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6429 items matching your search terms.
Effects of short-term graded dietary carbohydrate intake on intramuscular and whole body metabolism during moderate-intensity exercise
Maunder, E.; Bradley, H. E.; Deane, C. S.; Hodgson, A. B.; Jones, M.; Joanisse, S.; Turner, A. M.; Breen, L.; Philp, A.; Wallis, G. A.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 131 (1) :376-387, 2021 10.1152/japplphysiol.00811.2020
Dynamic Stromal Alterations Influence Tumor-Stroma Crosstalk to Promote Pancreatic Cancer and Treatment Resistance
Murphy, K. J.; Chambers, C. R.; Herrmann, D.; Timpson, P.; Pereira, B. A.
Cancers 13 (14) 2021 10.3390/cancers13143481
Efficacy of computational predictions of the functional effect of idiosyncratic pharmacogenetic variants
McConnell, H.; Andrews, T. D.; Field, M. A.
PeerJ 9 :e11774, 2021 10.7717/peerj.11774
Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Patient Comorbidities and Symptoms That Increased Risk of Mortality in COVID-19
Aktar, S.; Talukder, A.; Ahamad, M. M.; Kamal, A. H. M.; Khan, J. R.; Protikuzzaman, M.; Hossain, N.; Azad, A. K. M.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Summers, M. A.; Liaw, T.; Eapen, V.; Moni, M. A.
Diagnostics 11 (8) 2021 10.3390/diagnostics11081383
ERICH3: vesicular association and antidepressant treatment response
Liu, D.; Zhuang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Gao, H.; Neavin, D.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Wang, Y.; Yu, J.; Qin, S.; Kim, D. C.; Liu, E.; Nguyen, T. T. L.; Biernacka, J. M.; Kaddurah-Daouk, R.; Dunlop, B. W.; Craighead, W. E.; Mayberg, H. S.; Binder, E. B.; Frye, M. A.; Wang, L.; Weinshilboum, R. M.
MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 26 (6) :2415-2428, 2021 10.1038/s41380-020-00940-y
Burden of osteoporosis in Vietnam: An analysis of population risk
Hoang, D. K.; Doan, M. C.; Mai, L. D.; Ho-Le, T. P.; Ho-Pham, L. T.
PLoS One 16 (6) :e0252592, 2021 10.1371/journal.pone.0252592
Determinants of penetrance and variable expressivity in monogenic metabolic conditions across 77,184 exomes
Goodrich, J. K.; Singer-Berk, M.; Son, R.; Sveden, A.; Wood, J.; England, E.; Cole, J. B.; Weisburd, B.; Watts, N.; Caulkins, L.; Dornbos, P.; Koesterer, R.; Zappala, Z.; Zhang, H.; Maloney, K. A.; Dahl, A.; Aguilar-Salinas, C. A.; Atzmon, G.; Barajas-Olmos, F.; Barzilai, N.; Blangero, J.; Boerwinkle, E.; Bonnycastle, L. L.; Bottinger, E.; Bowden, D. W.; Centeno-Cruz, F.; Chambers, J. C.; Chami, N.; Chan, E.; Chan, J.; Cheng, C. Y.; Cho, Y. S.; Contreras-Cubas, C.; Cordova, E.; Correa, A.; DeFronzo, R. A.; Duggirala, R.; Dupuis, J.; Garay-Sevilla, M. E.; Garcia-Ortiz, H.; Gieger, C.; Glaser, B.; Gonzalez-Villalpando, C.; Gonzalez, M. E.; Grarup, N.; Groop, L.; Gross, M.; Haiman, C.; Han, S.; Hanis, C. L.; Hansen, T.; Heard-Costa, N. L.; Henderson, B. E.; Hernandez, J. M. M.; Hwang, M. Y.; Islas-Andrade, S.; Jorgensen, M. E.; Kang, H. M.; Kim, B. J.; Kim, Y. J.; Koistinen, H. A.; Kooner, J. S.; Kuusisto, J.; Kwak, S. H.; Laakso, M.; Lange, L.; Lee, J. Y.; Lee, J.; Lehman, D. M.; Linneberg, A.; Liu, J.; Loos, R. J. F.; Lyssenko, V.; Ma, R. C. W.; Martinez-Hernandez, A.; Meigs, J. B.; Meitinger, T.; Mendoza-Caamal, E.; Mohlke, K. L.; Morris, A. D.; Morrison, A. C.; Ng, M. C. Y.; Nilsson, P. M.; O'Donnell, C. J.; Orozco, L.; Palmer, C. N. A.; Park, K. S.; Post, W. S.; Pedersen, O.; Preuss, M.; Psaty, B. M.; Reiner, A. P.; Revilla-Monsalve, C.; Rich, S. S.; Rotter, J. I.; Saleheen, D.; Schurmann, C.; Sim, X.; Sladek, R.; Small, K. S.; So, W. Y.; Spector, T. D.; Strauch, K.; Strom, T. M.; Tai, E. S.; Tam, C. H. T.; Teo, Y. Y.; Thameem, F.; Tomlinson, B.; Tracy, R. P.; Tuomi, T.; Tuomilehto, J.; Tusie-Luna, T.; van Dam, R. M.; Vasan, R. S.; Wilson, J. G.; Witte, D. R.; Wong, T. Y.; Consortia, Amp- T. D. Genes; Burtt, N. P.; Zaitlen, N.; McCarthy, M. I.; Boehnke, M.; Pollin, T. I.; Flannick, J.; Mercader, J. M.; O'Donnell-Luria, A.; Baxter, S.; Florez, J. C.; MacArthur, D. G.; Udler, M. S.
