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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Dietary intake in HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy: relationships with body composition, visceral fat, lipid, glucose and adipokine metabolism
Samaras, K.; Wand, H.; Law, M.; Emery, S.; Cooper, D. A.; Carr, A.;
CURRENT HIV RESEARCH 7 (4) :454-61, 2009
OpenAccess publication A role for GATA-2 in transition to an aggressive phenotype in prostate cancer through modulation of key androgen-regulated genes
Bohm, M.; Locke, W.; Sutherland, R.L.; Kench, J.G.; Henshall, S.M.;
ONCOGENE 28 (43) :3847-3856, 2009 10.1038/onc.2009.243
OpenAccess publication Regulation of inflammatory responses by gut microbiota and chemoattractant receptor GPR43
Maslowski, K. M.; Vieira, A. T.; Ng, A.; Kranich, J.; Sierro, F.; Yu, D.; Schilter, H. C.; Rolph, M. S.; Mackay, F.; Artis, D.; Xavier, R. J.; Teixeira, M. M.; Mackay, C. R.
NATURE 461 (7268) :1282-6, 2009 nature08530 [pii] 10.1038/nature08530
OpenAccess publication Insulin resistance is a cellular antioxidant defense mechanism
Hoehn, K. L.; Salmon, A. B.; Hohnen-Behrens, C.; Turner, N.; Hoy, A. J.; Maghzal, G. J.; Stocker, R.; Van Remmen, H.; Kraegen, E. W.; Cooney, G. J.; Richardson, A. R.; James, D. E.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 106 (42) :17787-92, 2009 0902380106 [pii] 10.1073/pnas.0902380106
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D insufficiency--a novel mechanism of statin-induced myalgia?
Lee, P.; Greenfield, J. R.; Campbell, L. V.;
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 71 (1) :154-5, 2009
OpenAccess publication Identification of candidate biomarkers of therapeutic response to docetaxel by proteomic profiling
Zhao, L.; Lee, B.Y.; Brown, D.A.; Molloy, M.P.; Marx, G.M.; Pavlakis, N.; Boyer, M.J.; Stockler, M.; Kaplan, W.; Breit, S.N.; Sutherland, R.L.; Henshall, S.M.; Horvath, L.G.
CANCER RESEARCH 69 (19) :7696-7703, 2009 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-08-4901
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D deficiency: the invisible accomplice of metabolic endotoxemia?
Lee, P.; Campbell, L. V.;
OpenAccess publication Memory B cells: effectors of long-lived immune responses
Tangye, S. G.; Tarlinton, D. M.;
OpenAccess publication Prediction of local recurrence, distant metastases and death following breast-conserving therapy in early-stage invasive breast cancer using a five biomarker panel.
Millar, E.K.A.; Graham, P.H.; O'Toole, S.A.; McNeil, C.M.; Browne, L.; Morey, A.L.; Eggleton, S.; Beretov, J.; Theocharous, C.; Capp, A.; Nasser, E.; Kearsley, J.H.; Delaney, G.; Papadatos, G.; Fox, C.; Sutherland, R.L.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 27 (28) :4701-4708, 2009 10.1200/JCO.2008.21.7075
OpenAccess publication Benefits and harms of phosphate binders in CKD: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Navaneethan, S. D.; Palmer, S. C.; Craig, J. C.; Elder, G. J.; Strippoli, G. F.;
OpenAccess publication Function, regulation and pathological roles of the Gab/DOS docking protein
Wohrle, F.U.; Daly, R.J.; Brummer, T.
Cell Communication and Signaling 7 :22, 2009 10.1186/1478-811X-7-22
OpenAccess publication Biological determinants of resistance to tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer
Musgrove, E.A.; Sutherland, R.L.
NATURE REVIEWS CANCER 9 (9) :631-643, 2009 10.1038/nrc2713
OpenAccess publication The Hedgehog signalling pathway as a therapeutic target in early breast cancer development
O'Toole, S.A.; Swarbrick, A.; Sutherland, R.L.
OpenAccess publication Antigen affinity controls rapid T-dependent antibody production by driving the expansion rather than the differentiation or extrafollicular migration of early plasmablasts
Chan, T.D.; Gatto, D.; Wood, K.; Camidge, T.; Basten, A.; Brink, R.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 183 (5) :3139-49, 2009 jimmunol.0901690 [pii] 10.4049/jimmunol.0901690
OpenAccess publication Cyclin D1 splice variants: polymorphism, risk, and isoform specific regulation in prostate cancer.
Comstock, C.E.S.; Augello, M.A.; PeBenito, R.; Karch, J.; Tran, T.H.; Ultama, F.E.; Tindall, E.; Wang, Y.; Burd, C.J.; Groh, E.M.; Hoang, H.N.; Giles, G.G.; Severi, G.; Hayes, V.M.; Henderson, B.E.; Marchand, L.L.; Kolonel, L.N.; Haiman, C.A.; Baffa, R.; Gomella, L.G.; Knudsen, E.S.; Rui, H.; Henshall, S.M.; Sutherland, R.L.; Knudsen, K.E.
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 15 (17) :5338-5348, 2009 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-08-2865
OpenAccess publication Invariant natural killer (iNK) T cell deficiency in patients with common variable immunodeficiency
Fulcher, D. A.; Avery, D. T.; Fewings, N. L.; Berglund, L. J.; Wong, S.; Riminton, D. S.; Adelstein, S.; Tangye, S. G.;