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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Neuroprotection by neuropeptide Y in cell and animal models of Parkinson's disease
Decressac, M.; Pain, S.; Chabeauti, P. Y.; Frangeul, L.; Thiriet, N.; Herzog, H.; Vergote, J.; Chalon, S.; Jaber, M.; Gaillard, A.;
NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 33 (9) :2125-37, 2012
OpenAccess publication Activation of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue and dysregulated lipid metabolism associated with cancer cachexia in mice
Tsoli, M.; Moore, M.; Burg, D.; Painter, A.; Taylor, R.; Lockie, S. H.; Turner, N.; Warren, A.; Cooney, G.; Oldfield, B.; Clarke, S.; Robertson, G.;
CANCER RESEARCH 72 (17) :4372-82, 2012
OpenAccess publication The value of the metabolic syndrome concept in elderly adults: is it worth less than the sum of its parts?
Samaras, K.; Crawford, J.; Baune, B. T.; Campbell, L. V.; Smith, E.; Lux, O.; Brodaty, H.; Trollor, J. N.; Sachdev, P.;
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY 60 (9) :1734-41, 2012 10.1007/978-1-61779-974-7_10
OpenAccess publication Prevalence of vertebral fractures in women and men in the population-based Tromso Study
Waterloo, S.; Ahmed, L. A.; Center, J. R.; Eisman, J. A.; Morseth, B.; Nguyen, N. D.; Nguyen, T.; Sogaard, A. J.; Emaus, N.;
OpenAccess publication Identification of BMP and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI) as a potent negative regulator of adipogenesis and modulator of autocrine/paracrine adipogenic factors
Luo, X.; Hutley, L. J.; Webster, J. A.; Kim, Y. H.; Liu, D. F.; Newell, F. S.; Widberg, C. H.; Bachmann, A.; Turner, N.; Schmitz-Peiffer, C.; Prins, J. B.; Yang, G. S.; Whitehead, J. P.;
DIABETES 61 (1) :124-36, 2012
OpenAccess publication Morphological and behavioural changes occur following the X-ray irradiation of the adult mouse olfactory neuroepithelium
Cunha, C.; Hort, Y.; Shine, J.; Doyle, K. L.;
BMC NEUROSCIENCE 13 (1) :134, 2012
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide y1 receptor in immune cells regulates inflammation and insulin resistance associated with diet-induced obesity
Macia, L.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Pangon, L.; Nguyen, A. D.; Lin, S.; Shi, Y. C.; Zhang, L.; Bijker, M.; Grey, S.; Mackay, F.; Herzog, H.; Sainsbury, A.;
DIABETES 61 (12) :3228-38, 2012
OpenAccess publication Thyroid volume predicts body mass index 2 and 6 years later
Chen, D.; Tonks, K.; Greenfied, J.R.; El Nouty, C; Hercberg, S.; Czernickhow, S;
Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2 (3) :105-9, 2012
OpenAccess publication Metformin therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease
Duong, J. K.; Roberts, D. M.; Furlong, T. J.; Kumar, S. S.; Greenfield, J. R.; Kirkpatrick, C. M.; Graham, G. G.; Williams, K. M.; Day, R. O.;
DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM 14 (10) :963-5, 2012
OpenAccess publication Synaptic plasticity in the medial superior olive of hearing, deaf, and cochlear-implanted cats
Tirko, N. N.; Ryugo, D. K.;
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D deficiency in northern Vietnam: Prevalence, risk factors and associations with bone mineral density
Nguyen, H. T.; von Schoultz, B.; Nguyen, T. V.; Dzung, D. N.; Duc, P. T.; Thuy, V. T.; Hirschberg, A. L.;
BONE 51 (6) :1029-34, 2012
OpenAccess publication Identification of sequence-structure RNA binding motifs for SELEX-derived aptamers
Hoinka, J.; Zotenko, E.; Friedman, A.; Sauna, Z. E.; Przytycka, T. M.;
Bioinformatics 28 (12) :i215-i223, 2012
OpenAccess publication alphaSynuclein and Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Pathogenic Partnership in Parkinson's Disease?
Protter, D.; Lang, C.; Cooper, A. A.;
Parkinson's Disease 2012 :829207, 2012 10.1155/2012/829207
OpenAccess publication Medication to prevent breast cancer - too much to swallow?
Greenfield, J. R.; McCormack, A. I.;
OpenAccess publication Triplexator: detecting nucleic acid triple helices in genomic and transcriptomic data
Buske, F. A.; Bauer, D. C.; Mattick, J. S.; Bailey, T. L.;
GENOME RESEARCH 22 (7) :1372-81, 2012
OpenAccess publication Tamoxifen-induced epigenetic silencing of oestrogen-regulated genes in anti-hormone resistant breast cancer.
Stone, A.; Valdes-Mora, F.; Gee, J.M.W.; Farrow, L.; McCelland, R.A.; Fiegl, H.; Dutkowski, C.; McCloy, R.; Sutherland, R.L.; Musgrove, E.A.; Nicholson, R.I.;
PLoS One 7 (7) :e40466, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0040466