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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication PPARdelta agonists have opposing effects on insulin resistance in high fat-fed rats and mice due to different metabolic responses in muscle
Ye, J. M.; Tid-Ang, J.; Turner, N.; Zeng, X. Y.; Li, H. Y.; Cooney, G. J.; Wulff, E. M.; Sauerberg, P.; Kraegen, E. W.;
OpenAccess publication Comparative analysis of three risk assessment tools in Australian patients with prostate cancer
Tamblyn, D. J.; Chopra, S.; Yu, C.; Kattan, M. W.; Pinnock, C.; Kopsaftis, T.;
BJU International 108 2011
OpenAccess publication Differential regulation of adaptive and apoptotic unfolded protein response signalling by cytokine-induced nitric oxide production in mouse pancreatic beta cells
Chan, J. Y.; Cooney, G. J.; Biden, T. J.; Laybutt, D. R.;
DIABETOLOGIA 54 (7) :1766-76, 2011
OpenAccess publication Epigenetic deregulation across chromosome 2q14.2 differentiates normal from prostate cancer and provides a regional panel of novel DNA methylation cancer biomarkers
Devaney, J.; Stirzaker, C.; Qu, W.; Song, J.; Statham, A.; Patterson, K.I.; Horvath, L.; Tabor, B.; Coolen, M.W.; Hulf, T.; Kench, J.G.; Henshall, S.M.; Pe Benito, R.; Haynes, A-M.; Mayor, R.; Peinado, M.; Sutherland, R.L.; Clark, S.J.
CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION 20 (1) :148-59, 2011 1055-9965.EPI-10-0719 [pii] 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-10-0719
OpenAccess publication Contribution of a common variant in the promoter of the 1-alpha-hydroxylase gene (CYP27B1) to fracture risk in the elderly
Clifton-Bligh, R. J.; Nguyen, T. V.; Au, A.; Bullock, M.; Cameron, I.; Cumming, R.; Chen, J. S.; March, L. M.; Seibel, M. J.; Sambrook, P. N.;
Alzheimer's disease selective vulnerability and modelling in transgenic mice
Gotz, J.; Schonrock, N.; Vissel, B.; Ittner, L.M.;
Advances in Alzheimer's Disease 1 :49, 2011
OpenAccess publication Evaluation of cell cycle arrest in estrogen responsive MCF-7 breast cancer cells: pitfalls of the MTS assay
McGowan, E. M.; Alling, N.; Jackson, E. A.; Yagoub, D.; Haass, N. K.; Allen, J. D.; Martinello-Wilks, R.;
PLoS One 6 (6) :e20623, 2011
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D status and parathyroid hormone in a urban population in Vietnam
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, N. D.; Lai, T. Q.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.:
OpenAccess publication TNF and leptin tell essentially the same story in Alzheimer's disease
Clark, I. A.; Alleva, L. M.; Vissel, B.;
OpenAccess publication Effect of epithelial stem cell transplantation on noise-induced hearing loss in adult mice
Sullivan, J. M.; Cohen, M. A.; Pandit, S. R.; Sahota, R. S.; Borecki, A. A.; Oleskevich, S.;
NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 41 (2) :552-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication Osteoporosis medication and reduced mortality risk in elderly women and men
Center, J. R.; Bliuc, D.; Nguyen, N. D.; Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.;
OpenAccess publication Selective knockdown of NMDA receptors in primary afferent neurons decreases pain during phase 2 of the formalin test
McRoberts, J. A.; Ennes, H. S.; Marvizon, J. C.; Fanselow, M. S.; Mayer, E. A.; Vissel, B.;
NEUROSCIENCE 172 :474-82, 2011
Unexpected functional similarities between gatekeeper tumour suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes revealed by systems biology
Zhao, Y.; Epstein, R. J.;
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 56 (5) :369-76, 2011
OpenAccess publication A gene expression signature for insulin resistance
Konstantopoulos, N.; Foletta, V. C.; Segal, D. H.; Shields, K. A.; Sanigorski, A.; Windmill, K.; Swinton, C.; Connor, T.; Wanyonyi, S.; Dyer, T. D.; Fahey, R. P.; Watt, R. A.; Curran, J. E.; Molero, J. C.; Krippner, G.; Collier, G. R.; James, D. E.; Blangero, J.; Jowett, J. B.; Walder, K. R.;
PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS 43 (3) :110-20, 2011 physiolgenomics.00115.2010 [pii] 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00115.2010
OpenAccess publication A lipidomic screen of palmitate-treated MIN6 beta-cells links sphingolipid metabolites with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and impaired protein trafficking
Boslem, E.; MacIntosh, G.; Preston, A. M.; Bartley, C.; Busch, A. K.; Fuller, M.; Laybutt, D. R.; Meikle, P. J.; Biden, T. J.;
BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 435 (1) :267-76, 2011
OpenAccess publication alpha-Actinin-3 deficiency is associated with reduced bone mass in human and mouse
Yang, N.; Schindeler, A.; McDonald, M. M.; Seto, J. T.; Houweling, P. J.; Lek, M.; Hogarth, M.; Morse, A. R.; Raftery, J. M.; Balasuriya, D.; Macarthur, D. G.; Berman, Y.; Quinlan, K. G.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.; Center, J. R.; Prince, R. L.; Wilson, S. G.; Zhu, K.; Little, D. G.; North, K. N.;
BONE 49 (4) :790-8, 2011