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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Inducible brown adipogenesis of supraclavicular fat in adult humans
Lee, P.; Swarbrick, M. M.; Zhao, J. T.; Ho, K. K.
ENDOCRINOLOGY 152 (10) :3597-602, 2011
OpenAccess publication KOBAS 2.0: a web server for annotation and identification of enriched pathways and diseases.
Xie, C.; Mao, X.; Huang, J.; Ding, Y.; Wu, J.; Dong, S.; Kong, L.; Gao, G.; Li, C.Y.; Wei, L.
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 39 (Web Server issue) :W316-22, 2011 gkr483 [pii] 10.1093/nar/gkr483
OpenAccess publication Distal tibial fracture repair in a neurofibromatosis type 1-deficient mouse treated with recombinant bone morphogenetic protein and a bisphosphonate
Schindeler, A.; Birke, O.; Yu, N. Y.; Morse, A.; Ruys, A.; Baldock, P. A.; Little, D. G.;
J BONE JOINT SURG BR 93 (8) :1134-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication Calcineurin-dependent negative regulation of CD94/NKG2A expression on naive CD8+ T cells
Cho, J. H.; Kim, H. O.; Webster, K.; Palendira, M.; Hahm, B.; Kim, K. S.; King, C.; Tangye, S. G.; Sprent, J.:
Blood 118 (1) :116-28, 2011
OpenAccess publication Long term nutritional status and quality of life following major upper gastrointestinal surgery - A cross-sectional study
Carey, S.; Storey, D.; Biankin, A. V.; Martin, D.; Young, J.; Allman-Farinelli, M.;
CLINICAL NUTRITION 30 (6) :774-9, 2011
OpenAccess publication B cell priming for extrafollicular antibody responses requires Bcl-6 expression by T cells
Lee, S. K.; Rigby, R. J.; Zotos, D.; Tsai, L. M.; Kawamoto, S.; Marshall, J. L.; Ramiscal, R. R.; Chan, T. D.; Gatto, D.; Brink, R.; Yu, D.; Fagarasan, S.; Tarlinton, D. M.; Cunningham, A. F.; Vinuesa, C. G.
OpenAccess publication Epigenetics in prostate cancer: biologic and clinical relevance
Jeronimo, C.; Bastian, P. J.; Bjartell, A.; Carbone, G. M.; Catto, J. W.; Clark, S. J.; Henrique, R.; Nelson, W. G.; Shariat, S. F.:
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 60 (4) :753-66, 2011 S0302-2838(11)00659-2 [pii] 10.1016/j.eururo.2011.06.035
OpenAccess publication The neuropeptide Y system: Pathophysiological and therapeutic implications in obesity and cancer
Zhang, L.; Bijker, M.; Herzog, H.
PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 131 (1) :91-113, 2011 S0163-7258(11)00077-5 [pii] 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2011.03.011
OpenAccess publication Recruitment of regulatory T cells is correlated with hypoxia-induced CXCR4 expression, and is associated with poor prognosis in basal-like breast cancers
Yan, M.; Jene, N.; Byrne, D.; Millar, E. K.; O'Toole, S. A.; McNeil, C. M.; Bates, G. J.; Harris, A. L.; Banham, A. H.; Sutherland, R. L.; Fox, S. B.
BREAST CANCER RES 13 (2) :R47, 2011
OpenAccess publication Sex-dependent control of murine emotional-affective behaviour in health and colitis by peptide YY and neuropeptide Y
Painsipp, E.; Herzog, H.; Sperk, G.; Holzer, P.;
OpenAccess publication Preclinical strategies to define predictive biomarkers for therapeutically relevant cancer subtypes
Pajic, M.; Scarlett, C.J.; Chang, D.K.; Sutherland, R.L.; Biankin, A.V.
HUMAN GENETICS 130 (1) :93-101, 2011 10.1007/s00439-011-0990-0
OpenAccess publication NPY receptors as potential targets for anti-obesity drug development
Yulyaningsih, E.; Zhang, L.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.
OpenAccess publication SIRT1 promotes N-Myc oncogenesis through a positive feedback loop involving the effects of MKP3 and ERK on N-Myc protein stability.
Marshall, G.M.; Liu, P.; Gherardi, S.; Scarlett, C.; Bedalov, A.; Xu, N.; Iraci, N.; Valli, E.; Ling, D.; Thomas, W.; Van Bekkum, M.; Sekyere, E.; Jankowski, K.; Trahair, T.; MacKenzie, K.L.; Haber, M.; Norris, M.; Biankin, A.V.; Perini, G.; Liu, T.
PLOS GENET 7 (6) :e1002135, 2011 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002135 PGENETICS-D-10-00535 [pii]
OpenAccess publication Pathways of chemotherapy resistance in castration-resistant prostate cancer.
Mahon, K.; Henshall, S.; Sutherland, R.; Horvath, L.
ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 18 (4) :R103-23, 2011 ERC-10-0343 [pii] 10.1530/ERC-10-0343
OpenAccess publication Enhanced RAD21 cohesin expression confers poor prognosis and resistance to chemotherapy in high grade luminal, basal and HER2 breast cancers
Xu, H.; Yan, M.; Patra, J.; Natrajan, R.; Yan, Y.; Swagemakers, S.; Tomaszewski, J. M.; Verschoor, S.; Millar, E. K.; van der Spek, P.; Reis-Filho, J. S.; Ramsay, R. G.; O'Toole, S. A.; McNeil, C. M.; Sutherland, R. L.; McKay, M. J.; Fox, S. B.;
BREAST CANCER RES 13 (1) :R9, 2011
OpenAccess publication Validation of tissue microarray technology in malignant pleural mesothelioma
Kao, S.C.H.; Lee, K.; Armstrong, N.J.; Clarke, S.; Vardy, J.; van Zandwijk, N.; Reid, G.; Burn, J.; McCaughan, B.C.; Henderson, D.W.; Klebe, S.
PATHOLOGY 43 (2) :128-32, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e328342016c 01268031-201102000-00006 [pii]