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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Functional STAT3 deficiency compromises the generation of human T follicular helper cells
Ma, C. S.; Avery, D. T.; Chan, A.; Batten, M.; Bustamante, J.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Arkwright, P. D.; Kreins, A. Y.; Averbuch, D.; Engelhard, D.; Magdorf, K.; Kilic, S. S.; Minegishi, Y.; Nonoyama, S.; French, M. A.; Choo, S.; Smart, J. M.; Peake, J.; Wong, M.; Gray, P.; Cook, M. C.; Fulcher, D. A.; Casanova, J. L.; Deenick, E. K.; Tangye, S. G.
Blood 119 (17) :3997-4008, 2012 10.1182/blood-2011-11-392985
OpenAccess publication Deletion of b-adrenergic receptor 1, 2, or both leads to different bone phenotypes and responses to mechanical stumulation.
Pierroz, D.D.; Bonnet, N.; Bianchi, E.N.; Bouxsein, M.L.; Baldock, P.A.; Rizzoli, R. Ferrari, S.L.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 27 (6) :1252-62, 2012 10.1002/jbmr.1594
OpenAccess publication Prognostic and diagnostic significance of DNA methylation patterns in high grade serous ovarian cancer
Montavon, C.; Gloss, B. S.; Warton, K.; Barton, C. A.; Statham, A. L.; Scurry, J. P.; Tabor, B.; Nguyen, T. V.; Qu, W.; Samimi, G.; Hacker, N. F.; Sutherland, R. L.; Clark, S. J.; O'Brien, P. M.
GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 124 (3) :582-8, 2012 10.1016/j.ygyno.2011.11.026
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and acinar cells: a matter of differentiation and development?
Rooman, I.; Real, F.X.
GUT 61 (3) :449-58, 2012 gut.2010.235804 [pii] 10.1136/gut.2010.235804
OpenAccess publication Role of the hypothalamus in the neuroendocrine regulation of body weight and composition during energy deficit
Sainsbury, A.; Zhang, L.
Obesity Reviews 13 (3) :234-57, 2012 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00948.x
OpenAccess publication Influence of maternal body mass index and gestational age on accuracy of first trimester gender assignment.
Behrendt, N.; Foy, P.; Center, J.; Durnwald, C.P.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 25 (3) :253-256, 2012 Doi 10.3109/14767058.2011.569616
OpenAccess publication Lipid-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress in liver cells results in two distinct outcomes: adaptation with enhanced insulin signaling or insulin resistance
Achard, C.S; Laybutt, D.R.:
ENDOCRINOLOGY 153 (5) :2164-77, 2012 10.1210/en.2011-1881
OpenAccess publication NPY modulates PYY function in the regulation of energy balance and glucose homeostasis.
Zhang, L.; Nguyen, A.D.; Lee, I.C.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Riepler, S.J.; Stehrer, B.; Enriquez, R.F.; Lin, S.; Shi, Y.C.; Baldock, P.A.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM 14 (8) :727-736, 2012 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2012.01592.x
OpenAccess publication Hepatic TRAF2 regulates glucose metabolism through enhancing glucagon responses
Chen, Z.; Sheng, L.; Shen, H.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, S.; Brink, R.; Rui, L.:
DIABETES 61 (3) :566-73, 2012 db11-0474 [pii] 10.2337/db11-0474
OpenAccess publication The role of interleukin-2 during homeostasis and activation of the immune system.
Boyman, O.; Sprent, J.
NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY 12 (3) :180-90, 2012 10.1038/nri3156
OpenAccess publication On the applicability of elastic network normal modes in small-molecule docking.
Dietzen, M.; Zotenko, E.; Hildebrandt, A.; Lengauer, T.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 52 :844-856, 2012 10.1021/ci2004847
OpenAccess publication Emerging cellular networks for regulation of T follicular helper cells.
King, C.; Sprent, J.:
TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY 33 (2) :59-65, 2012 10.1016/
OpenAccess publication Expression of high affinity human antibody fragments in bacteria
Rouet, R.; Lowe, D.; Dudgeon, K.; Roome, B.; Schofield, P.; Langley, D.; Andrews, J.; Whitfeld, P.; Jermutus, L.; Christ, D.:
Nature Protocols 7 (2) :364-73, 2012 10.1038/nprot.2011.448
OpenAccess publication The impact of nerve sparing on incidence and location of positive surgical margins in radical prostatectomy
Moore, B. M.; Savdie, R.; Pebenito, R. A.; Haynes, A. M.; Matthews, J.; Delprado, W.; Rasiah, K. K.; Stricker, P. D.
BJU International 109 (4) :533-8, 2012 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10361.x
OpenAccess publication Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans - a 'favorable fat' phenotype?
Samocha-Bonet, D.; Chisholm, D. J.; Tonks, K.; Campbell, L. V.; Greenfield, J. R.:
TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 23 (3) :116-24, 2012 10.1016/j.tem.2011.12.005
OpenAccess publication Acetylation of H2A.Z is a key epigenetic modification associated with gene deregulation and epigenetic remodeling in cancer
Valdes-Mora, F.; Song, J.Z.; Statham, A.L.; Strbenac, D.; Robinson, M.D.; Nair, S.S.; Patterson, K.I.; Tremethick, D.J.; Stirzaker, C.; Clark, S.J.
GENOME RESEARCH 22 (2) :307-21, 2012 10.1101/gr.118919.110