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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Identification of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes by systolic blood pressure and waist-to-hip ratio
Ta, M.T.T.; Nguyen, K.T.; Nguyen, N.D.; Campbell, L.V.; Nguyen, T.V.;
DIABETES CARE 53 (10) :2139-46, 2010 10.1007/s00125-010-1841-6
OpenAccess publication Beta 2 glycoprotein I is a substrate of thiol oxidoreductases
Passam, F. H.; Rahgozar, S.; Qi, M.; Raftery, M. J.; Wong, J. W.; Tanaka, K.; Ioannou, Y.; Zhang, J. Y.; Gemmell, R.; Qi, J. C.; Giannakopoulos, B.; Hughes, W. E.; Hogg, P. J.; Krilis, S. A.;
Blood 116 (11) :1995-1997, 2010
OpenAccess publication Comprehensive analysis of the cytokine-rich chromosome 5q31.1 region suggests a role for IL-4 gene variants in prostate cancer risk
Tindall, E. A.; Severi, G.; Hoang, H. N.; Ma, C. S.; Fernandez, P.; Southey, M. C.; English, D. R.; Hopper, J. L.; Heyns, C. F.; Tangye, S. G.; Giles, G. G.; Hayes, V. M.
CARCINOGENESIS 31 (10) :1748-54, 2010 bgq081 [pii] 10.1093/carcin/bgq081
OpenAccess publication In vivo control of B cell survival and antigen-specific B cell responses
Chan, T. D.; Gardam, S.; Gatto, D.; Turner, V. M.; Silke, J.; Brink, R.:
IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 237 (1) :90-103, 2010
OpenAccess publication Gene based prediction of clinically localized prostate cancer progression after radical prostatectomy
Talantov, D.; Jatkoe, T.A.; Boehm, M.; Zhang, Y.; Ferguson, A.M.; Stricker, P.; Kattan, M.W.; Sutherland, R.L.; Kench, J.G.; Wang, Y.; Henshall, S.M.
JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 184 (4) :1521-8, 2010 S0022-5347(10)03739-0 [pii] 10.1016/j.juro.2010.05.084
OpenAccess publication Lineage-specific transgene expression in hematopoietic cells using a versatile Cre-regulated retroviral vector
Turner, V.M; Gardam, S.; Brink, R.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS 360 (1-2) :162-166, 2010 S0022-1759(10)00172-9 [pii] 10.1016/j.jim.2010.06.007
OpenAccess publication Border patrol: SCS macrophages activate iNKT cells too
Phan, T.G.; Chtanova, T.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 88 (6) :619-21, 2010 icb201071 [pii] 10.1038/icb.2010.71
OpenAccess publication Follicular helper T cell differentiation requires continuous antigen presentation that is independent of unique B cell signaling
Deenick, E. K.; Chan, A.; Ma, C. S.; Gatto, D.; Schwartzberg, P. L.; Brink, R.; Tangye, S. G.
IMMUNITY 33 (2) :241-253, 2010 S1074-7613(10)00280-3 [pii] 10.1016/j.immuni.2010.07.015
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D deficiency in adults
Joshi, D.; Center, J.R.; Eisman, J.A.
Australian Prescriber 33 (4) :103-6, 2010
OpenAccess publication A family history of type 2 diabetes increases risk factors associated with overfeeding
Samocha-Bonet, D.; Campbell, L. V.; Viardot, A.; Freund, J.; Tam, C. S.; Greenfield, J. R.; Heilbronn, L. K.:
DIABETOLOGIA 53 (8) :1700-8, 2010 10.1007/s00125-010-1768-y
OpenAccess publication Redefining the expression and function of the inhibitor of differentiation 1 in mammary gland development
Nair, R.; Junankar, S.; O'Toole, S.; Shah, J.; McFarland, A.; Borovsky, A.; Bishop, M.J.; Swarbrick, A.
PLoS One 5 (8) :e11947, 2010 10.1371/journal.pone.0011947
OpenAccess publication Overexpression of the oncogenic signal transducer Gab2 occurs early in breast cancer development
Fleuren, E. D.; O'Toole, S.; Millar, E. K.; McNeil, C.; Lopez-Knowles, E.; Boulghourjian, A.; Croucher, D. R.; Schramek, D.; Brummer, T.; Penninger, J. M.; Sutherland, R. L.; Daly, R. J.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 127 (6) :1486-92, 2010 10.1002/ijc.25172
OpenAccess publication Co-expression of the androgen receptor and the transcription factor ZNF652 is related to prostate cancer outcome
Callen, D. F.; Ricciardelli, C.; Butler, M.; Stapleton, A.; Stahl, J.; Kench, J. G.; Horsfall, D. J.; Tilley, W. D.; Schulz, R.; Nesland, J. M.; Neilsen, P. M.; Kumar, R.; Holm, R.;
ONCOLOGY REPORTS 23 (4) :1045-52, 2010
OpenAccess publication DUSP26 negatively affects the proliferation of epithelial cells, an effect not mediated by dephosphorylation of MAPKs
Patterson, K.I.; Brummer, T.; Daly, R.; O'Brien, P.M.:
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH 1803 (9) :1003-1012, 2010 S0167-4889(10)00091-1 [pii] 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2010.03.014
OpenAccess publication Should experienced open prostatic surgeons convert to robotic surgery? The real learning curve for one surgeon over 3 years
Doumerc, N.; Yuen, C.; Savdie, R.; Rahman, M.B.; Rasiah, K.; Pe Benito, R.; Delprado, W.; Matthews, J.; Haynes, A-M.; Stricker, P.D:
BJU International 106 (3) :378-84, 2010 BJU9158 [pii] 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.09158.x
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y and sex hormone interactions in humoral and neuronal regulation of bone and fat
Zengin, A.; Zhang, L.; Herzog, H.; Baldock, P. A.; Sainsbury, A.
TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 21 (7) :411-8, 2010 S1043-2760(10)00039-1 [pii] 10.1016/j.tem.2010.02.004