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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Commensal flora and the regulation of inflammatory and autoimmune responses
Kranich, J.; Maslowski, K. M.; Mackay, C. R.:
SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY 23 (2) :139-45, 2011 10.1016/j.smim.2011.01.011
OpenAccess publication We are what we eat: how nutritional compounds such as isoflavones shape our epigenome
Guerrero-Bosagna, C.M.; Clark, S.J.
Nutrition in Epigenetics :ch15, 2011 10.1002/9780470959824.ch15
OpenAccess publication SLAM Family Receptors and SAP Adaptors in Immunity
Cannons, J. L.; Tangye, S. G.; Schwartzberg, P. L.:
Annual Review of Immunology 29 :665-705, 2011
OpenAccess publication What to do about Bones in those on Prednisone?
Abdo, S.; Greenfield, J.
Geriatric Medicine in General Practice 8 :23-25, 2011
OpenAccess publication Low AZGP1 expression predicts for recurrence in margin-positive, localized prostate cancer
Yip, P.Y.; Kench, J.G.; Rasiah, K.K.; Pe Benito, R.; Lee, C-S.; Stricker, P.D.; Henshall, S.M.; Sutherland, R.L.; Horvath, L.G.
PROSTATE 71 (15) :1638-45, 2011 10.1002/pros.21381
OpenAccess publication ATP11C is critical for the internalization of phosphatidylserine and differentiation of B lymphocytes
Yabas, M.; Teh, C. E.; Frankenreiter, S.; Lal, D.; Roots, C. M.; Whittle, B.; Andrews, D. T.; Zhang, Y.; Teoh, N. C.; Sprent, J.; Tze, L. E.; Kucharska, E. M.; Kofler, J.; Farell, G. C.; Broer, S.; Goodnow, C. C.; Enders, A.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 12 (5) :441-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication Mutation of the BAFF furin cleavage site impairs B-cell homeostasis and antibody responses
Bossen, C.; Tardivel, A.; Willen, L.; Fletcher, C. A.; Perroud, M.; Beermann, F.; Rolink, A. G.; Scott, M. L.; Mackay, F.; Schneider, P.
OpenAccess publication Y1 signalling has a critical role in allergic airway inflammation
Macia, L.; Rao, P. T.; Wheway, J.; Sierro, F.; Mackay, F.; Herzog, H.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 89 (8) :882-888, 2011
OpenAccess publication Deciphering the colon cancer genes - report of the InSiGHT Workshop at the Human Variome Project Meeting, UNESCO, Paris 2010.
Kohonen-Corish, M.; Macrae, F.; Genuardi, M.; Aretz, S.; Bapat, B.; Bernstein, I.T.; Burn, J.; Cotton, R.; den Dunnen, J.T.; Frebourg, T.; Greenblatt, M.S.; Hofstra, R.; Holinksi-Feder, E.; Lappalainen, I.; Lindblom, A.; Maglott, D.; Moller, P.; Morreau, H.; Moslein, G.; Sijmons, R.; Spurdle, A.B.; Tavtigian, S.; Tops, C.M.J.; Weber, T.K.; de Wind, N.; Woods, M.
HUMAN MUTATION 32 (4) :491-494, 2011
OpenAccess publication Association between beta-blocker use and fracture risk: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study
Yang, S.; Nguyen, N. D.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.
BONE 48 :451-5, 2011 S8756-3282(10)01988-5 [pii] 10.1016/j.bone.2010.10.170
OpenAccess publication Discovery pipeline for epigenetically deregulated miRNAs in cancer: integration of primary miRNA transcription
Hulf, T.; Sibbritt, T.; Wiklund, E. D.; Bert, S.; Strbenac, D.; Statham, A. L.; Robinson, M. D.; Clark, S. J.
BMC Genomics 12 :54, 2011 1471-2164-12-54 [pii] 10.1186/1471-2164-12-54
OpenAccess publication Synergistic effects of genetic beta cell dysfunction and maternal glucose intolerance on offspring metabolic phenotype in mice
Lau, S. M.; Lin, S.; Stokes, R. A.; Cheng, K.; Baldock, P. A.; Enriquez, R. F.; McLean, M.; Cheung, N. W.; Sainsbury, A.; Gonzalez, F. J.; Herzog, H.; Gunton, J. E.
DIABETOLOGIA 54 (4) :910-21, 2011
OpenAccess publication Coordinated epigenetic repression of the miR-200 family and miR-205 in invasive bladder cancer
Wiklund, E.D., Bramsen, J.B., Hulf, T., Dyrskjt, L., Ramanathan, R., Hansen, T.B., Villadsen, S.B., Gao, S., Ostenfeld, M.S., Borre, M., Peter, M.E., rntoft, T.F., Kjems, J.; Clark, S.J.
OpenAccess publication The NSAID sulindac is chemopreventive in the mouse distal colon but carcinogenic in the proximal colon
Mladenova, D.; Daniel, J. J.; Dahlstrom, J. E.; Bean, E.; Gupta, R.; Pickford, R.; Currey, N.; Musgrove, E. A.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R.:
GUT 60 (3) :350-60, 2011 gut.2010.208314 [pii] 10.1136/gut.2010.208314
OpenAccess publication Interleukin-21 is critically required in autoimmune and allogeneic responses to islet tissue in murine models
McGuire, H.M.; Walters, S.; Vogelzang, A.; Lee, C.M.Y.; Webster, K.E.; Sprent, J.; Christ, D.; Grey, S.T.; King, C.:
DIABETES 60 (3) :867-75, 2011 60/3/867 [pii] 10.2337/db10-1157
OpenAccess publication Comparison of methyl-DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) protein capture for genome-wide DNA methylation analysis reveal CpG sequence coverage bias
Nair, S., Coolen, M.W., Stirzaker, C., Song, J., Statham A.L., Strbenac, D., Robinson, M.D.; Clark S.J.
Epigenetics 6 (1) :34-44, 2011