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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Galanin negatively modulates opiate withdrawal via galanin receptor 1
Holmes, F. E.; Armenaki, A.; Iismaa, T. P.; Einstein, E. B.; Shine, J.; Picciotto, M. R.; Wynick, D.; Zachariou, V.;
PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 220 (3) :619-25, 2012
OpenAccess publication Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture
Estrada, K.; Styrkarsdottir, U.; Evangelou, E.; Hsu, Y. H.; Duncan, E. L.; Ntzani, E. E.; Oei, L.; Albagha, O. M.; Amin, N.; Kemp, J. P.; Koller, D. L.; Li, G.; Liu, C. T.; Minster, R. L.; Moayyeri, A.; Vandenput, L.; Willner, D.; Xiao, S. M.; Yerges-Armstrong, L. M.; Zheng, H. F.; Alonso, N.; Eriksson, J.; Kammerer, C. M.; Kaptoge, S. K.; Leo, P. J.; Thorleifsson, G.; Wilson, S. G.; Wilson, J. F.; Aalto, V.; Alen, M.; Aragaki, A. K.; Aspelund, T.; Center, J. R.; Dailiana, Z.; Duggan, D. J.; Garcia, M.; Garcia-Giralt, N.; Giroux, S.; Hallmans, G.; Hocking, L. J.; Husted, L. B.; Jameson, K. A.; Khusainova, R.; Kim, G. S.; Kooperberg, C.; Koromila, T.; Kruk, M.; Laaksonen, M.; Lacroix, A. Z.; Lee, S. H.; Leung, P. C.; Lewis, J. R.; Masi, L.; Mencej-Bedrac, S.; Nguyen, T. V.; Nogues, X.; Patel, M. S.; Prezelj, J.; Rose, L. M.; Scollen, S.; Siggeirsdottir, K.; Smith, A. V.; Svensson, O.; Trompet, S.; Trummer, O.; van Schoor, N. M.; Woo, J.; Zhu, K.; Balcells, S.; Brandi, M. L.; Buckley, B. M.; Cheng, S.; Christiansen, C.; Cooper, C.; Dedoussis, G.; Ford, I.; Frost, M.; Goltzman, D.; Gonzalez-Macias, J.; Kahonen, M.; Karlsson, M.; Khusnutdinova, E.; Koh, J. M.; Kollia, P.; Langdahl, B. L.; Leslie, W. D.; Lips, P.; Ljunggren, O.; Lorenc, R. S.; Marc, J.; Mellstrom, D.; Obermayer-Pietsch, B.; Olmos, J. M.; Pettersson-Kymmer, U.; Reid, D. M.; Riancho, J. A.; Ridker, P. M.; Rousseau, F.; Slagboom, P. E.; Tang, N. L., et al.;
NATURE GENETICS 44 (5) :491-501, 2012
OpenAccess publication Factors influencing intention to undergo whole genome screening in future healthcare: A single-blind parallel-group randomised trial
Fisher, A.; Bonner, C.; Biankin, A. V.; Juraskova, I.;
PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 55 (5) :514-20, 2012 10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.08.008
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y and peptide YY have distinct roles in adult mouse olfactory neurogenesis
Doyle, K. L.; Hort, Y. J.; Herzog, H.; Shine, J.;
OpenAccess publication Divergent human populations show extensive shared IGK rearrangements in peripheral blood B cells
Jackson, K. J.; Wang, Y.; Gaeta, B. A.; Pomat, W.; Siba, P.; Rimmer, J.; Sewell, W. A.; Collins, A. M.
IMMUNOGENETICS 64 (1) :3-14, 2012 10.1007/s00251-011-0559-z
OpenAccess publication Overfeeding reduces insulin sensitivity and increases oxidative stress, without altering markers of mitochondrial content and function in humans
Samocha-Bonet, D.; Campbell, L. V.; Mori, T. A.; Croft, K. D.; Greenfield, J. R.; Turner, N.; Heilbronn, L. K.;
PLoS One 7 (5) :e36320, 2012
OpenAccess publication Phenotypic discrepancies in acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2-deficient mice
Hoehn, K. L.; Turner, N.; Cooney, G. J.; James, D. E.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287 (19) :15801; author reply 15802, 2012
OpenAccess publication The molecular mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell glucotoxicity: Recent findings and future research directions
Bensellam, M.; Laybutt, D. R.; Jonas, J. C.;
OpenAccess publication The burden of diabetes and hyperlipidemia in treated HIV infection and approaches for cardiometabolic care
Samaras, K.;
Current HIV/AIDS Reports 9 (3) :206-17, 2012
OpenAccess publication Hospital costs, length of stay and mortality attributable to invasive scedosporiosis in haematology patients.
Heng, S-C; Slavin, M.A.; Chen, S.C-A.; Heath, C.H.; Nguyen, Q.; Billah, B.; Nation, R.L.; Kong, D.C.M.;
JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY (67) :2274-2282, 2012 10.1093/jac/dks210
OpenAccess publication Does the oxidative stress theory of aging explain longevity differences in birds? I. Mitochondrial ROS production
Montgomery, M. K.; Hulbert, A. J.; Buttemer, W. A.;
OpenAccess publication Differential effects of raloxifene and estrogen on body composition in growth hormone-replaced hypopituitary women
Birzniece, V.; Meinhardt, U. J.; Gibney, J.; Johannsson, G.; Armstrong, N.; Baxter, R. C.; Ho, K. K.;
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 97 (3) :1005-12, 2012 10.1210/jc.2011-2837
OpenAccess publication Interplay between progesterone and prolactin in mammary development and implications for breast cancer.
Lee, H.J.; Ormandy, C.J.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 357 (1-2) :101-107, 2012 10.1016/j.mce.2011.09.020
OpenAccess publication Savant Genome Browser 2: visualization and analysis for population-scale genomics
Fiume, M.; Smith, E. J.; Brook, A.; Strbenac, D.; Turner, B.; Mezlini, A. M.; Robinson, M. D.; Wodak, S. J.; Brudno, M.;
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 40 (W1) :W615-W621, 2012
OpenAccess publication Genome-wide analysis of long noncoding RNA stability
Clark, M. B.; Johnston, R. L.; Inostroza-Ponta, M.; Fox, A. H.; Fortini, E.; Moscato, P.; Dinger, M. E.; Mattick, J. S.;
GENOME RESEARCH 22 (5) :885-98, 2012
OpenAccess publication PINA v2.0: Mining Interactome modules.
Cowley, M.J.; Pinese, M.; Kassahn, K.S.; Waddell, N.; Pearson, J.V.; Grimmond, S.M.; Biankin, A.V.; Hautaniemi, S.; Wu, J.
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 40 (D11) :D862?D865, 2012 gkr967 [pii] 10.1093/nar/gkr967