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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Polychromatic flow cytometry in the clinical laboratory
Sewell, W. A.; Smith, S. A.
PATHOLOGY 43 (6) :580-91, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e32834a69ae
OpenAccess publication Identification of novel GH-regulated pathway of lipid metabolism in adipose tissue: a gene expression study in hypopituitary men
Zhao, J.T. Cowley, M.J.; Lee, P.; Birzniece, V.; Kaplan, W.; Ho, K.K.Y.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 96 (7) :E1188-96, 2011 jc.2010-2679 [pii] 10.1210/jc.2010-2679
OpenAccess publication The road ahead: less travelled and more arduous than initially envisioned.
Biankin, A.V.; Chanock, S.J.
HUMAN GENETICS 130 (1) :1-2, 2011 10.1007/s00439-011-1046-1
OpenAccess publication Effects of a single dose of exenatide on appetite, gut hormones, and glucose homeostasis in adults with prader-willi syndrome
Sze, L.; Purtell, L.; Jenkins, A.; Loughnan, G.; Smith, E.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.; Steinbeck, K.; Campbell, L. V.; Viardot, A.;
OpenAccess publication Estrogen receptor degradation: a CUE for endocrine resistance?
Musgrove, E.A.
BREAST CANCER RES 13 (4) :312, 2011 bcr2914 [pii] 10.1186/bcr2914
OpenAccess publication Genomic screening by 454 pyrosequencing identifies a new human IGHV gene and sixteen other new IGHV allelic variants
Wang, Y.; Jackson, K. J.; Gaeta, B.; Pomat, W.; Siba, P.; Sewell, W. A.; Collins, A. M.
IMMUNOGENETICS 63 (5) :259-65, 2011 10.1007/s00251-010-0510-8
OpenAccess publication Loss of special AT-rich binding protein 1 expression is a marker of poor survival in lung cancer
Selinger, C.I.; Cooper, W.A.; Al-Sohaily, S.; Mladenova, D.N.; Pangon, L.; Stirzaker, C.; Kennedy, C.; McCaughan, B.; Kohonen-Corish, M.J.
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 6 (7) :1179-89, 2011 10.1097/JTO.0b013e31821b4ce0
OpenAccess publication In adults with Prader-Willi syndrome, elevated ghrelin levels are more consistent with hyperphagia than high PYY and GLP-1 levels
Purtell, L.; Sze, L.; Loughnan, G.; Smith, E.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.; Steinbeck, K.; Campbell, L. V.; Viardot, A.;
NEUROPEPTIDES 45 (4) :301-7, 2011
OpenAccess publication Validation of a minimal panel of antibodies for the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma
Kao, S. C.; Griggs, K.; Lee, K.; Armstrong, N.; Clarke, S.; Vardy, J.; van Zandwijk, N.; Burn, J.; McCaughan, B. C.; Henderson, D. W.; Klebe, S.
PATHOLOGY 43 (4) :313-7, 2011 10.1097/PAT.0b013e32834642da
OpenAccess publication Risk factors for in-hospital post-hip fracture mortality
Frost, S. A.; Nguyen, N. D.; Black, D. A.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.;
BONE 49 (3) :553-8, 2011
OpenAccess publication Bioinformatic prediction and confirmation of {beta}-adducin as a novel substrate of glycogen synthase kinase 3
Farghaian, H.; Turnley, A. M.; Sutherland, C.; Cole, A. R.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 286 (28) :25274-83, 2011
OpenAccess publication Endogenous peptide YY and neuropeptide Y inhibit colonic ion transport, contractility and transit differentially via Y(1) and Y(2) receptors
Tough, I. R.; Forbes, S.; Tolhurst, R.; Ellis, M.; Herzog, H.; Bornstein, J. C.; Cox, H. M.;
OpenAccess publication Defective differentiation of regulatory FoxP3+ T cells by small-intestinal dendritic cells in patients with type 1 diabetes
Badami, E.; Sorini, C.; Coccia, M.; Usuelli, V.; Molteni, L.; Bolla, A. M.; Scavini, M.; Mariani, A.; King, C.; Bosi, E.; Falcone, M.
DIABETES 60 (8) :2120-4, 2011 db10-1201 [pii] 10.2337/db10-1201
OpenAccess publication Prognosis of fracture: evaluation of predictive accuracy of the FRAX algorithm and Garvan nomogram: rejoinder to comments by Pluskiewicz and Drozdzowska
Sandhu, S. K.; Nguyen, N. D.; Center, J. R.; Pocock, N. A.; Eisman, J. A.; Nguyen, T. V.;
OpenAccess publication Haemolysis during sample preparation alters microRNA content of plasma.
Kirschner, M.B.; Kao, S.C.; Edelman, J.J.; Armstrong, N.J.; Vallely, M.P.; van Zandwijk, N.; Reid, G.
PLoS One 6 (9) :e24145, 2011 10.1371/journal.pone.0024145 PONE-D-11-07207 [pii]
OpenAccess publication Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis
Coolen, M.W.; Clark, S.J.
Epigenetics: A Reference Manual :chapter 22, 2011