Nature Communications 12 (1) :3505, 2021 10.1038/s41467-021-23556-4
Evaluation of two population screening programmes for BRCA1/2 founder mutations in the Australian Jewish community: a protocol paper
Cousens, N. E.; Tiller, J.; Meiser, B.; Barlow-Stewart, K.; Rowley, S.; Ko, Y. A.; Mahale, S.; Campbell, I. G.; Kaur, R.; Bankier, A.; Burnett, L.; Jacobs, C.; James, P. A.; Trainer, A.; Neil, S.; Delatycki, M. B.; Andrews, L.
BMJ Open 11 (6) :e041186, 2021 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041186
Case Report: Paclitaxel-Induced Pneumonitis in Early Breast Cancer: A Single Institution Experience and Review
Ardolino, L.; Lau, B.; Wilson, I.; Chen, J.; Borella, L.; Stone, E.; Lim, E.
Frontiers in Oncology 11 :701424, 2021 10.3389/fonc.2021.701424
High Th2 cytokine levels and upper airway inflammation in human inherited T-bet deficiency
Yang, R.; Weisshaar, M.; Mele, F.; Benhsaien, I.; Dorgham, K.; Han, J.; Croft, C. A.; Notarbartolo, S.; Rosain, J.; Bastard, P.; Puel, A.; Fleckenstein, B.; Glimcher, L. H.; Di Santo, J. P.; Ma, C. S.; Gorochov, G.; Bousfiha, A.; Abel, L.; Tangye, S. G.; Casanova, J. L.; Bustamante, J.; Sallusto, F.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 218 (8) :e20202726, 2021 10.1084/jem.20202726
A Novel Liver-targeted Testosterone Therapy for Sarcopenia in Androgen Deprived Men With Prostate Cancer
Rhee, H.; Navaratnam, A.; Oleinikova, I.; Gilroy, D.; Scuderi, Y.; Heathcote, P.; Nguyen, T.; Wood, S.; Ho, K. K. Y.
Journal of the Endocrine Society 5 (9) :bvab116, 2021 10.1210/jendso/bvab116
COVID-19 vaccine side effects: The positives about feeling bad
Sprent, J.; King, C.
Science Immunology 6 (60) :eabj9256, 2021 10.1126/sciimmunol.abj9256
A Selective Look at Autophagy in Pancreatic beta-Cells
Pearson, G. L.; Gingerich, M. A.; Walker, E. M.; Biden, T. J.; Soleimanpour, S. A.
DIABETES 70 (6) :1229-1241, 2021 10.2337/dbi20-0014
A novel signature predicts recurrence risk and therapeutic response in breast cancer patients
Tran, Q. H.; Than, V. T.; Luu, P. L.; Clarke, D.; Lam, H. N.; Nguyen, T. T.; Nguyen, D. T.; Duy, P. Q.; Phung, D.; Nguyen, M. N.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 148 (11) :2848-2856, 2021 10.1002/ijc.33512
Inhibition of guanosine monophosphate synthetase (GMPS) blocks glutamine metabolism and prostate cancer growth
Wang, Q.; Guan, Y. F.; Hancock, S. E.; Wahi, K.; van Geldermalsen, M.; Zhang, B. K.; Pang, A.; Nagarajah, R.; Mak, B.; Freidman, N.; Horvath, L. G.; Turner, N.; Holst, J.
JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY 254 (2) :135-146, 2021 10.1002/path.5665
Sequence determinants, function, and evolution of CpG islands
Angeloni, A.; Bogdanovic, O.
BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS 49 (3) :1109-1119, 2021 10.1042/BST20200695