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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Cell cycle proteins in epithelial cell differentiation: implications for breast cancer
Caldon, C.E., Sutherland, R.L.; Musgrove, E.A.
CELL CYCLE 9 (10) :1918-1928, 2010 10.4161/cc.9.10.11474
OpenAccess publication Defining research priorities for pancreatic cancer in Australia: results of a consensus development process
Robotin, M.; Jones, S.; Biankin, A.V.; Iverson, D.; Gooden, H.; Barraclough, B.; Penman, A.
CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL 21 (5) :729-736, 2010 10.1007/s10552-010-9501-1
OpenAccess publication Prognosis of fracture: evaluation of predictive accuracy of the FRAX algorithm and Garvan nomogram
Sandhu, S. K.; Nguyen, N. D.; Center, J. R.; Pocock, N. A.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 21 (5) :863-71, 2010 10.1007/s00198-009-1026-7
OpenAccess publication Modulatory effect of raloxifene and estrogen on the metabolic action of growth hormone in hypopituitary women
Birzniece, V.; Meinhardt, U.; Gibney, J.; Johannsson, G.; Baxter, R. C.; Seibel, M. J.; Ho, K. K.:
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 95 (5) :2099-106, 2010 jc.2009-2743 [pii] 10.1210/jc.2009-2743
OpenAccess publication Deficiency of ATF3, an adaptive-response gene, protects islets and ameliorates inflammation in a syngeneic transplantation model
Zmuda, E.J.; Viapiano, M.; Grey, S.T.; Hadley, G.; Garcia-Ocaa, A.; Hai, T.
DIABETOLOGIA 53 (7) :1438-50, 2010 10.1007/s00125-010-1696-x
OpenAccess publication The central and basolateral amygdala are critical sites of neuropeptide Y/Y2 receptor-mediated regulation of anxiety and depression
Tasan, R. O.; Nguyen, N. K.; Weger, S.; Sartori, S. B.; Singewald, N.; Heilbronn, R.; Herzog, H.; Sperk, G.;
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 30 (18) :6282-90, 2010
OpenAccess publication Clonal expansions of cytotoxic T cells exist in the blood of patients with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia but exhibit anergic properties and are eliminated by nucleoside analogue therapy
Li, J.; Sze, D. M.; Brown, R. D.; Cowley, M. J.; Kaplan, W.; Mo, S. L.; Yang, S.; Aklilu, E.; Kabani, K.; Loh, Y. S.; Yamagishi, T.; Chen, Y.; Ho, P. J.; Joshua, D. E.
Blood 115 (17) :3580-8, 2010 blood-2009-10-246991 [pii] 10.1182/blood-2009-10-246991
OpenAccess publication What's wrong with the Nobel Prize?
Lee, H.
Australian Medical Student Journal (AMSJ) 1 (1) :65-67, 2010 N/A
OpenAccess publication International network of cancer genome projects
Hudson TJ, Anderson W, Aretz A, Barker AD, Bell C, Bernab RR, Bhan MK, Calvo F, Eerola I, Gerhard DS, Guttmacher A, Guyer M, Hemsley FM, Jennings JL, Kerr D, Klatt P, Kolar P, Kusuda J, Lane DP, Laplace F, Lu Y, Nettekoven G, Ozenberger B, Peterson J, Rao TS, Remacle J, Schafer AJ, Shibata T, Stratton MR, Vockley JG, Watanabe K, Yang H, Yuen MM, Knoppers BM, Bobrow M, Cambon-Thomsen A, Dressler LG, Dyke SO, Joly Y, Kato K, Kennedy KL, Nicols P, Parker MJ, Rial-Sebbag E, Romeo-Casabona CM, Shaw KM, Wallace S, Wiesner GL, Zeps N, Lichter P, Biankin AV, Chabannon C, Chin L, Clment B, de Alava E, Degos F, Ferguson ML, Geary P, Hayes DN, Johns AL, Kasprzyk A, Nakagawa H, Penny R, Piris MA, Sarin R, Scarpa A, van de Vijver M, Futreal PA, Aburatani H, Bays M, Bowtell DDL, Campbell PJ, Estivill X, Grimmond SM, Gut I, Hirst M, Lpez-Otn C, Majumder P, Marra M, McPherson JD, Ning Z, Puente XS, Ruan Y, Stunnenberg HG, Swerdlow H, Velculescu VE, Wilson RK, Xue HH, Yang L, Spellman PT, Bader GD, Boutros PC, Flicek P, Getz G, Guig R, Guo G, Haussler D, Heath S, Hubbard TJ, Jiang T, Jones SM, Li Q, Lpez-Bigas N, Luo R, Muthuswamy L, Ouellette BF, Pearson JV, Quesada V, Raphael BJ, Sander C, Speed TP, Stein LD, Stuart JM, Teague JW, Totoki