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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication AMP-activated protein kinase controls metabolism and heat production during embryonic development in birds
Walter, I.; Hegarty, B.; Seebacher, F.;
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 213 (18) :3167-3176 181, 2010
OpenAccess publication The role of BAFF and APRIL in regulating human B-cell behaviour: implications for disease pathogenesis
Tangye, S.G.; Fulcher, D.A.
Contemporary Immunology:BLys Ligands and Receptors :195-220, 2010
OpenAccess publication Pharmacogenetics of osteoporosis-related bone fractures: moving towards the harmonization and validation of polymorphism diagnostic tools
Rogo Venegas, K.; Gomez, M. A.; Eisman, J. A.; Sanchez, A. G.; Dader, M. J.; Hernandez, M. A.;
PHARMACOGENOMICS 11 (9) :1287-303, 2010
Managing the patient with osteoporosis
Joshi, D.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.;
Medicine Today 11 (10) :47-59, 2010
OpenAccess publication IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes show strong biological activity by avoiding interaction with IL-2 receptor alpha subunit CD25
Letourneau, S.; van Leeuwen, E. M.; Krieg, C.; Martin, C.; Pantaleo, G.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.; Boyman, O.;
OpenAccess publication The elusive identity of T follicular helper cells
Yu, D.; Vinuesa, C. G.;
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 31 (10) :377-83, 2010
OpenAccess publication Sialic acid modification of adiponectin is not required for multimerization or secretion but determines half-life in circulation
Richards, A. A.; Colgrave, M. L.; Zhang, J.; Webster, J.; Simpson, F.; Preston, E.; Wilks, D.; Hoehn, K. L.; Stephenson, M.; Macdonald, G. A.; Prins, J. B.; Cooney, G. J.; Xu, A.; Whitehead, J. P.;
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 24 (1) :229-39, 2010
OpenAccess publication Targeting ceramide synthesis to reverse insulin resistance
Schmitz-Peiffer, C.;
DIABETES 59 (10) :2351-3, 2010
OpenAccess publication Saturated- and n-6 Polyunsaturated-Fat Diets Each Induce Ceramide Accumulation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle: Reversal and Improvement of Glucose Tolerance by Lipid Metabolism Inhibitors
Frangioudakis, G.; Garrard, J.; Raddatz, K.; Nadler, J. L.; Mitchell, T. W.; Schmitz-Peiffer, C.;
ENDOCRINOLOGY 151 (9) :4187-96, 2010
OpenAccess publication The ROQUIN family of proteins localizes to stress granules via the ROQ domain and binds target mRNAs
Athanasopoulos, V.; Barker, A.; Yu, D.; Tan, A. H.; Srivastava, M.; Contreras, N.; Wang, J.; Lam, K. P.; Brown, S. H.; Goodnow, C. C.; Dixon, N. E.; Leedman, P. J.; Saint, R.; Vinuesa, C. G.;
FEBS Journal 277 (9) :2109-27, 2010
OpenAccess publication The effect of obesity on intrahepatic cytokine and chemokine expression in chronic hepatitis C infection
Palmer, C.; Corpuz, T.; Guirguis, M.; O'Toole, S.; Yan, K.; Bu, Y. M.; Jorgenson, J.; Talbot, M.; Loi, K.; Lloyd, A.; Zekry, A.;
GUT 59 (3) :397-404, 2010
OpenAccess publication Global phosphoproteomics identifies a major role for AKT and 14-3-3 in regulating EDC3
Larance, M.; Rowland, A. F.; Hoehn, K. L.; Humphreys, D. T.; Preiss, T.; Guilhaus, M.; James, D. E.;
OpenAccess publication Downregulation of AMPK accompanies leucine- and glucose-induced increases in protein synthesis and insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle
Saha, A. K.; Xu, X. J.; Lawson, E.; Deoliveira, R.; Brandon, A. E.; Kraegen, E. W.; Ruderman, N. B.;
DIABETES 59 (10) :2426-34, 2010
OpenAccess publication Peripheral neuropeptide Y Y1 receptors regulate lipid oxidation and fat accretion
Zhang, L.; Macia, L.; Turner, N.; Enriquez, R. F.; Riepler, S. J.; Nguyen, A. D.; Lin, S.; Lee, N. J.; Shi, Y. C.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Slack, K.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.;
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 34 (2) :357-73, 2010 ijo2009232 [pii] 10.1038/ijo.2009.232
OpenAccess publication Mice lacking the neuropeptide alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide are protected against diet-induced obesity
Walker, C. S.; Li, X.; Whiting, L.; Glyn-Jones, S.; Zhang, S.; Hickey, A. J.; Sewell, M. A.; Ruggiero, K.; Phillips, A. R.; Kraegen, E. W.; Hay, D. L.; Cooper, G. J.; Loomes, K. M.;
ENDOCRINOLOGY 151 (9) :4257-69, 2010
OpenAccess publication The relationship between the waist-to-height ratio and glucose and lipid metabolism in Han adolescents
Lu, Q. A.; Iseli, T. J.; Yin, F. Z.; Ma, C. M.; Liu, B. W.; Lou, D. H.; Liu, X. L.;
INDIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS 77 (5) :547-550, 2010