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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Upregulation of the signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (STAT3) pathway in lymphatic metastases of papillary thyroid cancer.
Zhang, J.; Gill, A.; Atmore, B.; Johns, A.; Delbridge, L.; Lai, R.; McMullen, T.
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology 4 (4) :356-62, 2011
OpenAccess publication The expression of the ubiquitin ligase SIAH2 (seven in absentia homolog 2) is mediated through gene copy number in breast cancer and is associated with a basal-like phenotype and p53 expression
Chan, P.; Moller, A.; Liu, M. C.; Sceneay, J. E.; Wong, C. S.; Waddell, N.; Huang, K. T.; Dobrovic, A.; Millar, E. K.; O'Toole, S. A.; McNeil, C. M.; Sutherland, R. L.; Bowtell, D. D.; Fox, S. B.:
BREAST CANCER RES 13 (1) :R19, 2011
OpenAccess publication A fine romance: T follicular helper cells and B cells
King, C.
IMMUNITY 34 (6) :827-9, 2011 S1074-7613(11)00239-1 [pii] 10.1016/j.immuni.2011.06.007
OpenAccess publication Endocrine resistance in breast cancer: new roles for ErbB3 and ErbB4.
Sutherland, R.L.
BREAST CANCER RES 13 (3) :106, 2011
OpenAccess publication B cell-directed therapies in type 1 diabetes
Marino, E.; Silveira, P.A.; Stolp, J.; Grey, S. T.:
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 32 (6) :287-94, 2011
OpenAccess publication Overcoming resistance: targeting the PI3K/mTOR pathway in endocrine refractory breast cancer.
Butt, A.
CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY 11 (11) :947-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication More on body fat cutoff points
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Campbell, L. V.; Nguyen, T. V.;
MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS 86 (6) :584; author reply 584-5, 2011
OpenAccess publication Scapinin-induced inhibition of axon elongation is attenuated by phosphorylation and translocation to the cytoplasm
Farghaian, H.; Chen, Y.; Fu, A. W.; Fu, A. K.; Ip, J. P.; Ip, N. Y.; Turnley, A. M.; Cole, A. R.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 286 (22) :19724-34, 2011 M110.205781 [pii]
OpenAccess publication An early inflammatory gene profile in visceral adipose tissue in children
Tam, C. S.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Henegar, C.; Wong, M.; Cowell, C. T.; Cowley, M. J.; Kaplan, W.; Clement, K.; Baur, L. A.;
INT J PEDIATR OBES 6 (2-2) :e360-3, 2011
OpenAccess publication CXCR5 expressing human central memory CD4 T Cells and their relevance for humoral immune responses
Chevalier, N.; Jarrossay, D.; Ho, E.; Avery, D. T.; Ma, C. S.; Yu, D.; Sallusto, F.; Tangye, S. G.; Mackay, C. R.:
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 186 (10) :5556-68, 2011
OpenAccess publication Involvement of human choline kinase alpha and beta in carcinogenesis: A different role in lipid metabolism and biological functions
Gallego-Ortega, D.; Gomez Del Pulgar, T.; Valdes-Mora, F.; Cebrian, A.; Lacal, J.C.
Advances in Enzyme Regulation 51 (1) :183-94, 2011
OpenAccess publication Peripheral specific Y2 receptor knockdown protects mice from high fat diet induced obesity
Shi, Y.C.; Lin, S.; Castillo, L.; Aljanova, A.; Enriquez, R.F.; Nguyen, A.D.; Baldock, P.A.; Zhang, L.; Bijker, M.; Macia, L.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Zhang, H.; Lau, J.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
Obesity 19 (11) :2137-48, 2011 oby201199 [pii] 10.1038/oby.2011.99
OpenAccess publication Lawrence G. Raisz November 13, 1925-August 25, 2010
Bilezikian, J. P.; Drezner, M.; Kream, B.; Stern, P.; Clemens, T.; Elderkin, A.; Siris, E.; Krane, S.; Eisman, J.; Arnold, A.; Feyen, J.; Hurley, M.; Kawaguchi, H.; Lorenzo, J.; Peck, W.; Pilbeam, C.; Rowe, D.; Martin, T. J.; Hock, J.; DeLuca, H.; Rodan, S.; Lukert, B.; Chen, T.; Klein-Nulend, J.;
OpenAccess publication Pathogenic effects of novel mutations in the P-type ATPase ATP13A2 (PARK9) causing Kufor-Rakeb syndrome, a form of early-onset parkinsonism
Park, J. S.; Mehta, P.; Cooper, A. A.; Veivers, D.; Heimbach, A.; Stiller, B.; Kubisch, C.; Fung, V. S.; Krainc, D.; Mackay-Sim, A.; Sue, C. M.;
HUMAN MUTATION 32 (8) :956-64, 2011
OpenAccess publication Normal T cell homeostasis: the conversion of naive cells into memory-phenotype cells
Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 131 (6) :478-84, 2011
OpenAccess publication The spiral ganglion: connecting the peripheral and central auditory systems
Nayagam, B. A.; Muniak, M. A.; Ryugo, D. K.;
HEARING RESEARCH 278 (1-2) :2-20, 2011