Y, Tsunoda T, Valencia A, Wheeler DA, Wu H, Zhao S, Zhou G, Lathrop M, Thomas G, Yoshida T, Axton M, Gunter C, Miller LJ, Zhang J, Haider SA, Wang J, Yung CK, Cross A, Liang Y, Gnaneshan S, Guberman J, Hsu J, Chalmers DR, Hasel KW, Kaan TS, Lowrance WW, Masui T, Rodriguez LL, Vergely C, Cloonan N, DeFazio A, Eshleman JR, Etemadmoghadam D, Gardiner BA, Kench JG, Sutherland RL, Tempero MA, Waddell NJ, Wilson PJ, Gallinger S, Tsao MS, Shaw PA, Petersen GM, Mukhopadhyay D, DePinho RA, Thayer S, Shazand K, Beck T, Sam M, Timms L, Ballin V, Ji J, Zhang X, Chen F, Hu X, Yang Q, Tian G, Zhang L, Xing X, Li X, Zhu Z, Yu Y, Yu J, Tost J, Brennan P, Holcatova I, Zaridze D, Brazma A, Egevad L, Prokhortchouk E, Banks RE, Uhln M, Viksna J, Ponten F, Skryabin K, Birney E, Borg A, Brresen-Dale AL, Caldas C, Foekens JA, Martin S, Reis-Filho JS, Richardson AL, Sotiriou C, van't Veer L, Birnbaum D, Blanche H, Boucher P, Boyault S, Masson-Jacquemier JD, Pauport I, Pivot X, Vincent-Salomon A, Tabone E, Theillet C, Treilleux I, Bioulac-Sage P, Decaens T, Franco D, Gut M, Samuel D, Zucman-Rossi J, Eils R, Brors B, Korbel JO, Korshunov A, Landgraf P, Lehrach H, Pfister S, Radlwimmer B, Reifenberger G, Taylor MD, von Kalle C, Pederzoli P, Lawlor RT, Delledonne M, Bardelli A, Gress T, Klimstra D, Zamboni G, Nakamura Y, Miyano S, Fujimoto A, Campo E, de Sanjos S, Montserrat E, Gonzlez-Daz M, Jares P, Himmelbaue H, Bea S, Aparicio S, Easton DF, Collins FS, Compton CC, Lander ES, Burke W, Green AR, Hamilton SR, Kallioniemi OP, Ley TJ, Liu ET, Wainwright BJ.
NATURE 464 (7291) :993-998, 2010 10.1038/nature08987
OpenAccess publication Contributions of lean mass and fat mass to bone mineral density: A study in postmenopausal women
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, N. D.; Lai, T. Q.; Nguyen, T. V.
BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 11 (2) :59, 2010 1471-2474-11-59 [pii] 10.1186/1471-2474-11-59
OpenAccess publication PIKE-A is required for prolactin-mediated STAT5a activation in mammary gland development
Chan, C., Liu, X., Ensslin, M.A., Dillehay, D.L., Ormandy, C.J., Sohn, P., Serra, R.; Ye, K.:
EMBO JOURNAL 29 (5) :956-968, 2010 10.1038/emboj.2009.406
OpenAccess publication The C5a receptor (C5aR) C5L2 is a modulator of C5aR-mediated signal transduction.
Bamberg, C. E.; Mackay, C. R.; Lee, H.; Zahra, D.; Jackson, J.; Lim, Y. S.; Whitfeld, P. L.; Craig, S.; Corsini, E.; Lu, B.; Gerard, C.; Gerard, N. P.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 285 (10) :7633-44, 2010 M109.092106 [pii] 10.1074/jbc.M109.092106
OpenAccess publication Glimpsing the real CD4+ T cell response
Surh, C.D.; Sprent, J.:
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 11 (1) :47-9, 2010 ni0110-47 [pii] 10.1038/ni0110-47
OpenAccess publication Insulin, a key regulator of hormone responsive milk protein synthesis during lactogenesis in murine mammary explants
Menzies, K. K.; Lee, H. J.; Lefevre, C.; Ormandy, C. J.; Macmillan, K. L.; Nicholas, K. R.
FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS 10 (1) :87-95, 2010 10.1007/s10142-009-0140-0
OpenAccess publication Galanin mediates the pathogenesis of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in the mouse.
Bhandari, M.; Thomas, A. C.; Hussey, D. J.; Li, X.; Jaya, S. P.; Woods, C. M.; Schloithe, A. C.; Mayne, G. C.; Carati, C. J.; Toouli, J.; Ormandy, C. J.; Saccone, G. T.;
PANCREAS 39 (2) :182-7, 2010 10.1097/MPA.0b013e3181bdc152
OpenAccess publication Stage migration in localized prostate cancer has no effect on the post-radical prostatectomy Kattan nomogram
Thanigasalam, R.; Rasiah, K.K.; Stricker, P.D.; Earnest, A.; Haynes, A.M.; Sutherland, S.; Sutherland, R.L.; Henshall, S.M.; Horvath, L.
BJU International 105 (5) :642-647, 2010 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08842.x