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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication T cell/B cell interactions in primary immunodeficiencies
Tangye, S.G; Deenick, E.K; Palendira, U.; Ma, C.S:
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1250 :1-13, 2012 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06361.x
OpenAccess publication Identification of Bcl-6-dependent follicular helper NKT cells that provide cognate help for B cell responses
Chang, P. P.; Barral, P.; Fitch, J.; Pratama, A.; Ma, C. S.; Kallies, A.; Hogan, J. J.; Cerundolo, V.; Tangye, S. G.; Bittman, R.; Nutt, S. L.; Brink, R.; Godfrey, D. I.; Batista, F. D.; Vinuesa, C. G.;
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 13 (1) :35-43, 2012 10.1038/ni.2166 ni.2166 [pii]
OpenAccess publication A helping hand from neutrophils in T-independent antibody responses?
Tangye, S. G.; Brink, R.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 13 (2) :111-3, 2012 10.1038/ni.2214
OpenAccess publication Microbial influences on epithelial integrity and immune function as a basis for inflammatory diseases
Macia, L.; Thorburn, A. N.; Binge, L. C.; Marino, E.; Rogers, K. E.; Maslowski, K. M.; Vieira, A. T.; Kranich, J.; Mackay, C. R.:
IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 245 (1) :164-76, 2012 10.1111/j.1600-065X.2011.01080.x
OpenAccess publication The prognostic and predictive value of serum CA19.9 in pancreatic cancer
Humphris, J. L.; Chang, D. K.; Johns, A. L.; Scarlett, C. J.; Pajic, M.; Jones, M. D.; Colvin, E. K.; Nagrial, A.; Chin, V. T.; Chantrill, L. A.; Samra, J. S.; Gill, A. J.; Kench, J. G.; Merrett, N. D.; Das, A.; Musgrove, E. A.; Sutherland, R. L.; Biankin, A. V.;
Annals Of Oncology 23 (7) :1713-1722, 2012 10.1093/annonc/mdr561
OpenAccess publication Regulatory T cells expressing granzyme B play a critical role in controlling lung inflammation during acute viral infection
Loebbermann, J.; Thornton, H.; Durant, L.; Sparwasser, T.; Webster, K. E.; Sprent, J.; Culley, F. J.; Johansson, C.; Openshaw, P. J.
Mucosal Immunology 5 (2) :161-72, 2012 10.1038/mi.2011.62
OpenAccess publication Mutated in colorectal cancer protein modulates the NF?B pathway.
Sigglekow, N.D.; Pangon, L.; Brummer, T.; Molloy, M.; Hawkins, N.J.; Ward, R.L.; Musgrove, E.A.; Kohonen-Corish, M.
ANTICANCER RESEARCH 32 (1) :73-9, 2012
OpenAccess publication Stac3 is required for myotube formation and myogenic differentiation in vertebrate skeletal muscle
Bower, N. I.; de la Serrana, D. G.; Cole, N. J.; Hollway, G. E.; Lee, H. T.; Assinder, S.; Johnston, I. A.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287 (52) :43936-49, 2012
OpenAccess publication Peptide YY Regulates Bone Remodeling in Mice: A Link between Gut and Skeletal Biology
Wong, I. P.; Driessler, F.; Khor, E. C.; Shi, Y. C.; Hormer, B.; Nguyen, A. D.; Enriquez, R. F.; Eisman, J. A.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.; Baldock, P. A.;
PLoS One 7 (7) :e40038, 2012
OpenAccess publication Osteoblasts mediate the adverse effects of glucocorticoids on fuel metabolism
Brennan-Speranza, T. C.; Henneicke, H.; Gasparini, S. J.; Blankenstein, K. I.; Heinevetter, U.; Cogger, V. C.; Svistounov, D.; Zhang, Y.; Cooney, G. J.; Buttgereit, F.; Dunstan, C. R.; Gundberg, C.; Zhou, H.; Seibel, M. J.;
OpenAccess publication TLE3 expression is associated with sensitivity to taxane treatment in ovarian carcinoma.
Samimi, G.; Ring, B.Z.; Ross, D.T.; Seitz, R.S.; Sutherland, R.L.; O'Brien, P.M.; Hacker, N.F.; Huh, W.K.;
CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION 54 :273-279, 2012 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-11-0917
OpenAccess publication Prolonged successful therapy for hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia after gastric bypass: the pathophysiological role of GLP1 and its response to a somatostatin analogue
Myint, K. S.; Greenfield, J. R.; Farooqi, I. S.; Henning, E.; Holst, J. J.; Finer, N.;
OpenAccess publication A role for neuropeptide Y in the gender-specific gastrointestinal, corticosterone and feeding responses to stress
Forbes, S.; Herzog, H.; Cox, H. M.;
OpenAccess publication NPY controls fear conditioning and fear extinction by combined action on Y(1) and Y(2) receptors
Verma, D.; Tasan, R.; Herzog, H.; Sperk, G.;
OpenAccess publication Reduced retinal microvascular density, improved forepaw reach, comparative microarray and gene set enrichment analysis with c-jun targeting DNA enzyme
Chan, C. W.; Kaplan, W.; Parish, C. R.; Khachigian, L. M.;
PLoS One 7 (7) :e39160, 2012
OpenAccess publication Growth and development: Patching up a better pill for GH-deficient women
Birzniece, V.; Ho, K. K.;
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 8 (4) :197-8, 2012