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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Precursor lesions in pancreatic cancer: morphological and molecular pathology
Scarlett, C.J.; Salisbury, E.L.; Biankin, A.V.; Kench, J.G.
PATHOLOGY 43 (3) :183-200, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e3283445e3a 01268031-201104000-00001 [pii]
OpenAccess publication Molecular assays in breast cancer pathology.
O'Toole, S.A.; Selinger, T.; Millar, E.K.A.; Lum, T.; Beith, J.M.
PATHOLOGY 43 (2) :116-27, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e3283430926 01268031-201102000-00005 [pii]
OpenAccess publication Genetic profiling and individualized prognosis of fracture
Tran, B.N.H.; Nguyen, N.D.; Nguyen, V.X.; Center, J.R.; Eisman, J.; Nguyen, E.V.:
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 26 (2) :414-9, 2011 10.1002/jbmr.219
OpenAccess publication Ex-vivo expanded DC induce donor-specific central and peripheral tolerance and prolong the acceptance of donor skin allografts
Yamano, T.; Watanabe, S.; Hasegawa, H.; Suzuki, T.; Abe, R.; Tahara, H.; Nitta, T.; Ishimaru, N.; Sprent, J.; Kishimoto, H.:
Blood 117 (9) :2640-8, 2011
OpenAccess publication Plasmacytoid DCs induce gutsy plasma cells.
Tangye, S.
IMMUNITY 34 (2) :144-6, 2011 S1074-7613(11)00047-1 [pii] 10.1016/j.immuni.2011.02.009
OpenAccess publication The incidence of type-1 diabetes in NOD mice is modulated by restricted flora not germ-free conditions
King, C. ; Sarvetnick, N.:
PLoS One 6 (2) :e17049, 2011 10.1371/journal.pone.0017049
OpenAccess publication Putting out fat's fire with the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway
Swarbrick, M.M.
ENDOCRINOLOGY 152 (3) :748-50, 2011
OpenAccess publication The role of SAP and SLAM family molecules in the humoral immune response
Ma, CS.; Deenick EK.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1217 :32-44, 2011
OpenAccess publication Synaptic morphology and the influence of auditory experience
O'Neil, J. N.; Connelly, C. J.; Limb, C. J.; Ryugo, D. K.;
HEARING RESEARCH 279 (1-2) :118-30, 2011
OpenAccess publication Regulation of T follicular helper cell formation and function by antigen presenting cells
Deenick, E.K.; Ma, C.S.; Brink, R.; Tangye, S.G:
CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY (23) :1, 2011 S0952-7915(10)00157-3 [pii] 10.1016/j.coi.2010.10.007
OpenAccess publication Metabolic sequelae of beta-blocker therapy: weighing in on the obesity epidemic?
Lee, P.; Kengne, A. P.; Greenfield, J. R.; Day, R. O.; Chalmers, J.; Ho, K. K.;
OpenAccess publication New friends for bone marrow plasma cells
Brink, R.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 12 (2) :115-7, 2011
OpenAccess publication Clinical pharmacokinetics of metformin
Graham, G. G.; Punt, J.; Arora, M.; Day, R. O.; Doogue, M. P.; Duong, J. K.; Furlong, T. J.; Greenfield, J. R.; Greenup, L. C.; Kirkpatrick, C. M.; Ray, J. E.; Timmins, P.; Williams, K. M.;
CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS 50 (2) :81-98, 2011 2 [pii] 10.2165/11534750-000000000-00000
OpenAccess publication What's new in non-small cell lung cancer for pathologists: the importance of accurate subtyping, EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangements.
Cooper, W.A.; O'Toole, S.; Boyer, M.; Horvath, L.; Mahar, A.
PATHOLOGY 43 (2) :103-15, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e328342629d 01268031-201102000-00004 [pii]
OpenAccess publication IL-27 promotes T cell?dependent colitis through multiple mechanisms
Cox, J. H.; Kljavin, N. M.; Ramamoorthi, N.; Diehl, L.; Batten, M.; Ghilardi, N.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 208 (1) :115-23, 2011 jem.20100410 [pii] 10.1084/jem.20100410
OpenAccess publication Monoclonal antibody targeting MUC1 and increasing sensitivity to docetaxel as a novel strategy in treating human epithelial ovarian cancer
Wang, L.; Chen, H.; Liu, F.; Madigan, M.C.; Power, C.A.; Hao, J.; Patterson, K.I.; Pourgholami, M.H.; O'Brien, P.M.; Perkins, A.C.; Li, Y.
CANCER LETTERS 300 (2) :122-33, 2011 S0304-3835(10)00458-1 [pii] 10.1016/j.canlet.2010.09.013