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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication An essential role for Katanin p80 and microtubule severing in male gamete production.
O'Donnell, L.; Rhodes, D.; Smith, S. J.; Merriner, D. J.; Clark, B. J.; Borg, C.; Whittle, B.; O'Connor, A. E.; Smith, L. B.; McNally, F. J.; de Kretser, D. M.; Goodnow, C. C.; Ormandy, C. J.; Jamsai, D.; O'Bryan, M. K.;
PLOS GENET 8 (5) :e1002698, 2012 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002698
In memorium: Philip Neil Sambrook
Nguyen, T.V.; Eisman, J.A.; Center, J.R.; Pocock, N.A.; Jones, G.; March, L.; Clifton-Bligh, R.; Naganathan, V.; Seibel, M.J.
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 23 (7) :1835-6, 2012 10.1007/s00198-012-2010-1
OpenAccess publication Macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1/GDF15) decreases food intake, body weight and improves glucose tolerance in mice on normal and obesogenic diets
Macia, L.; Tsai, V, W-W.; Nguyen, A.D.; Johnen, H.; Kuffner, T.; Shi, Y-C.; Lin, S.; Herzog, H.; Brown, D.A.; Breit, S.N.; Sainsbury, A.
PLoS One 7 (4) :e34868, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0034868
OpenAccess publication Distinct requirement for an intact dimer interface in wildtype, V600E and kinase-dead BRAF signaling
Roering, M.; Herr, R.; Fiala, G.J.; Heilmann, K.; Braun, S.; Eisenhardt, A.E.; Halbach, S.; Schamel, W.W.; Saunders, D.N.; Brummer, T.;
EMBO JOURNAL 31 (11) :2629-2647, 2012 10.1038/emboj.2012.100
OpenAccess publication Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis reveals cooperating mutations and pathways in pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Mann, K.M.; Ward, J.M.; Yew, C.C.K.; Kovochich, A.; Dawson, D.W.; Black, M.A.; Brett, B.T.; Sheets, T.E.; Dupuy, A.J.; Chang, D.K.; Biankin, A.V.; Waddell, N.; Kassahn, K.S.; Grimmond, S.; Rust, A.G.; Adams, D.J.; Jenkins, N.A.; Copeland, N.G.
OpenAccess publication Affinity-based selection and the germinal center response
Chan, T. D.; Brink, R.:
IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 247 (1) :11-23, 2012 10.1111/j.1600-065X.2012.01118.x
OpenAccess publication Expansion of somatically reverted memory CD8+ T cells in patients with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease caused by selective pressure from Epstein-Barr virus
Palendira, U.; Low, C.; Bell, A. I.; Ma, C. S.; Abbott, R. J.; Phan, T. G.; Riminton, D. S.; Choo, S.; Smart, J. M.; Lougaris, V.; Giliani, S.; Buckley, R. H.; Grimbacher, B.; Alvaro, F.; Klion, A. D.; Nichols, K. E.; Adelstein, S.; Rickinson, A. B.; Tangye, S. G.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 209 (5) :913-24, 2012 10.1084/jem.20112391
OpenAccess publication Neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor antagonism increases bone mass in mice.
Sousa, D.M.; Baldock, P.A.; Enriquez, R.F.; Zhang, L.; Sainsbury, A.; Lamghari, M.; Herzog, H.
BONE 51 (1) :8-16, 2012 10.1016/j.bone.2012.03.020
OpenAccess publication The NPY system and its neural and neuroendocrine regulation of bone.
Khor, E.C.; Baldock, P.
Current Osteoporosis Reports 10 (2) :160-8, 2012 10.1007/s11914-012-0102-7
OpenAccess publication Targeting the human kinome for cancer therapy: current perspectives.
Zhang, L.; Daly, R.J.;
Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis 17 :233-246, 2012
OpenAccess publication Inflammatory and oxidative stress responses to high-carbohydrate and high-fat meals in healthy humans
Gregersen, S.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Heilbronn, L.K.; Campbell, L.V.;
Journal of nutrition and metabolism (Article ID 238056) :8 pages, 2012
OpenAccess publication Bisulfite sequencing of chromatin immunoprecipitated DNA (BisChIP-seq) directly informs methylation status of histone-modified DNA
Statham, A.L.; Robinson, M.D.; Song, J.Z.; Coolen, M.W.; Stirzaker, C.; Clark, S.J.
GENOME RESEARCH 22 (6) :1120-7, 2012 10.1101/gr.132076.111
OpenAccess publication The essential role of AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit RNA editing in the normal and diseased brain
Wright, A.; Vissel, B.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 5 :34, 2012 10.3389/fnmol.2012.00034
OpenAccess publication Inhibition of sclerostin systemic treatment with sclerostin antibody enhances healing of proximal tibial defects in ovariectomized rats.
McDonald, M.M.; Morse, A.; Mikulec, K.; Peacock, L.; Yu, N.; Baldock, P.A.; Birke, O.; Liu, M.; Ke, H.Z.; Little, D.G.
JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH 30 (10) :1541-8, 2012 10.1002/jor.22109
OpenAccess publication Re-fraction: a machine learning approach for deterministic identification of protein homologues and splice variants in large-scale MS-based proteomics
Yang, P.; Humphrey, S. J.; Fazakerley, D. J.; Prior, M. J.; Yang, G.; James, D. E.; Yang, J. Y.:
JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 11 (5) :3035-45, 2012 10.1021/pr300072j
OpenAccess publication New insights into inheritance of coronary artery disease in men - the role of the Y sex chromosome
Charchar, F.J.; Bloomer, L.D.S.; Barnes, T.A.; Cowley, M.J.; Nelson, C.P.; Wang, Y.; Denniff, M.; Debiec, R.; Christofidou, P.; Nankervis, S.; Dominiczak, A.F.; Bani-Mustafa, A.; Balmforth, A.; Hall, A.S.; Cambien, F.; Deloukas, P.; Hengstenberg, C.; Ouwehand, W.; Schunkert, H.; Packard, C.; Ford, I.; Goodall, A.H.; Jobling, M.A.; Samani, N.J.; Tomaszewski, M.
LANCET 379 (9819) :915-22, 2012 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61453-0