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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Hyponatremia in pulmonary TB: evidence of ectopic antidiuretic hormone production
Lee, P.; Ho, K. K.;
CHEST 137 (1) :207-8, 2010
OpenAccess publication Cognition in transmembrane domain neuregulin 1 mutant mice
Duffy, L.; Cappas, E.; Lai, D.; Boucher, A. A.; Karl, T.;
NEUROSCIENCE 170 (3) :800-7, 2010
OpenAccess publication miR-380-5p represses p53 to control cellular survival and is associated with poor outcome in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma
Swarbrick, A.; Woods, S. L.; Shaw, A.; Balakrishnan, A.; Phua, Y.; Nguyen, A.; Chanthery, Y.; Lim, L.; Ashton, L. J.; Judson, R. L.; Huskey, N.; Blelloch, R.; Haber, M.; Norris, M. D.; Lengyel, P.; Hackett, C. S.; Preiss, T.; Chetcuti, A.; Sullivan, C. S.; Marcusson, E. G.; Weiss, W.; L'Etoile, N.; Goga, A.;
NATURE MEDICINE 16 (10) :1134-40, 2010
OpenAccess publication Caloric restriction with or without exercise: the fitness versus fatness debate
Larson-Meyer, D. E.; Redman, L.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Martin, C. K.; Ravussin, E.;
OpenAccess publication Cytoplasmic localization of B-catenin is a marker of a poor outcome in breast cancer patients
Lopez-Knowles, E., Zardawi, S.J., McNeil, C.M., Millar, E.K.A., Crea, P., Musgrove, E.A., Sutherland, R.L.; O'Toole, S.A.
CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION 19 (1) :301-309, 2010 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-09-0741
OpenAccess publication Insulin-regulated trafficking of GLUT4 requires ubiquitination
Lamb, C. A.; McCann, R. K.; Stockli, J.; James, D. E.; Bryant, N. J.;
TRAFFIC 11 (11) :1445-1454, 2010
OpenAccess publication Nonelective excisional colorectal surgery in English National Health Service Trusts: a study of outcomes from Hospital Episode Statistics Data between 1996 and 2007
Faiz, O.; Warusavitarne, J.; Bottle, A.; Tekkis, P. P.; Clark, S. K.; Darzi, A. W.; Aylin, P.;
OpenAccess publication Conformational changes in extracellular loop 2 associated with signal transduction in the glycine receptor
Cederholm, J. M.; Absalom, N. L.; Sugiharto, S.; Griffith, R.; Schofield, P. R.; Lewis, T. M.;
JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY 115 (5) :1245-55, 2010
OpenAccess publication Growth hormone administration: is it safe and effective for athletic performance
Birzniece, V.; Nelson, A.E.; Ho, K.K.Y.:
ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA 39 (1) :11-23, vii, 2010 S0889-8529(09)00090-5 [pii] 10.1016/j.ecl.2009.10.007
OpenAccess publication edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data
Robinson, M. D.; McCarthy, D. J.; Smyth, G. K.;
Bioinformatics 26 (1) :139-40, 2010
OpenAccess publication Transcript profiling of Elf5+/- mammary glands during pregnancy identifies novel targets of Elf5
Rogers, R. L.; Van Seuningen, I.; Gould, J.; Hertzog, P. J.; Naylor, M. J.; Pritchard, M. A.;
PLoS One 5 (10) :e13150, 2010
OpenAccess publication Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue gene expression of serum adipokines that predict type 2 diabetes
Samaras, K.; Botelho, N. K.; Chisholm, D. J.; Lord, R. V.;
Obesity 18 (5) :884-9, 2010
OpenAccess publication In vivo local co-delivery of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-7 and pamidronate via poly-D, L-lactic acid
Yu, N. Y.; Schindeler, A.; Peacock, L.; Mikulec, K.; Baldock, P. A.; Ruys, A. J.; Little, D. G.;
EUROPEAN CELLS & MATERIALS 20 :431-41; discussion 441-2, 2010
OpenAccess publication MicroRNAs in common diseases and potential therapeutic applications
Tsai, L. M.; Yu, D.;
CLIN EXP PHARMACOL P 37 (1) :102-107, 2010
OpenAccess publication Repitools: an R package for the analysis of enrichment-based epigenomic data
Statham, A. L.; Strbenac, D.; Coolen, M. W.; Stirzaker, C.; Clark, S. J.; Robinson, M. D.;
Bioinformatics 26 (13) :1662-3, 2010
OpenAccess publication Regulation of B-Cell Self-Tolerance By BAFF and the Molecular Basis of Its Action
Gardam, S.; Brink, R.
Contemporary Immunology:BLys Ligands and Receptors X111 :43-63, 2010