, J.Z.; Stirzaker, C.; Reddel, R.R.; Clark, S.J.
HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 18 (16) :3098-3109, 2009 10.1093/hmg/ddp251
OpenAccess publication Androgen receptor inhibits estrogen receptor-alpha activity and is prognostic in breast cancer
Peters, A.A.; Buchanan, G.; Ricciardelli, C.; Bianco-Miotto, T.; Centenera, M.M.; Harris, J.M.; Jindal, S.; Segara, D.; Jia, L.; Moore, N.L.; Henshall, S.M.; Birrell, S.NB.; Coetzee, G.A.; Sutherland, R.L.; Butler, L.M.; Tilley, W.D.
CANCER RESEARCH 69 (15) :6313-6140, 2009 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-0452
OpenAccess publication KDIGO clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention, and treatment of chronic kidney disease?mineral and bone disorder (CKD?MBD)
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD?MBD Work Group
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 76 :(Suppl 13), 2009
OpenAccess publication Expression of urokinase plasminogen activator and its receptor in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer patients
Wang, L., Madigan, M.C., Chen, H., Liu, F.H., Patterson, K.I., Beretov, J., O'Brien, P.M.; Li, Y.
GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 114 (2) :265-272, 2009 10.1016/j.ygyno.2009.04.031
OpenAccess publication Demographic factors influencing the GH system: Implications for the detection of GH doping in sport
Nelson, A. E.; Ho, K. K.;
GROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH 19 (4) :327-32, 2009
OpenAccess publication Low 06-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) expression and response to temozolomide in aggressive pituitary tumours
McCormack, A.I.; McDonald, K.L.; Gill, A.J.; Clark, S.J.; Burt, M.G.; Campbell, K.A.; Braund, W.J.; Little, N.S.; Cook, R.J.; Grossman A.B.; Robinson, B.G.; Clifton-Bligh, R.J.
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 71 (2) :226-233, 2009 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2008.03487.x
OpenAccess publication The many faces of hepatitis C: liver disease and type 2 diabetes
Milner, K. L.; Chisholm, D.; George, J.;
HEPATOLOGY 50 (3) :668-70, 2009
OpenAccess publication Deletion of PKCepsilon selectively enhances the amplifying pathways of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion via increased lipolysis in mouse beta-cells
Cantley, J.; Burchfield, J. G.; Pearson, G. L.; Schmitz-Peiffer, C.; Leitges, M.; Biden, T. J.
DIABETES 58 (8) :1826-34, 2009 db09-0132 [pii] 10.2337/db09-0132
OpenAccess publication Expression of S100A2 calcium-binding protein predicts response to pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer
Biankin, A. V.; Kench, J. G.; Colvin, E. K.; Segara, D.; Scarlett, C. J.; Nguyen, N. Q.; Chang, D. K.; Morey, A. L.; Lee, C. S.; Pinese, M.; Kuo, S. C.; Susanto, J. M.; Cosman, P. H.; Lindeman, G. J.; Visvader, J. E.; Nguyen, T. V.; Merrett, N. D.; Warusavitarne, J.; Musgrove, E. A.; Henshall, S. M.; Sutherland, R. L.;
GASTROENTEROLOGY 137 (2) :558-68, 568 e1-11, 2009 S0016-5085(09)00550-2 [pii] 10.1053/j.gastro.2009.04.009
OpenAccess publication Prevalence and risk factors of radiographic vertebral fracture in postmenopausal Vietnamese women
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, N. D.; Vu, B. Q.; Pham, H. N.; Nguyen, T. V.;
BONE 45 (2) :213-7, 2009